
Douluo Dalu: I Reincarnated As A Fairy Grass With A System!

[Didi, you took a mouthful of dew and gained 22 experience points,] [Dididi, you have absorbed another mouthful of dew, and you have gained 55 experience points!] [Dididi, the system Friendly Reminder, your experience points are full, are you upgrading to a strange herb?] After crossing the Douluo Continent and becoming a small weed that no one cares about in the Star Dou Great Forest, Fang Xu’s face was dumbfounded! Fortunately, at a critical moment, Fang Xu awakened a super evolutionary system, starting from the weeds, and until it became the peerless fairy grass that shakes the world! Do you think Fang Xu’s future is just Star Ocean? Wrong, turn on the wheel of fortune and conquer the goddesses, this is Fang Xu’s life… The book is also known as “Super Evolution” and “The Speedy Life of Weeds” *** Author: Tailang Brother Editor: Peinace Pa treon: pa treon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Reincarnated As A Weed

Strange world...


Fang Xu woke up from the darkness again, still seeing this bizarre world in his eyes...

It's been three days since he came to this world, and Fang Xu hasn't adapted to his current identity yet.

To be honest, if he can adapt with his current situation, then it would be too unusual.

Although he has heard of vegetatives before, they are still personal...

But now I am a serious plant, and also a plant with human thinking.


He is really a grass.

That's right, it's the kind of weed that can be seen everywhere, when people see people stepping on them, dogs see dog urine, and a large fire can burn a large area of ​​that kind of weeds.

I bought a mountaineering bag last year...

Actually, Fang Xu is no stranger to going through this kind of thing.

In his original world, crossing the bridge that was already a rotten street.

The only thing that makes him wonder, why did he become a weed,

According to the settings of all the male protagonists of the traversal drama, I should be a waste material who is disliked by the family, looked down upon by others, and even retired by a certain young Miss.

In other words, on the surface, I am a waste material, but in fact I have outstanding talents and a deep blessing, and all the geniuses and treasures will come.

All villains are mentally handicapped experience babies in front of them, and have no other use except to help themselves become stronger.

But now...

Fang Xu now can neither make a sound nor shed tears,

At best, it is to play with his green and not sturdy branches to show his inner resentment. Other than that, it is useless!

There is a breeze blowing in the forest from time to time,

Fang Xu used the gentle breeze to extend the surrounding branches as much as possible, trying to "take a look" at the surrounding scenes, and then he was dazed.

In his "sight", a blue python with a bull's head was hovering not far away, basking in the sun leisurely.

Snakes, snakes with bull heads.

I lost... Damn it!

Fang Xu looked at this strange creature carefully. This cyan giant python is like a snake entwining the world, majestic and huge.

Its horned head is like a palace gate, magnificent!

The body hovering on the ground is like a lofty mountain, and at a glance, it is endless,

Two eyes are more like two lanterns emitting yellowish light, shining with terrifying light, which is chilling!

Boom boom boom! The ground trembled for a while, the towering giant trees in the distance quickly separated to the two sides, and it seemed that there was another giant beast running towards here.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and after a while, a behemoth that looked like a Vajra hopped over.

Strangely, on the shoulder of the orangutan, there is still a rabbit sitting.

Orangutan and rabbit, what kind of ridiculous combination is this?

Soon, the orangutan walked to the side of the python. It gently put the rabbit on the ground, and then lay on the side of the python, basking in the sun with him.

The little rabbit ran around looking for food.

Soon, the rabbit's eyes fell on Fang Xu's body.

"Er Ming, this grass is so strange, it has an unusual fragrance on it." The rabbit sniffed it carefully, then turned its head and said to the orangutan.

Damn it, this is still a talking rabbit.

Hearing the rabbit's words, the Titan Great Ape glanced in that direction, and then said indifferently: "Perhaps Spiritual Sense was created!"

Star Dou Forest Life has all kinds of soul beasts. Not all animals and plants can become soul beasts. First of all, they need to develop self-awareness.

Moreover, relatively speaking, it is easier for animals to produce self-awareness than things.

In the Star Dou Forest, apart from some exotic flowers and plants, few ordinary plants can produce self-awareness.

"It seems that we will have another companion," the little rabbit said in surprise.

Then, it hopped to the side, picked up a leaf, picked up some dew, and gently sprinkled it around Fang Xu's body.

At the moment when the dew penetrated into the ground, a stream of light flashed in Fang Xu's sea of ​​consciousness, and then a mechanical sound rang: "Dididi, the super evolution system has been activated successfully..."

"The story of the Douluo Continent plane is loading..."

"Shoo," a virtual frame appeared in Fang Xu's sea of ​​knowledge:

[Host, Fang Xu.

Age: 23

Race: plant soul beast, first order weed (evolvable)

The Soul: 0

Soul Skill: None

Bloodline: None

Race talent skills: endless life (Note, wildfires are endless, spring breeze blows and regenerates, the talent skills of grass soul beasts,)

Experience value, 1+0 (100,000 experience required to level up)]

[Comprehensive evaluation, you are a little grass that no one knows...]

Closing the system panel, Fang Xu has a lot of thoughts...

It turns out that this is the world of Douluo Continent. No wonder there are snakes with bull heads, giant giant apes taller than Vajra, and talking rabbits...

Aside from these weird things, what is even more strange for Fang Xu is where the experience points after awakening the system come from.

There seems to be nothing unusual just now, it seems that just the rabbit watered itself!

Right, isn't plant growth just like water and sunlight?

Primary school teachers have already taught about photosynthesis.

In other words, this experience point comes from the dew that seeps into the soil...

Thinking of this, Fang Xu controlled the rhizome of the grass and took a deep breath of water in the soil.

[Didi, you took a sip of dew, experience points +20]

[Didi, you took a sip of dew, experience points +21]

[Dididi, you have taken a big mouthful of dew, experience value +55...]

His experience doubled, and Fang Xu was overjoyed. This feeling was like a knowing blow suddenly exploded when spawning monsters in an online game, and his attack power instantly doubled.

One word, cool.....

I don't know how long it took, when Fang Xu's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly heard a mechanical voice.

[Dididi, Friendly Reminder, you have obtained enough water today, and you will not be able to gain any experience if you continue to draw water.]

There was no experience so soon, Fang Xu was a little bit unsatisfied, but since he couldn't gain experience, Fang Xu didn't draw any more water.

Lifting the branches and leaves to look at the sky, Fang Xu struggled to push the green branches into the sun as he watched the sun go to the west.

[Didi, you take in a ray of sunshine, experience value +200]

[Didi, you take in a ray of sunshine, experience points +288]

[Didi, you take in a strong beam of sunlight energy, experience value +522...]

The energy contained in the sunlight is vigorous, and absorbing a trace of sunlight is hundreds or hundreds of experience points, which can't help but surprise Fang Xu.

From time to time, the critical strikes have made Fang Xu's experience value in a soaring momentum.

Unknowingly, the red light gradually narrowed from the west to the last ray of light, the stars in the sky were shining, a crescent moon hung in the sky, and the ground was shining with silver.

Fang Xu opened the system panel in the sea of ​​knowledge, and he was delighted in an instant.

[Host, Fang Xu.

Age: 23

Race: plant soul beast, first order weed (evolvable)

The Soul: 0+???

Soul Skill: No +???

Bloodline: No +???

Race talent skills: endless life (Note, wildfires are endless, spring breeze blows and regenerates, the talent skills of grass soul beasts,)

Experience point, 1+1,582,852 (100,000 experience required to level up)]

The difference with the previous ones is that in addition to the increase in experience value by more than one million, different changes have appeared behind the soul, soul ability, and bloodline.

Although I don't know what these question marks mean, according to previous experience when playing games,

A question mark appears after the option, which means that the option should already be activated.

It means that he has grown into a true plant soul beast.

This is only one day. In exactly one afternoon, I have absorbed so much experience. The life is so simple and unpretentious.

After expressing his sigh, Fang Xu added the experience value to the front.

"Om," when the experience value rose to one hundred thousand, a moonlight-like silver radiance instantly lingered on the upper thread's figure, and then, a warm current started from the root and moved up and down Fang Xu's body.

Is this an upgrade?

That feeling came quickly and disappeared quickly,

After the silver light overflowed, Fang Xu felt that his own branches and leaves seemed to have grown a bit, and the rhizomes growing under the soil instantly grew a lot, and several different rhizomes were born again, extending in all directions.

On the panel, the first step of the weed jumped almost instantaneously.

[Host, Fang Xu,

Race, plant type Martial Soul, weed second order...]


E/N: "Translator" here, or what I call myself as "Editor". I don't know chinese, let alone translate it. So I'll refer myself as "Editor".

Anyways, I got tired of reading MTL novels in this site from those so-called "Translators". But in truth, they are just a bunch of copy pasters who took from MTL site and placed it on their pat reon.

Of course, I am no different from them. I also took from MTL site. But instead of just blatantly copy pasting it, I edited them with effort.

And because of that, I can guarantee high-quality edits and top-quality grammar (No mistaken gender pronouns, readable english, etc.).

So if you want to support my work, either send powerstones or add this novel into your library. Or, visit my pa treon site where you can have early access to chapters.

Patreon Link: pat reon.com/peinace

(Remove the " " in pat" "reon)

Also, do know that chinese names or terms might not likely be edited. I am helpless in that regard. And, I will often retain the chinese writing style in the novel such as the use of third person, then first person which is followed by second person (the unusual writing style of chinese novels).