
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
133 Chs


In the inner circle of Star Dou forest, Tang Ming right now was currently following the Battle Saint Ape while still in his illusion.

Even if he wanted he can't fight the ape right now as he still has some bone broken, so he was doing the next best thing he can do and that is to follow it and pinpoint it's general resting place.

The Battle Saint Ape was walking straight toward his cave where he usually resides and govern his territory but this time his senses are picking up that someone was following behind him but he can't find who and from where he was being followed.

Even though he was just 20-30,000 year old spirit beast but his intelligence has long ago developed to a human level. It didn't show any expression on his face as it kept supervising it's territory in a jovial mood.

Tang Ming had only heard about Battle Saint Ape tendencies to protect weaker spirit beasts than himself in his territory.

He can't help but be shocked seeing it in real as numerous smaller and weaker beast resides in its territory and also without any fear.

Everytime the Battle Saint Ape passes by a spirit beast, the said spirit beast will always bow toward it as the Battle Saint Ape also nods his head at them. Not only herbivorous spirit beast but also carnivorous spirit beast ranging from hundreds to tens of thousand year old lives here in mutual peace.

Tang Ming was becoming more fascinated by the minutes, as he roamed the territory of Battle Saint Ape. After some checking on his territory, the Battle Saint Ape started going in a straight line toward a huge tree that Tang Ming can easily see even from the place he was standing at.

He was sure that tree was also a spirit beast/plant.

He continued to follow the Battle Saint Ape as it reached the tree and jumped nimbly over the branch where it sat in a relaxing posture.

Tang Ming who at this time was planning to teleport himself away heard a vigorous voice as he stopped.

"Human, you have been following me for a while. Why did you come here intruding at this Saint territory." The Battle Saint Ape said while sitting upright and looking at his direction, glaring should be the right word to say. Though it looked like he was sitting there, but he was ready to attack in any moment notice if the opposite party had any ill/hostile intention.

Tang Ming was shocked and surprised that the Battle Saint Ape found him. He knew he was found and hiding was useless now, so he removed the illusion and looked at Battle Saint Ape with a slight smile and caution as he summoned his spear.

Seeing Tang Ming taking out a weapon, the Battle Saint Ape immediately jumped from tree as it got in a stance.

"Wait, I didn't came here to fight you..." Tang Ming hurriedly lied with a straight face buy he was interrupted because of the Battle Saint Ape sudden attack.

The Battle Saint Ape at this time was fealing a sense of dread from the spear in Tang Ming's hand. He didn't want to take any chances as he immediately leaped toward Tang Ming while pulling both of his right arm backward aiming for a double sucker punch.

Tang Ming immediately activated his [Godspeed] and [Hyperactive] as he dodged the Battle Saint Ape both punches by a hair breadth as the punch landed on the ground.


A one metre deep crater was formed at the place where both of the Battle Saint Ape punch landed. Tang Ming immediately distanced himself and got in his usual fighting stance while holding the spear with the right hand and looked at Battle Saint Ape with full attention.

"Wait, don't attack. Hear me out I didn't came here to fight." Tang Ming hurriedly said.

"Why should I believe your word human." Battle Saint Ape said loudly while getting ready to attack again.

Tang Ming really wanted to fight with Battle Saint Ape but right now he was really in a tight situation. His previous injury has just recovered a little.

Battle Saint Ape didn't wait for Tang Ming explanation as it again lunged at Tang Ming with an incredible speed while clenching all four of his fist and pulling it backward as he punched Tang Ming.

Tang Ming tried to parry his attack with his spear but was caught off guard because of the force the four punch carried. He was blasted backward, as he kept breaking tree after tree.

'The Fu*k! Why do all apes are so unreasonable a. Now that I think, taking out my spear was really a bad move on my side.'

Before he can even stand up, the Battle Saint Ape again appeared before him, as it tried to grab him with both of his upper arms. Tang Ming without even standing up used [Godspeed] as he pushed both his feet a little in the ground. He immediately disappeared from his place and hit a tree some 100 m away.

Tang Ming hurriedly stood up as blood trickled down from his mouth. He immediately implied every amplification skill he has. Lightning surged from his body as it covered his body and formed an armour around him. That last attack again opened up his recent wound and even made it a little worse.

He then looked at the Battle Saint Ape who was again charging straight at him. He knew he can't fight the Battle Saint Ape head to head in combat and defeat it with his physical condition right now. So he did the best thing a person should do in this situation, he started running away while still pissing the Battle Saint Ape as he launched his first spirit skill as the first purple spirit ring lit up and tens of lightning imbued spear appeared beside him.

"Take this you dumb senseless ape. [Thunderstorm Strike]." Tang Ming yelled at the Battle Saint Ape and launched the spear toward it.

The Batte Saint Ape was surprised as he didn't expect the counter-attack but immediately crossed all four of his arm in front of him to brace the impact. A light yellowish semi-sphere formed in front of him as all the attack hit the sphere.


As the dust faded, the Battle Saint Ape can be seen standing there without any visible injury except one of his four arms which was bleeding a little. The Battle Saint Ape was a little wounded as the last of the ten spear managed to break the shield and hit him.

Now he was really angry as someone managed to injure him for the first time in thousands of year. He roared as he looked at the direction of Tang Ming but became confused as he didn't find anyone standing there.

The Battle Saint Ape looked around his surrounding vigilantly but still didn't found any trace of him.

At this time, Tang Ming has teleported himself more than thousand of metres above the Battle Saint Ape. He was going to take a risk as he was going to attack the Battle Saint Ape with his most powerful attack from above while hoping it would kill him in a single attack.

But then he again thought of something as he again teleported himself more than hundred metre above as he again used his first spirit ring as the purple ring lit up. He stood up on one of the spear so as to not fall down and then he again kept using the first spirit ring continuously as tens of spears kept appearing beside him. He only stopped when he looked above him and find thousands of spear was hovering in the air.

Then he got in his stance while still standing on the spear as he pulled his spear backward and kept pouring spirit energy. The spear began to brighten up as a purple lightning started appearing out of Tang Ming's body and covering the spear with him. Lightning like snake's started flickering around all over his body as his body started to brighten up the whole sky.

"[Spear Fall]!!"

Tang Ming immediately willed for all of the spears to rain down at the Battle Saint Ape who at this time was also looking upward at the bright purple light shining in the sky. As Tang Ming words ended all the spear started raining down toward Battle Saint Ape like Starfall.

Now I think most of you would have guessed what technique is Tang Ming going to use and that to with the intention to kill. Last time he intentionally missed while attacking Er Ming but this time he was not going to hold back as he was really pissed as he thought to himself.

'This was the second time I was pushed to my limits and that too because of an ape. I was thinking of not killing you after seeing your territory but you managed to successfully piss me.'

The Battle Saint Ape this time was doing all it can do to dodge the raining spear. The power of the each spear was amplified because of the work of gravity.

Tang Ming too at this time has ready to attack as teleported and appeared 100m above ground and locked on Battle Saint Ape with his [Observation Haki].

He again got in his [Hyperactive] mode as his perception of time slowed down considerably. Without wasting any moment he thrusted his spear toward Battle Saint Ape.

"Ming's Original : Chasing Thunder !!"

Tang Ming with his spear disappeared from his place as a dark purple lightning can be seen flashing in his place. Even though Tang Ming had not yet achieved 'One with the Spear' but while using this technique he became temporarily One with the Spear.

At this moment, it was like Tang Ming had become the embodiment of thunder itself. Human and spear had gathered as one. The power and speed of this attack instantly reached a terrifying level.

Battle Saint Ape at this instant felt an unprecedented level of dread as it was barely able to turn his head to see a purple lightning ⚡ bolt heading its way. He knew that if he didn't do anything right now he will definitely die.

A bright white light suddenly lit up around the Battle Saint Ape as a crown appeared around its head and a brilliant white aura formed around him in a spherical shield. But before the shield can even completely form, in that instant a purple electric light cut through the defences of Battle Saint Ape.

A hundred metres away, a light flashed as Tang Ming appeared while holding his spear and kneeling down at one knee.

The Battle Saint Ape was shocked would be an understatement as it looked at its chest where a gaping hole can be seen. It was really unwilling as it didn't even get to use its innate ability. The pesky human kept attacking it from a distance without fighting him head on head. Its main advantage was on a close combat fist to fist straightforward fight.

It looked at the surrounding with a complicated gaze and then looked at Tang Ming with a hateful glare before it fell down dead. A black ring then slowly started rising from the corpse of Battle Saint Ape as it kept floating there.

"I really didn't want to kill you. You forced my hand. But don't worry I'll place an illusion on this place so that no one disturbs this places peace." Tang Ming said with emotion in his eyes. He sighed as he shook his head and then walked toward the corpse of Battle Saint Ape and sat down in a lotus position.

He then took out his Monkey Wine Gourd and a big mug and filled it. And started gulping down the whole mug. After drinking he then looked at the floating black ring.


A/N : Here's today's chapter. SO ENJOY.

I posted it just after writing so there might be some grammatical mistakes here and there. I hope you cope up with it. And don't worry I have decided to post atleast a minimum of three chapters a week and if I have time I can even post 4 chapter a week.


Any suggestions reviews and comments are appreciated either good or bad. Now I'm out.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious. Peace Out ✌️.

Creation is hard even if it's a fanfiction. So do cheer me up with best of your ability and keep giving me Power Stones. ThankYou.

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