
Douluo Dalu : Heaven's Path

Douluo Dalu × Library of Heaven's Path

Gherman_Sparrow13 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 46 : Seven Years Old

During these few days, apart from strengthening the Little Hammer, Lin Fan had also forged weapons that used Pure Iron as the material.

Now all the weapons made by Lin Fan are very famous and popular among Spirit Masters, because these weapons can be infused with Spirit Essence, which makes them not inferior to Spirit Tools!

Of course, Pure Iron Weapons have their own weaknesses, one of which is that their durability is not as strong as Spirit Tools, making these weapons only last for a few months if used continuously.

Moreover, Lin Fan's Pure Iron Weapons were cheaper and not rarer than Spirit Tools.

It was just that Lin Fan was only one person, so he couldn't make a large number of weapons due to his focus on cultivation and so on.


Right now Lin Fan was strengthening Little Hammer like before, he didn't want to spend a day not cultivating and not strengthening anything else.

Even though what he does now is very limited, but he enjoys all of these activities with pleasure.

One could say Lin Fan was a hard worker, or perhaps a workaholic.

Of course, everything he has done has paid off, one of which is his Physical Power has reached Rank 26!

With a body equivalent to Rank 26, his Spirit Essence was even thicker than before, allowing him to last a little longer to strengthen the Little Hammer.


And suddenly, Lin Fan stopped strengthening on Little Hammer.

"Ugh! Looks like this is my limit today" said Lin Fam who looked exhausted.

Even though his body reached Rank 26, strengthening the Little Hammer would still take a long time. But with the increase in his body strength, at least the time needed was less than before.

After stopping the strengthening of the Little Hammer, Lin Fan immediately sat down cross-legged and cultivated using the Heaven's Path Divine Art to recover.

While he was recovering, he noticed an extraordinary thing about his body. Which he was able to absorb the Origin Essence in the atmosphere much faster.

As a perfect technique, the Heaven's Path Divine Art used all parts of the body to absorb Origin Essence, so the stronger Lin Fan's body was, the faster his body would absorb it!

`This is indeed a good thing, it's just that my Spirit Essence is much thicker, so I need more Origin Essence than it should be,` thought Lin Fan.

After recuperating, Lin Fan stood up and exited the Blacksmith Shop, then he headed towards Goat Mama's stable.

Arriving there, Lin Fan saw Xiao Bing relaxing near Goat Mama, but she seemed worries as she looked in a certain direction.

Lin Fan knew what Xiao Bing was worried about, but he also couldn't do anything if he hadn't strengthened himself to his peak.

"Xiao Bing, do you really want to see it?" asked Lin Fan gently.

Hearing Lin Fan's question, Xiao Bing nodded her head quickly, "Yes, I really want to find it!".

"We have to prepare ourselves first before finding it, because we don't know what kind of danger we will be in" said Lin Fan in a slightly serious tone.

Then Lin Fan continued, "And you also have to cultivate, in order to strengthen yourself and reduce the dangers we face."

However, after Lin Fan said that, his mouth twitched upon seeing Xiao Bing's cultivation growth, `Even though her cultivation is still at Rank 11, her Physical Power has already reached Rank 20,`.

Well, it was thanks to Lin Fan helping to strengthen Xiao Bing's body with Life Gold's Life Essence, that way she was able to strengthen her cultivation foundation even if it was a little late.

But Lin Fan didn't expect it, it turned out that Xiao Bing's strengthening body had almost reached its limit, which was very different from Lin Fan who had a Spirit Body.

`Physical Power has only reached Rank 20 but has almost reached its limit, whereas I reached Rank 26 but the limit is still not visible,' thought the amazed Lin Fan.

Moreover, Lin Fan also didn't know how the effects of Second Awakening would be, which made him wonder what level he would reach.

`Of course, the stronger my foundation is, the more difficult it will be to grow my cultivation` thought Lin Fan who realized it.

Strengthening the foundation is definitely not easy, moreover this will also have an effect on his cultivation later.

Even though he would have a stronger strength than his supposed Rank, increasing his cultivation would definitely be more difficult.

`Well, since I'm still young, my cultivation speed is still at its golden age,` he thought again.

Of course Lin Fan didn't want to be lazy even though he was at his golden age, because the sooner he reached the peak of his foundation, the more he could take advantage of it.


A few months later.

Currently Lin Fan is already 7 years old, there are no notable changes from Lin Fan except that his body looks bigger than before.

In addition, Lin Fan also kept his hair short, because if it was too long, it would affect him in battle.

Well, of course it was just an excuse to sound plausible, but actually he just wanted to not look like a girl!

Because after cultivating all this time, it turns out that Lin Fan also has the same uniqueness as Goat Mama, and has a Natural Charm that can attract anyone regardless of gender!

The most terrifying thing was that a middle-aged man came up to him and seduced him in various ways, even though Lin Fan said he was a boy, this middle-aged man didn't seem to care!

Of course Lin Fan beat this middle-aged man to death, he didn't want this world to have a darkness that could swallow up young children. Moreover, this world does not seem to have an FBI, making the darkness run rampant.

And it was at that time that Lin Fan vowed to continue to protect Xiao Bing and Goat Mama, he didn't want people who had this disorder to contaminate the two.