
Douluo Dalu : Human Spirit

A martial practitioner was reincarnated into the world of douluo dalu. He, who believe that human body was the most powerful thing in the world, was reluctant to accept the way of cultivation in douluo dalu world, where human being need to rely on soul beast to become powerful. This story is about his journey in douluo dalu world as he become powerful with his own body and created his own path of cultivation.

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21 Chs

Underground Fiery Vein

As the sun rose up, Li Wei also prepared to start his journey towards the depth of the cave. As he walked into the cave, he realized the deeper level of the cave was underneath the ground.

He also found out that the temperature was slowly rising as he entered the deeper level of the cave. He had already walked for about an hour but still did not found anything worthy of his time. Only the rising temperature which managed to make his skin sweated aroused a little curiosity in him. Finally, he entered a large space of room that seemed to be the end of the road in the cave. At that moment, Li Wei realized the temperature in the room had escalated to large degree of heat. He scanned around the with his eyes.

He saw the source of the heat. A smile was formed on his face. Now he knew the reason why the Dark Panther suddenly achieved a breakthrough. An underground fiery vein full with fire ores was hidden deep inside the cave. He was sure that the panther accidentally managed to find the vein use the abundant heaven and earth energy to advance into a full 1 000 years soul beast.

This fire ores definitely could reach a high price if he sold it at the city as this kind of ore could be used to forge weapons especially to create the ones with fire attribute. However, something else made him happier at the moment rather than the thought of having a mountain of money.

His Human Spirit at this moment gave a slight response to his mind. As he had already known, his Human Spirit specialized in fleshy body strength especially after having the absolute strength attribute. His soul rings which he customized to suit him to the very best of combat techniques further increased the potency of his Human Spirit. His Human Spirit had given him a notice that he could undergone a body tempering of the six elements. In other words, he could use the fire ores to undergo body tempering by fire element. Not only his fleshy body strength would increase from the initial 500 kg, he would also increase his resistance towards fire elemental damage. He believed if one day he managed to undergo body tempering by the six elements — fire, water, terra, lighting, poison, and wind — his constitution would undergo a breathtaking transformation.

Only with his Human Spirit that he would be able to cultivate his body through the six elements like that. Other spirit masters who tried to do the same thing would not be able receive the same benefits as his. Not only they would only be able to increase their fleshy body strength by just a minute amount, they would not be able to handle the injuries done by the process of body tempering. His Human Spirit was the reason he would be able to undergo body tempering.

He had decided to make this underground fiery vein as his second home from now on. He would stay here for his training. His inner strength would also receive a power-up in an environment with abundance of heaven and earth energy like this. His training from now on until his seventh birthday, would be focusing on body tempering, reaching Rank 20 and trained his sword technique for the future Soul Sword. He still allocated a part of his time to practice his Soul Fist. After all, he would not be able to see any improvement as he had just achieved his fist intent.