
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 2 - New life

Heaven dou Empire, Mao Clan Village:

Mao Clan is a hidden clan that resides in the middle of Sunshine Forest, which is full of spirit beasts not exceeding 1000 years of age. Mao Clan is more known as the haven of Spirit Masters who has Cat type spirits.

Today is the day the clan's young master is going to be born, so the whole village is bustling and preparing for the celebration that will happen in the evening.

In a room in the biggest house in the middle of the village, a very beautiful and slim black-haired woman is currently shouting her soul out and grasping a slim but handsome black-haired man's hands. The event has been happening for an hour now and seems to be finishing now.

After a few more shouts, the woman finally stopped and felt relieved. The labor is successful.

The midwife facilitating the labor carried the baby in her arms and waited for signs that the baby is alive, which is crying. After a minute of waiting, the midwife's patience finally run out and she slapped the baby's ass.


After Mao Xingyun got kicked out of God of Fortune's space he felt sleepy, so he tried to sleep, not caring about opening his eyes to check his surroundings when he suddenly felt the slap of the midwife, which jolted him awake and made him cry.

"Whoo, I felt nervous there, I thought the young is dead", the midwife whispered to herself then checked the baby's pubic area to check it's gender. "Clan Master it's a boy!", she exclaimed.

When Mao Xingyun recovered from the sudden pain, he felt the gaze of the midwife on his pubic area and he felt humiliated, so he glared at the midwife, well tried to because even when he's glaring at her, the midwife just thought he's cute.

The midwife then passed on the baby to the couple waiting in front of her then asked, "Clan Master, what name would you give the young master?".

"I'll just leave the naming to Juan'er, she's the one who did all the hardwork", the handsome but dignified man said and gestured to her wife.

"Thanks Feng gege, I would like to name this child Xingyun as in luck, which we will need for the upcoming war", the beautiful and graceful woman replied, a very beautiful and graceful smile dancing in her mouth. Even though there is little to no indication that the continent is going to be embroiled in the war soon the Mao clan, which is known for their unbelievable senses because of their beast spirits felt a premonition that a huge war is coming soon.

Xingyun became dazed when he heard his name and when he looked at the dignified man and graceful woman, he felt like crying again because he never felt love from his own parents in his last life, and now just the looks he got from their is enough to bring him to tears, so he hid his face on his mother's bosom and swore that he will protect his new family, no matter what. After he swore, he tried if his observational ability is working and looked at her mother.


Name: Mao Juan

Age: 30 years old

Spirit: Cat (Persian Cat)

Spirit Rank: 51 (Spirit King)

Loyalty: 100%


Xingyun is a little bit shocked, his mother is a genius when compared to the spirit masters he read on the novel, then he saw the loyalty and he felt more warmth. After a few seconds, he then looked at his father.


Name: Mao Feng

Age: 34

Spirit: Black Panther

Spirit Rank: 62 (Spirit Emperor)

Loyalty: 100%


Xingyun got even more shocked because his father is also a genius that is comparable to Qin Ming, then like before he felt warm once more when he saw his Loyalty to him. 'I'm glad I added Loyalty to the stats I in my wish', Xingyun happily thought then looked at the hateful grandma last.


Name: Wu Lan

Age: 83

Spirit: Cat

Spirit Rank: 49 (Spirit King)

Loyalty: 90%


'Ehem, seeing that you're at least good to me, then I'll forgive you', Xingyun thought and felt happy that he's liked by everyone here, then thanked God of Fortune for what he did to him. He didn't try his skill to himself for now and will try it when he's alone, because he wants to bask in the love of his parents first.

The couple played the baby for a couple minutes while the baby giggled for time to time, when the door the room opened and 2 grandpas 1 grandma and an uncle came in. The 4 people who came in scrambled to look at the newborn and played with him too after greeting the couple. Xingyun used his skill on the newcomers while they played with him.


Name: Mao Chen

Age: 95

Spirit: Golden Lion

Spirit Rank: 95 (Super Douluo)

Loyalty: 100%


Name: Li Fang

Age: 94

Spirit: Spirit Cat Body

Spirit Rank: 94 (Titled Douluo)

Loyalty: 100%


Name: Mao Huifen

Age: 92

Spirit: Black Panther

Spirit Rank: 92 (Titled Douluo)

Loyalty: 100%


Name: Mao Li

Age: 28

Spirit: Golden Lion

Spirit Rank: 48 (Spirit Ancestor)

Loyalty: 97%


Xingyun became amazed by what he saw, he even couldn't believe that the two goofy grandpas in front of him is titled douluos, though it's acceptable that the grandma who is a spitting image of his father is a titled douluo, but he felt that the spirit rank of the goofy uncle is a bit acceptable when compared to his parents. 'Hmm, I never heard of the Mao clan in the novel before, maybe it's a hidden clan?', Xingyun thought but abandoned the thought right away because it's no use thinking about it right now.

After an hour more of the interaction between his family, his grandparents and uncle was forced out by his father because his mother needs rest after just going through labor. Xingyun and his parents just lied down on the bed all day then when night came his grandparents came back and brought him out along with his father and introduced him to the whole village as the new young master, that was when he became aware of his identity. After the introduction, the whole village celebrated the successful birth of Xingyun, which Xingyun enjoyed very much, it was his first time experiencing a party.

At the end of the party, Xingyun was brought back to his mother, but before he fell asleep he thanked God of Fortune once again. 'Thanks God of Fortune, without you I would have never experience this', then he remembered his cat, '*sigh* I hope I grow up fast, I miss Blacky'.