
Douluo Dalu : Journey To The End

Reborn in Douluo Dalu, No OP System to help nor Powerful family or Rich beautiful fiance to help Lin Tian : "I will see this this life journey of mine to the end" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- my first time trying to write Fanfic, expect it to be problematic and has many imperfection. hopefully i'm able to see this novel through to the end as the name is also my wishes Note: been busy IRL and updating the novel become unstable for now

kardel_Master · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 24: College Holiday

Another Three month passes quickly and soon it is time for the College Holiday.

within these three month Lin Tian has made the Heaven Taste restaurant become the number one restaurant on Notting City.

He introduce many new cooking technique after making a contract to own half of the restaurant, He also introduce 'Membership Card' for the restaurant making a lot of nobles spend millions of gold just to have the highest Membership card this is caused by some simple slogan he made *only the rich and those with prestige are able to get the highest membership card* causing the nobles pride taking over them and spending soo much money , now Lin Tian to become the richest man on Notting college.

Lin Tian also started experimenting with making Soap and perfume which ended recieving pretty good feed back when he give the sample to Xiao Wu and Mei Ling, well mainly from Mei Ling side because of her job she ended up becoming friends with many noble Ladies which is where the feed back comes from.

as for cultivation Lin Tian start training the spartan way by asking blacksmith to create weight lock on his arm and legs using it on his morning run he also make a lighter one for use in daily life, he also train his spiritual power by trying to lift items using his spiritual power by using and regenerating it using his gourd his spiritual power are tempered to become stronger.

He also spar almost everyday with Xiao Wu increasing her fighting technique because having to fight Lin Tian who keep parrying her attack, now she can at least get some hit at Lin Tian unlike the first time they fight which is proof of her getting better. Lin Tian also spar with Tang San for the 1st month mostly just to steal his technique, after he got his first ring Lin Tian are able to see Spirit power flow if he concentrated enough which allow him to steal the rest of the Tang Sect skills of course without Tang San knowing it since he didn't use it after stealing it.

Lin Tian decide to create his own skills based on Tang Sect's skills just like 'Moving Heavy with Lightness' he created previously instead of using it directly. because if he wanted his group power to be strong enough he will have to create his own sect or clan eventually and to do so he will need at least some unique technique for his members, but it need chances to create such technique and he's pretty much stuck in his endeavor currently.

The Holiday is coming and Lin Tian decide to go back to the village for one week to handle some things, but he will spend the rest of the holiday on Notting City with Xiao Wu since he already buy a house here. Of course he asked Xiao Wu to come and live with him directly when he buy the house which she agreed to even though they can't live in it for now because of the college rules, but Lin Tian using his money already asked the principal to allow him live outside of the college and skip most of the college classes since he really doesn't need to attend class at all.

In the end with enough money and time the principal finally allowed Lin Tian and Xiao Wu to live outside of the college and exempt them from attending class just before the holiday started.

"Xiao Wu have you packed everything?"


Both Lin Tian and Xiao Wu go to the front of the college where there a carriage and a Wagon is waiting for them.

There's also Tang San waiting for them beside the carriage, at first he reject going in the carriage and wanted to use the wagon but Lin Tian just said that the wagon is used for bringing goods for the village and currently there no more space there.

"Well now we're all here let's go"


The journey to the Holy Soul Village is fast and smooth, in the afternoon they can already see the village from the carriage.

The villagers were surprised when the see a carriage coming to the village since they live near to mountains hardly any people come passing their village, some of the villagers directly go to call the village chief Jack.

when the Village chief jack finally come the carriage and wagon has stop in front of the village sign. suddenly the carriage open and Lin Tian came out with Xiao Wu and Tang San.

"Grandpa Jack it's good to see you." Lin Tian said with a smile.

"You'r- Xiao Tian, Xiao San! you both are finally back." Grandpa jack said in surprise.

the villager become relaxed and smiled when they saw the one in the carriage is actually Lin Tian, unlike Tang San who are not really close with the villagers because of his father Lin Tian always like to communicate with the villagers making them have a good impression of him.

"Everyone Xiao Tian is back!" some of the auntie announce to the rest of the villages.

"Grandpa Jack i bring some goods, foods and spices from the city inside the wagon, you can ask some of the uncles to share it for everyone."

Lin Tian bring quiet a lot of daily goods in the wagon to be shared for the village. unlike a certain MC who just leave the village to rot after becoming a Spirit master, Lin Tian decide to pay back the villagers for their care for the whole six years.

even though the villagers is not rich they still help and share some of what they have through grandpa jack when Lin Tian decided to live alone, without their help it is possible that Lin Tian to die in hunger and unable to even reach 6 years old.

hearing Lin Tian's message the villagers cheered and start to distribute the goods inside the wagon. Lin Tian also introduce Xiao Wu to grandpa Jack and Jack seeing Xiao Wu being really close to Lin Tian smiled and directly said.

"Hahaha good job Lin Tian you actually bring a granddaughter in law only after studying in the college for a few month."

Xiao Wu blushed deep red hearing this and Lin Tian just smiled wryly, he knows grandpa jack is happy because when a spirit master have a child with another spirit master their children will have a higher chance on awakening as spirit master too but bloody hell they're still a six years old after all and Lin Tian knows he will not stay and live in the village at all.

"Grandpa, Xiao Wu will be staying at my house I'll go and prepare it for now and i have something to discuss with grandpa jack later."

Grandpa Jack nodded and start to manage the goods from the Wagon, while Lin Tian said goodbye to Tang San and the villagers while bringing Xiao Wu to his house. Tang San also didn't waste any time and directly went to his own home.

Lin Tian directly asked Xiao Wu to come with him to the village because he wanted to introduce her to the villagers while also make sure Xiao Wu won't become Tang San's sister, the man in question in his opinion is unworthy of protecting Xiao Wu because based on the original story he ended up causing Xiao Wu have to sacrifice herself just like his own father need her mother to sacrifice herself.

This is also one of the thing that Lin Tian have a headache about, because the only thing he knows that have the capability to hide Xiao Wu is the Yearning heart broken flower. but this protection is not perfect and can be blown away just like how Wuhun hall are able to find out about her origin on the tournament finals in the original story.

he decide if in the end he still unable to find a way to hide Xiao Wu perfectly he will let Xiao Wu go hide until the competition is over at the very least, he will not bet on her life just for some cheap tournament and some genius pride.