
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Second Floor.

A/N: Sorry folks for not releasing chapters consecutively for 2 days. I was busy with some housework but I assure you the chapter would be releasing regularly now. And I've even increased the word count from 1000 words to near 2000 words. Any suggestions, reviews and comments are appreciated.

Well I'm going for a three thousand year spirit ring for the first spirit ring of Tang Ming. The Wuhun would be the Primordial Spear. I want your suggestions for what the ability of the first spirit ring should be like. Do note that it is a spear.


After they left, Tang Ming changed his clothes in just one minute. After finished putting his uniform, he closed the door of the dormitory and walked quickly toward the cafeteria.

And Tang San and the group have just arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria.

The cafeteria looks like a luxurious building of two floors, which looks very impressive.

Sure enough being the single academy in the whole city, the Nuoding Junior Soul Academy, even has a canteen that serves food better than ordinarily wealthy people can afford.

" Wow, is this where we eat!"

Xiao Wu looked around very happily, just like a curious child.

Even though Tang San was calm on the outside and didn't show any expression on his face, but he also felt surprised in his heart. Knowing that this is only the cafeteria of junior soul academy which is this luxurious, what would the intermediate soul academy would have to offer.

" Yo, isn't this Wang Sheng's group of poor beggars."

Tang San and the group has just stepped in the cafeteria when they heard someone mocking Wang Sheng.

They all looked toward the second floor and can see some rich looking student sitting there watching them with a mocking and contemptuous eyes.

"What did you say."

Xiao Wu is naturally not the person who is afraid of anything, someone mocking the people who called her 'big sis' how can she not defend them and so she retorted.

" Yo, there is such a beautiful loli at work-study students this year? Brothers come and see."

After Xiao Wu retorted the student up above noticed her and his eyes brightened.

" I said you all are a bunch of poor ghosts who can't afford to even eat at the second floor. Say little sister, are you upset?"

" It's just the second floor, why can't we afford it."

Xiao Wu clenched her fist and said to the student.

" We really can't afford it."

Although Wang Sheng was angry , he could only whisper while gritting his teeth.

The second floor is a high-end restaurant, usually for the aristrocratic nobles and the cheapest meal up there can cost them there monthly salary.

As a work-study student they've never touched any meal on the second floor and have always eaten in the first floor.

After hearing to what Wang Sheng said Xiao Wu big eyes blinked and then she slightly snorted.

"why can't we eat at the second floor."

"Oh, look this little loli still has her arrogance, she is quite feisty, eh. And it's the fact that I stated, you all can only eat the pig food of the first floor with your money."

The male students continued to ridicule.

" Heh maybe our dog eat better herbs and food than the pig food served on the first floor."

Said a student who has somewhat of a lanky stature and a long nose, who is looking at Xiao Wu with a sharp glint in his eyes.

Tang Ming looked at the noble students amusingly. He is already very impatient and just wants to rush out and slap the bastard to the death.

" You! You die, you dare to say this little miss eats pig food. I'll beat you to death."

Xiao Wu was flushed with anger and bent downward to jump, but Tang San stopped her .

" Don't be impulsive Xiao Wu."

Tang San grabbed Xiao Wu hand and gestured her to stop.

Seeing that Tang San stopped her.

"You! why are you afraid of them."

Xiao Wu glared at Tang San for stopping her to beat that arrogant noble student.

"Oh! This young master heart is moved, this loli looks so cute when she is angry, if wait for a few more year she is granted to be a beauty."

The male student with the long nose licked his lips and

looked toward Xiao Wu with greed. He looked toward the noble student from before and said:

"Brother Xiao Chenyu, that girl is mine."

The young noble who was named Xiao Chenyu, then looked at Wang Sheng and said:

" Wang Sheng, how about making a deal with me."

"Deal? what deal? what trick do you want to play, huh?"

" What trick can I play. I just wanted to make a simple deal with you. As long as you hand over the little loli to us , this second floor VIP card will be yours for one month. You can eat anything on the second floor with this VIP card."

The young noble student smiled contemptuously and stared at Xiao Wu with lecherous eyes.


Wang Sheng was full of anger.

The other party not only humiliated him but also the whole work-study students, which is unforgivable.

"What do you think? The food on the second floor of the Nuoding Academy is known to be serve the best cuisine in the whole of Nuoding city. I bet you bumpkins haven't eaten anything this good in your whole life. I guarantee that after eating on the second floor, you'll remember this taste all your life."

The long nosed noble watched Wang Sheng, who was angry and can't do a single thing, he could only stand there, he felt very proud and seemed to enjoy this feeling very much.

Suddenly feeling a little killing intent. Tang Ming looked at Tang San who has his wrist stretched and aimed at the noble student at the moment. Tang San always abides by the Tangmen rules.

And seeing Xiao Wu getting bullied, he just can't stand there and watch, he already has listed these people in his death list.

If they dare to go even a little futher, he will shoot them down regardless of anything.

At this moment, Tang Ming said:

"why are you all not going when someone is inviting you to eat, I really can't understand."

" Brother Ming this is not the time to be joking. We really can't afford to eat. He is deliberately humiliating sister Xiao Wu."

Wang Sheng looked at Tang Ming with a wry smile.

"Huh, so you're saying, they are humiliating my brother and sister in law. They have the guts to do that."

At this time Tang Ming ran so fast that he reached the noble student in an instant and snatched the golden VIP card from his hand and also returned to his previous place in an instant. Even Tang San was barely able to see Tang Ming moving because of his purple demon eyes.

"Who's your sister in law." retorted both Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Tang Ming slightly raise the corner of his mouth then squeezed his eyes, which fell on Tang San's and Xiao Wu still holding hands.

Immediately, they retrieved back their hand instantly.

"You!? Xiao San brother Ming is bullying me."

Said Xiao Wu blushingly to Tang San, whose face was also covered with a little blush. He can only shook his head at this situation.

At this moment, the noble boy was still stretching his hand, it took few moments for him to realise that the card has been snatched from his hand.

" Little boy, you dare to snatch the card from me. Quickly give me the card back. If you kowtow and apologize to me I'll consider not beating you."

At this moment all the noble student looked at Tang Ming with hostilities in their eyes.

The work-study students also stood behind Tang Ming with Xiao Wu in front.

" Hmph, brother Ming let's teach them a lesson and beat them till their mother can't recognise them anymore."

Xiao Wu said with a fighting intent and looked at the noble students with her lips curled upward. She already have seen Tang San fighting ability and has no doubt about Tang Ming strength. He snatched the card at a speed which she can't even see with her eyes.

Tang Ming can only smile wryly after hearing what Xiao Wu said, he already knows that the student in front of him is the son of the city lord of the Nuoding city. He was trying to just frighten them. He was not afraid of the students but was afraid of the trouble that would be brought after beating them.

As the fight was going to happen, the door to the cafeteria opened and two person came walking in. The first person is a middle aged man with a black scholar like clothes and the second person looked to be in his 30s with a sharp face and black hair. He was also wearing azure coloured clothes and also has a badge which signified that he is someone of authority in Nuoding Academy. The first person was naturally grandmaster.

As soon as the second person walked in the whole cafeteria fell silent and all the students went back to their respective seats to eat, even the nobles student above averted their gazes.

As grandmaster was walking to the second floor he saw Tang Ming and Tang San standing at the stairway with their groups.

" Tang San, Tang Ming come meet the principle of the academy." Grandmaster called both Tang Ming and Tang San, when both of them heard about the person being the principle of the academy. They bowed their head and said:

" Good afternoon teacher, good afternoon principle."

Grand master and principle both nodded their head.

The principle then looked at both of them and said:

" I heard that my friend here accepted his very first disciples so I came to meet you. You both look very promising, if their is any inconvenience in the academy you can come and consult me regardless of anything and you both are exempted from your work that a work student should do, you both should concentrate on your cultivation."

As the principle said this, the whole room fell silent and the noble student who was looking earlier to fight with them have their back soaked with sweat.

Grandmaster then said: " There's no need for them to be exempted from their work. In this way they would learn to fend for themselves."

" Xiao San, Xiao Ming come sit and eat with us at the second floor. We will discuss over your studies."

Grandmaster than offered them to eat with him at the second floor.

"There's no need teacher we will eat with our group and our senior has even given us a VIP card for the second floor to eat as much as we want for whole month. Right, senior brother from the second floor."

Tang Ming looked at the long nosed noble student with a smile that doesn't looks like a smile.

The noble student looked at them, then at the principle and grandmaster who is looking towards him and said with a twitching mouth:

" Yes, little brother eat to your heart fill, you need good food for the cultivation, you can keep that VIP card and use it."

"Ah, thank you senior brother. Your act of kindness has won my heart, if you ever need me to do anything this Tang Ming will never hesitate to walk on sea of fire or the mountain of sword for you."

Tang Ming answered the noble student with a solemn and righteous look. Even Tang San and the company's mouth twitched at the statement said by brother Ming. He would've believed him if not for seeing with his own eyes how he snatched the card from the noble student.


Xiao Wu let out a chuckle seeing Tang Ming acting all righteous and serious.

She was feeling jubilant that she was not the only one that suffered because of Tang Ming.

" Then meet me after eating at my office both of you. I have some serious matters to discuss."

Grandmaster then walked ahead with the principle at the second floor.

" Heh. That was amazing brother Ming you know even principle, now no noble in the school can make thing difficult for us."

Wang Sheng looked at Tang Ming with both admiration and worship in his eyes.

Creation is hard, even if it is a fanfiction. So cheer me up.

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