
Douluo Dalu: I was reincarnated with the memories of Rick Prime

I started watching Soul Land, then I had an interesting idea, and I decided to turn this idea into a fanfic, which is about another soul that wakes up in Sou Land, but with Rick Prime's memories.

Thinker_ · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


After crafting a broom with branches and natural fibers, I looked at the trees one last time before turning my back and heading back to the garage. The forest was a sanctuary of serenity and inspiration, but now it was time to roll up my sleeves and get to work.

Upon reaching my forge, I placed the broom on the ground and slipped the key into my pocket. With a firm gesture, I directed the key towards the lock and turned it, hearing the familiar click. I opened the door, picked up the broom, and stepped into the dusty space.

"Time to start!" I announced to myself, feeling determination grow within me.

The natural fiber bristles were ready to tackle the dirt. I started in the farthest corner, sweeping carefully. The dust rose into the air, making my eyes sting and my breathing heavy.

"Atchim~~" I sneezed, but continued, moving the broom with steady and firm strokes.

The sound of the broom scraping against the stone floor echoed through the empty space. Each sweep revealed the dark floor beneath the dust, bringing forgotten memories to the surface. I found cobwebs in the corners, the sticky threads wrapping around the broom.

I kicked the wall, "Pow~~," trying to dislodge the spiders that hurried to hide. I couldn't let them stay, so I grabbed an old cloth and wiped the walls, crushing any spider I found.

The dirt seemed endless. There were old grease stains that only came off with a lot of effort. I fetched a bucket of water from home and, upon returning, started scrubbing. My arms ached with the effort, but I didn't stop. I needed to restore the dignity of this place.

I spotted a cockroach scurrying across the floor. With a quick movement, I killed it with the broom. Others appeared, trying to escape my onslaught. I gave no quarter, smashing every one I found. The disgust fueled me to be even more relentless.

When I finished the floor, I turned to the windows. They were so dirty I could barely see through them. I used the broom to dust the frames, then a damp cloth to clean the glass. The dirt came off in layers, letting in a little more light with each pass.

The work was arduous, but by the end of the day, the forge began to resemble the place I remembered from my childhood. I sat down for a moment, sweaty and exhausted, but satisfied. Now, it could be used again.

After a few minutes of rest, I swept the trash outside, piling it in one corner. Some passersby nodded at me, pleased to see the old forge being cleaned. I ignored them and continued working, piling all the trash in one corner. I dropped the broom next to the bucket, now filled with brown water, and looked inside the forge, finally clean.

"Now it's done," I murmured to myself, appreciating the result of my effort. I was ready to transform this place into the innovation lab I had always dreamed of.

With renewed determination, I walked to the back of the garage and removed a dusty tarp from the anvil. As I pulled it back, a smile spread across my face at the sight of the stockpile of metals my father had left behind. Thomas Edison was a renowned blacksmith, and his legacy manifested in bars of copper, tin, iron, and other common materials. Although to the spiritual masters these metals might seem insignificant, in the right hands, they could be transformed into lethal weapons.

Besides the metals, I found a large amount of coal, cut into irregularly shaped logs. Stepping back a bit, I began to reflect on my next steps.

I had the basic tools, which was a relief. A small saw, among other essential utensils, were at my disposal, and if I needed a specific tool different from these, I could create it with the available metals.

Crossing my arms, I thought about the dimensions of the water wheel I planned to build. A water wheel 3 to 5 meters in diameter, depending on the width and depth of the river, could generate the necessary energy. The width of the wheel, 1 to 2 meters, should be enough to support the volume of water without excess weight. The wood for the structure should be water-resistant, like oak or cedar, fastened with steel bolts and a central iron or steel shaft for durability.

Smiling, I realized I had almost all the necessary materials, except for the wood. This, however, could be easily resolved by cutting down some oak trees in the nearby forest, as I had seen some of these trees earlier when I was building my broom.

I grabbed an axe and some knives, leaving the garage again. I locked it with the padlock and started walking towards the city's entrance.

Halfway there, my heart skipped a beat as I spotted a beautiful girl. She wore a pink outfit and had bunny ears on her head. Xiao Wu was a young and pretty girl, with a rosy face and fair skin, reminiscent of a ripe peach.


"Xiao Wu, image here"


I remembered her story: Xiao Wu was a Soft Bone Rabbit over 100,000 years old, future Rabbit Goddess and wife of the Sea God, Tang San. My villainous heart pounded, and dark thoughts arose. "Perhaps... A way to torment Tang San would be to steal his future wife before his eyes, while my army of Final Judgments massacres him. Then, I'll humiliate him, saying: 'Tang San, there's only one way for you to leave alive. Give me your wife, otherwise, my army will crush you into a bloody pulp.'"

I imagined Xiao Wu agreeing to lie with me, sacrificing herself out of love for Tang San. However, as I delved into these thoughts, Xiao Wu turned in my direction, and a terrible shiver ran down my spine. I gulped and looked away. "That girl is too dangerous for me, currently. I'll let the story take its course while I'm still weak."

Ignoring her, I continued walking out of the city. Xiao Wu also ignored me, after all, she couldn't sense spiritual power in my body, just like Tang San. She was on her way to the academy where Tang San enrolled earlier today.

Thus, I continued on my way, focused on my mission. The forest awaited me, full of resources and challenges, and my determination was stronger than ever.




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