
Douluo Dalu: I Reincarnated As A Fairy Grass With A System!

[Didi, you took a mouthful of dew and gained 22 experience points,] [Dididi, you have absorbed another mouthful of dew, and you have gained 55 experience points!] [Dididi, the system Friendly Reminder, your experience points are full, are you upgrading to a strange herb?] After crossing the Douluo Continent and becoming a small weed that no one cares about in the Star Dou Great Forest, Fang Xu’s face was dumbfounded! Fortunately, at a critical moment, Fang Xu awakened a super evolutionary system, starting from the weeds, and until it became the peerless fairy grass that shakes the world! Do you think Fang Xu’s future is just Star Ocean? Wrong, turn on the wheel of fortune and conquer the goddesses, this is Fang Xu’s life… The book is also known as “Super Evolution” and “The Speedy Life of Weeds” *** Author: Tailang Brother Editor: Peinace Pa treon: pa treon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The First Battle

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the trembling little rabbit with blood on the right leg, and body pain. No one cared about this strange fragrance.

"Jie Jie Jie, little guy, you can't run anymore, just follow us obediently." Li Meng opened his mouth wide, and the smug smile seemed to express unspeakable horror.

The figures of a few people got closer and closer, Li Meng stretched out his hands and was about to grab Xiao Wu.

It was at this moment that a sense of danger suddenly appeared in Li Meng's heart.


A little rabbit and a half-waste thousand-year soul beast?

Li Meng shook his head.

"Shoo, hoo," Li Meng shook his head just as it fell. Suddenly, the three purple leaves flashed with cold light and directly pierced his body.

"Uh..." Li Meng screamed with the pain of a foreign object piercing his body.

However, it is not just him, including the Vine Bauhinia beside him and Peel, another agile spirit master.

The three people's hearts were pierced by three purple leaves in a fringe shape at the same time.



Three screams sounded at the same time, and Fang Xu controlled the nine newly grown purple leaves, and completed an impossible spike action in an instant.

Purple leaves pierced the hearts of several people through their chests.

All this happened so quickly, even if there was a 63-level Soul Emperor level auxiliary soul master in the team, he couldn't react at all at this moment.

Except for human beings, they had never seen the deadly attack method of the soul beast with such a clean and neat shot.

In their usual impression, the greatest ability of plant spirit beasts is generally to entangle enemies.

Or use various secretions from the body to entangle the opponent, or even poison the opponent.

Like Fang Xu, the attack method of using a leaf to accurately pierce the opponent's heart is unheard of.

"This grass is weird, Catherine, retreat." As the leader of the team, keeping a cool head is the most basic rule.

Seeing that his teammates were killed by the spirit beasts, Archbishop Gary did not scream and rush to avenge him like many stunned people.

Instead, they choose to leave the opponent's attack range and take other offensive methods.

In his opinion, in the face of plant spirit beasts, doing so is the safest and best choice.

Only with this retreat, Gary finally found something wrong.

Right now, when his soul power is running, he is not as smooth as usual.

The vigorous spirit power suddenly seemed to become sticky as rice soup, and it was impossible to revolve with one's mind and use the spirit abilities as one wanted.

"My lord, we, we seem to be poisoned!"

As an auxiliary spirit master, Catherine naturally knows this kind of poison.

No wonder, the three teammates have the strength of more than sixty-level spirit emperors, and they can't even dodge in the face of a thousand-year-level spirit beast attack.

She was surprised because Li Meng was a top defensive soul master.

Although the bloodtooth Martial Soul is not comparable to the diamond mammoth martial soul of the Elephant Sect, it is also considered the top existence in the defense system Martial Soul.

Such a person would be so easily pierced into the heart by the leaves of a thousand-year-old plant soul beast, it turned out to be poisoned...

No, when was it poisoned?

Could it be the fragrance of flowers?

At the thought of this, Catherine's face suddenly changed.

The fragrance of flowers, the attack of branches and leaves, one after the other, the shot is fierce, the thousand-year soul beast in front of you is like an assassin skilled in assassination, not like a plant at all!

This thing is definitely not simple...

"Fourth spirit ability, all things rejuvenate." Catherine didn't think anymore, and a purple light flashed under her step, and the spirit power poured into her body. The purple light burst out from her palms, and then fell on the two of them.

"Rumble," the ray of light hadn't fallen yet, and there was a sudden sound of the sky and the earth cracking in the forest.

With the continuous thunderbolt-like sounds, the ground beneath Gary and Catherine's feet suddenly split.

Dozens of plant rhizomes as thick as a child's arm came out abruptly from under the soil.

The rhizomes were several tens of meters long, and they suddenly emerged from the ground at this moment, and they were shocked.

"Sixth Soul Ability, Slashing Wind" Gary waved his right hand, instantly using Martial Soul's attack power to its extreme.

"Fifth spirit ability, wind chime protection," Catherine didn't dare to hide her hole cards in the face of the sudden attack, and directly released her strongest auxiliary skills.

Wind Chime Blessing is a unique skill of Martial Soul Wind Chime, a healing beast.

Casting this skill can increase teammates' attacks by 10%, agility and defense by 5%.

Sure enough, with the blessing of spirit abilities, Gary's attack speed was obviously much faster, and also much sharper.

Just, is it useful?

Fang Xu has thousands of grass roots, and a few dozen of them are not a big deal. Moreover, his grass roots are scattered throughout the entire area, and the longest is nearly a hundred meters.

Once the attack starts at this moment, all the rhizomes are like tides, breaking out of the soil, and rushing to the two in an endless stream!

"Catherine, focus the skills on me, I'm going to go all out!"

Facing such a huge number of rhizomes, Archbishop Gary's face changed drastically, and he made a decision almost instantly!

"Seventh Soul Skill, Martial Soul Real Body!"

Martial Soul's true body is the life-saving ability of a soul-sage-level soul master. Once this soul ability is released, it can basically be determined that this is a life-and-death situation.

Once the soul master uses this skill, he can instantly mobilize all and even burst out stronger combat power than usual.

However, it's useless after using up this skill, and it's basically being rendered powerless!

"Serial Cut"

"Wind and Thunder Strike"

"Thunder Half Moon Slash"

The successive attack skills of "Slashing Wind" were deployed from the hands of Archbishop Gary,

Not only did his expression fail to lighten up, but he became more and more solemn, because, no matter how fierce his spirit skills were, the grass roots controlled by Fang Xu continued to flow in!

"My lord, help me, ah!" A sharp cry for help sounded from Catherine's mouth, and he saw that five or six grass roots drilled out of the ground, accurately tied her body tightly together, and dragged directly into the ground!

Archbishop Gary was shocked. This thousand-year-old plant soul beast is not only difficult to deal with, but the attack method is even more difficult to prevent!

Even some soul beasts of ten thousand years level do not have such an attack power!

No, if this goes on, sooner or later you will be consumed alive by it!

As a soul-sage-level powerhouse, he has always fooled others to do things that throw his head and shed blood.

Therefore, even in the current battle, the display of life-saving skills such as the Martial Soul real body, he just wants to survive!

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Archbishop Gary moved his mind, all the spirit rings were submerged in his body, and the Martial Soul tiger-head knife in his hand burst out with a brilliant light, suddenly rising five times!

With a single cut, countless rhizomes within 30 meters ahead were shattered. Taking advantage of this stall, Gary moved his feet and rushed forward!

Seeing that he was about to leave Fang Xu's attack range, at this moment, a pair of furry white rabbit legs suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Stick to the sky"

Use your legs to push hard towards each other. This is probably the best skill rabbits are good at.

Gary wanted to avoid Fang Xu's attack, but he didn't expect Xiao Wu to appear and kick his legs at this time!

Unexpectedly, he was kicked by this leg and staggered and retreated for more than ten meters.

Suddenly, strong wind swelled behind Gary.

"Shoo, hoo," three purple leaves pierced from his back in the shape of a triangle, directly piercing his heart...