
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 4 - Awakening and Message

After their whole family finished their breakfast, they headed straight to the village hall, where they will awaken their spirits. After a few minutes, all of them arrived in the village hall, all of the higher-ups in the village attended the spirit awakening this year, which made the other 3 children except Xingyun anxious.

Xingyun inspected all the villagers in the village and there is no child in his generation even reached 8 innate spirit except him and her sister, so he never expected something from the kids, that is awakening their spirits at the same time as him.

"Today is an auspicious day for our new generation to awaken their spirits, I sincerely hope our ancestors may bless you children and grant you an outstanding spirit", the elder in charge of awakening said, then started the ceremony.

All 3 of the children like what Xingyun predicted came back disappointed. The first one got a cat spirit with 3 spirit power the second one also got a cat spirit but only has 1 spirit power, in short he has no future, and the last one had black cat with 4 spirit power. This results also disappointed the elders watching the spirit awakening, because this is also what happened last year, 'Is our Mao clan gonna end?', they all thought but was still hopeful when he looked at the last in line, the young master Xingyun, all main family descendants of their clan at least is often talented, except for a few exceptions, which they hope might not appear this year.

The elder in charge finally called Mao Xingyun last, he stepped-up on the podium and waited for the ceremony to start, the elder bowed to Xingyun first before starting the ceremony. As soon as spirit power entered Xingyun's body bright light suddenly emitted out of his body, prompting all the onlookers to look away.

"Argh!", Xingyun suddenly felt pain from his whole body that made him shout in pain, all the onlookers heard this and became worried for him but no one tried to interrupt the process because they know that sometimes phenomenons like this happens, and it is not so rare when it comes to their clan, they suspect that this might be a mutation of the spirit which they've seen many times now.

After a few minutes of the pain, 2 red cat tails came out of Xingyun's tail bone then a pair of red cat ears appeared on top of his head, his eyes became like those of a cat's, then whiskers grew on his face, and lastly his black hair became red. After all this happened, the pain subsided and the light also slowly disappeared.

All the people in the hall became shocked because of the changes that happened to him, they saw many people who underwent mutation, but they have never seen a mutation like his, this is the first red cat mutation they saw.

Xingyun, who is still slopped on the floor tried to look at his status.


Name: Mao Xingyun

Age: 6 years old

Spirit Rank: 10


[Destiny Cat(Blacky)] (currently in hibernation): a red mythical two tailed cat comparable to the strongest of dragons.

Innate abilities - see the fortune of anyone, if a creature will experience a lucky encounter, the user will see a golden light on the person, the higher the intensity of the light, the luckier the experience of the creature will, if a creature will experience an unlucky encounter, the person will see a black ominous light on the person, the darker the light the unluckier that experience will be.

Domain - (Probability preview)inside a 5m area around the user, the user can show a certain future probability to everyone inside of the domain either happy or tragic future probability.

[Spirit Cat Body]: This is a mutated type of Body Spirit which is an extremely rare phenomenon. The mutation of the spirit occurs at the whole body. 

Innate abilities - This spirit gives the user a physique, senses and instinct comparable to a cat.

Spirit Bones:

Martial Arts: The Way of the Cat, Shadow Cat Steps, Cat Imitation, Cat Battle Style


Xingyun became shocked by what he saw, but before the people around him noticed his expression the time stopped around Xingyun, and he is the only one that can move, then a white orb of light appeared in front of him.

"Nice to meet you again child, I'm just here to clarify all your doubts right now, btw this is a pre-recorded message so don't try to ask questions, I guess you're thinking right now, why Blacky became red right?, hehehe well I am here to answer that! Remember what I last told you last time? That you have an extraordinary bloodline and that bloodlines side effects is the reason why you're life bacame miserable? We Gods, are forbidden to tell ordinary creatures without awakened bloodline about their bloodline and now you've awakened yours so I might as well tell you what your bloodline is, you have the misfortune cat bloodline, I'm even surprised that your bloodline is even better than most misfortune cats in Earth but you assumed the body of a human and not a cat.

Remember the saying in Earth? that when you see a black cat something bad will happen to you?, that's not true at all what they saw isn't a normal black cat, but a misfortune cat, because misfortune cat's color is always all black. What you're thinking right now is correct, the reason why your cat Blacky followed you is he felt a connection with you through your bloodline, he is also a misfortune cat but with a lesser bloodline than you.

In Douluo dalu, your bloodline is often what your spirit is, your misfortune bloodline became greater when Blacky became your spirit, your Fortune Cat Spirit is lost bacause your Blacky devoured it and evolved to a Destiny Cat, which is a bloodline that is comparable or even greater than some top dragon bloodlines. You originally have 20 innate spirit power rank, but because of my intervention, you only have 10 innate spirit power, like I said before, I want you to live a lucky life and letting your spirit power stay at 20 innate spirit power rank will bring your whole clan their demise. Btw, your cat is on hibernation right now because I made it sleep, and it will only wake up when you get your first spirit ring, why I did it? In Douluo Dalu, spirit masters who have very strong bloodlines will develop their blood rings all on their own, no spirit ring absorbing needed, the moment your cat Blacky wakes up it will form a blood ring on it's own, so for you not to be suspected of being a spirit beast I gave you a spirit that has a good potential. I said all I had to say right? Oh a tip from me btw, spirit rings that comes from cats will have less resistance towards you and you can absorb them better, That's all!! May fortune be with You child", after the message ended, the time came back to normal and Xingyun tried to hide his surprise from the info dump he just experienced.

"Child, what spirit did you awaken?", the elder in charge of the ceremony asked what all of the people in the hall wanted to ask.

"Elder I awakened Spirit Cat Body, the same as grandpa Li", Xingyun asked, though he's still a bit dazed from the message he received.

"Oh! that's good! come here child we'll check your spirit power", all the people in the hall became overjoyed when they heard what Xingyun's spirit is, and when they saw another blinding light coming from the crystal, 'Heavens! full innate spirit power! we finally have another genius in our fold!', is what all the elders thought at the same time.

After the ceremony, the whole village celebrated the event and partied all evening.