
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Anime & Comics
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"Douluo Continent: Opening Sign to Flame Ling Ji ( to find the latest chapter!

After a long time, Liu Erlong slowly recovered his expression.

She didn't know what she was feeling now, whether she should be lucky or hate it.

Yu Xiaogang has been lying to her. Everything he has always done is to maximize profits.

In his eyes, she was nothing more than a tool he used, nothing more.

She only has a deep regret now, why would she fall into Yu Xiaogang when she was blind. At the same time, he was also somewhat fortunate, and it was precisely because of Yu Xiaogang's deeds that her virginity was preserved. Only after his virginity has been taken will the truth of the matter be known. She couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

"Erlong, you have to know that because of the flaws in Xiaogang's martial arts, Xiaogang has been scolded as **** since he was born. He has a deep obsession with becoming a strong man. Although I think this request of mine Very outrageous, but I also want you to forgive him." Yu Yuanzhen continued. Even if Yu Xiaogang did the most conscientious wrong, that was his son.

"Uncle, I know. Let's forget the previous things, I don't want to pursue it anymore." Liu Erlong let out a deep breath and smiled lightly. All the truth came to light. Although she felt uncomfortable in her heart, she was more relieved.

At least now she sees through Yu Xiaogang.

In the future, she can also live for herself, not for others.

"Well, that's good. I also hope you can forget all this and start again." Yu Yuanzhen let out a sigh of relief. He also felt much better when he said these words.

"Uncle, you probably didn't come here specifically to talk to me about this. Do you have other things?" Liu Erlong said softly. Yu Yuanzhen is the overlord of the Blue Power Overlord Sect, with a busy schedule every day. How could he just talk about these things if he came to him so hastily.

"Me," Yu Yuanzhen was stunned. The main thing he wanted to do this time was to ease the relationship between Zhao Ming and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Xiao Gang's affairs were just incidental.

"Erlong, this time our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has encountered a crisis, and this crisis can affect the fate of our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. If things are not handled properly this time, our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect may disappear in the mainland." Yu Yuanzhen said, his face solemn. If the relationship with Zhao Ming is not dealt with properly, their Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has had a grudge with Wuhun Palace for a long time. In this case, how can their Blue Power Overlord Sect survive? He said this without being alarmist.

"Uncle, what do you mean? What's wrong with the family?" Liu Erlong was taken aback by Yu Yuanzhen's words. Their Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is so strong, how could they not survive?

Could it be that the powerhouse of Wuhun Palace wanted to attack their family?

Except for the Wuhun Palace, she could not find a force that could threaten the survival of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

But if it was the Spirit Hall who wanted to attack the family, how could she be able to stop a weak woman? Although his cultivation base is Soul Saint, he is too weak in front of Wuhun Hall.

"Our family has offended people who shouldn't offend." Yu Yuanzhen said, even if he wants to come now, he still can't calm down.

"Uncle, who the **** is it? Hurry up? Is it Martial Soul Palace?" Liu Erlong asked in a panic. She had never seen Yu Yuanzhen showing such a look, and suddenly she was a little panicked.

All the members of the Blue Electric Overlord's sect are her relatives. Although she did not grow up there, she has always regarded it as her home. Now that it is threatened, she is naturally anxious.

"Not the Martial Soul Palace, but a student in your college, Master Zhao Ming."

"What? Zhao Ming?" Liu Erlong was stunned, staring at Yu Yuanzhen blankly. What did she just hear Yu Yuanzhen calling him? grown ups?

Isn't Zhao Ming just an ordinary student? Does he have any hidden identity?

"Yes, Master Zhao Ming's status is too noble, but I offended him rashly."

"Erlong, you know what identity Zhao Ming is." Yu Yuanzhen asked.

"I don't know." Liu Erlong shook his head.

"Our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect currently has only me a titled Douluo, although my strength is strong enough. However, there is a big difference between the strength of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect's sword and bones, and the Sky Sky Douluo of the Clear Sky Sect. Although our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect still has the name of the Upper Three Sects, it is actually the bottom of the Upper Three Sects. Even if I die, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has maintained the name of the Upper Three Sects for thousands of years will not exist."

"Our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has only one titled Douluo, but Zhao Ming has three strong men who are no less than mine. And this is just the power on Zhao Mingming's face, and Zhao Ming may have a spirit no less than martial arts behind him. The power of the temple..."

Yu Yuanzhen said, there was a moment of fear in his heart, even if he wanted to come now, he couldn't help but shiver. Single Wuhun Palace, they are also hostile through the joint containment of many forces. But now, when a force no less than Martial Soul Palace appeared, and was offended by him, how could he not be frightened?

In the past, the three sects and the two great empires were able to co-exist by constraining the forces of Wuhun Palace.

But now the Star Luo Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect are obviously no longer in the same mind with them. They will form an alliance with Zhao Ming's power as the core. In this way, they are not afraid of Wuhun Hall at all.

But these forces of them are caught in front of these two forces, and sooner or later they will die.

In the past, these forces were one mind, and they could live. But now the situation on the mainland has clearly changed.

If they don't think about change, they won't know how to die when they die.

"Uncle, are you kidding? How could Zhao Ming be so good..." Liu Erlong opened his mouth wide, in disbelief. In her eyes, Zhao Ming is just a talented student~www.mtlnovel.com~ She has never paid attention to whether there is any background behind Zhao Ming.

"Where would I make fun of you in this regard?"

"A few days ago, I was going to teach Master Zhao Ming because of some things, and I was almost killed by the people behind Master Zhao Ming. If it weren't for Master Zhao Ming's willingness to keep me alive, I'm afraid you wouldn't see me now."

"Moreover, you should know that your freshmen have members of the Ning family and Zhu family. They are the daughters of the two heads of the family. They both have a very close relationship with Master Zhao Ming. This means that the Ning family and the Zhu family have decided Stand with Zhao Ming and the others."

Yu Yuanzhen said, looking at Liu Erlong. If Zhao Ming is hostile to their Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, what will happen, he dare not even think.

"Uncle, is this true?" Liu Erlong opened his mouth and stood there blankly.

She has always been indifferent to secular struggles and has not paid attention to these things. But she is not a fool. After Yu Yuanzhen said so much, she could also feel the seriousness of the matter.

There are more than ten titled Douluo in the Spirit Hall, and Zhao Ming also has a force no less than the Spirit Hall. They had already offended the Spirit Hall, and now if they offended such a powerful force again, she couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

The figure of Zhao Ming appeared in Liu Erlong's mind, and he couldn't help being a little stunned.

Zhao Ming has such a strong background, why would he come to their place and care about her so much.

She couldn't help but remember the scene when she first saw Zhao Ming that day.

At that time, she wanted to keep him in the Blue Bull Academy, and was planning to introduce him to the outstanding girls in the Blue Bull Academy. However, he dismissed it, he said...

Thinking of this, Liu Erlong's pretty face had a blush.

Is what Zhao Ming said true? Still a joke?