
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs


Seeing Tang Ming grinning while cracking his knuckles and walking toward them with an evil glint in his eyes, Oscar and Ma Hongjun immediately gulped as they hurriedly said in unison:

"We were just joking brother Ming."

Zhao Wuji then came forward as he patted Tang Ming shoulder. His expression looked quite relieved and happy seeing him as he said , "It's good you're fine, brat. You really made all of us worry about you. I was thinking of going to search for you after leaving rest of them at the Star Dou forest entrance but now there's no need for it."

"Also we will come again after a few days to find your third spirit ring as the situation in the forest didn't look stable now." Zhao Wuji said while laughing heartily.

He really was relieved to see Tang Ming coming back safe and sound, otherwise he didn't know how to explain the whole situation to the old fox.

"Teacher Zhao, we didn't need to come again for my third spirit ring. I have already obtained it." Tang Ming smilingly said.

"What? You obtained your third spirit ring already." Zhao Wuji shouted as he asked him.

Everyone was also quite surprised to hear that Tang Ming has already obtained his third spirit ring as he was looking for a ten thousand year old one. And hunting and killing a ten thousand year old spirit beast alone is very difficult even for a spirit emperor and Tang Ming was just a 30th-level spirit elder but then everyone suddenly remembered the scene where he severely injured Titan Giant Ape, as they all somewhat came to believe that he can defeat a ten thousand year old spirit beast.

"WoW! really brother Ming! Then quickly tell us about your third spirit ring skill. And which beast did you get it from." Xiao Wu exclaimed as she asked Tang Ming while looking at him with big eyes. She looked extremely cute.

"Yes, yes brother Ming. Quickly tell us about your third spirit ring." Ma Hongjun also asked enthusiastically as he tried to imitate Xiao Wu and looked at him while trying to look cute. But this immediately disgusted Tang Ming as the fatty looked nowhere near cute instead made him have goosebumps.

Tang Ming then glanced at everyone else faces and they all too seemed to be interested. So, without any further wait, spirit rings started to emerge from his foot and started floating around him.

First an extremely dark purple ring with black mixed in it rose, then a black spirit ring and lastly a deep black coloured spirit ring rose up from Tang Ming's foot and overlapped the other two spirit ring and started rotating around his waist.

Even though they all expected that the third spirit ring would be a ten thousand year old one but seeing it in real they all were still surprised a little.

Zhao Wuji was feeling happy and envious at the same time as he looked up at Tang Ming's spirit ring configuration and then at heaven with his expression that looks like it's saying 'That's not fair.'

"My third spirt ring skill is called 'Battle Saint Transformation' which increase my overall strength, defense and regeneration(both spirit power recovery and physical) by 300%. And I can maintain this state as long as I wish as it consumes very less spirit power." Tang Ming said with his signature smile while lying about the part where he said it consumes very small amount of spirit power, because if a normal spirit master would use this ability they would consume at least 80% or more of their spirit power and can barely maintain this ability for half an hour after which they will ran out of it.

But as he have a very purified and saturated , vast reserve of spirit energy he can easily maintain this ability for a day and that too without counting the natural regeneration of his spirit power which is basically instantly. And if he counted the regeneration the ability provides then you don't need to further say about it.

They all were a little shocked to hear the amplification that his third ring skill gives as it can be said to be the best ability for his third spirit ring.

Even Dai Mubai's 'White Tiger Vajra Transformation' only gives him an increase of 100% physical strength, attack and defense and with that he was almost invincible in his spirit rank category.

So everyone can clearly understand the horror of an increase of 300% in overall strength, defense and regeneration.

"Brat!! which beast did you hunt to get this powerful ability and what spirit rank did you reach after absorbing your third spirit ring?" Zhao Wuji asked Tang Ming, he too was quite shocked as mainly this much increment can only be achieved when a person reach spirit sage and uses 'Spirit Avatar'.

"My luck was quite good as I encountered an extremely rare spirit beast which was said to be extinct now. It was called 'Battle Saint Ape' which was about thirty two thousand year old, it was a very strong spirit beast and I only managed to kill it by pure luck." Tang Ming answered and continued, "After absorbing the spirit ring my spirit rank rose by 5 level as I'm now a 35th-level spirit elder."

This time they were not too shocked or surprised as the last few times. It was quite acceptable actually that Tang Ming's spirit rank rose up by 5 after absorbing his third spirit ring which was a ten thousand year old one.

"And looks like Xiao San also obtained his third spirit ring. Now that our purpose of coming to Star Dou forest has been achieved, we should leave immediately. We will talk later after we reach the academy." Tang Ming said trying to divert their attention from himself while looking at Tang San who nodded his head in approval.

Everyone nodded their head as they all started running toward to the entrance of the Star Dou forest. As they all were heading out, Tang Ming felt someone looking at him, he didn't turn but used his [Observation Haki] and can sense the person. It was Zhu Zhuqing who was sneaking glances at him. He can feel her emotion as she looked extremely happy and relieved.

He was ecstatic seeing that Zhu Zhuqing was showing care for him. He immediately turned his head back and looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was caught off guard by his sudden turning of head and didn't manage to move her head sideways. Tang Ming then smiled as sweetly as he can and nodded his head at her.

Zhu Zhuqing who was just going to turn her head was stunned seeing him smiling so brightly and sweetly at her but she immediately regained her composure as her face returned back to her cold demeanour and she too nodded her head with a small smile.

Now this was Tang Ming time to be stunned as he was immediately mesmerized by her smile. She looked so beautiful while smiling and that outer cold demeanour made her look more charming, he didn't know about anyone else but for him she looked extra attractive when she had her cold face. He can't shake his mind from her smiling face as he didn't even noticed a tree right in front of him and hit himself straight.

Everyone immediately stopped and looked at Tang Ming strangely as he hit face straight at the tree and fell down.

"Pfft." Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong chuckled at the scene.

"What are you doing brat. Did you also lost your sight after losing your way that you can't even evade the tree." Zhao Wuji smirked as shouted.

"I know how it feels, brother Ming." Ma Hongjun and Oscar gave him understanding looks as Ma Hongjun continued sagely, "It feels like heaven is smiling at you and has opened up all its door for you. It feels like you're flying freely like a Phoenix in the sky in the rain. It's what it is called the spring of first lommph"

Tang Ming immediately got up and dusted himself as he covered the fatty's mouth and looked at everyone with an embarrassed smile he said, "Ahem, I was just thinking something and slipped. Now we should not waste our time here. Lets go." He immediately ran holding Ma Hongjun after saying that everyone also followed.

Ning Rongrong didn't say anything as she didn't know but Xiao Wu gave a sly smirk at Zhu Zhuqing who immediately blushed.

After a while they all reached the entrance and without wasting any time they all made their way to toward Shrek Academy.

On their way, after Tang Ming got rid of Zhu Zhuqing smiling face, he can't help but feel quite lucky as he looked at both of his hand in glee.

After absorbing his third spirit ring did he find that he has also obtained a spirit bone and that too being an external one.

Tang Ming's external spirit bone looks like a bronze coloured gauntlet which covers his both fist till elbow. The gauntlet provides his both arm an extra layer of defense and immense punching power.

The gauntlets also provide him two soul skills, the first skill is called Energy Absorption which gives him the ability to absorb any physical attack and the second skill is called Energy Rebound which helps him to release the absorbed impact with twice the force when attacking. (A/N : Imagine the ability to be the same as Sebastian Shaw in X-Men except the rebound is twice and only both of his arm is able to absorb the energy not his whole body.)

Even though his external spirit bone doesn't sound as good as the Tang San's eight spear Lance's but if used properly the skill of the gauntlets can be said to be OP as it can almost make the person immune to physical attacks. But not now as the skill too has an upper limit to absorb the impact, he can only absorb the attacks of spirit sage, any further and the gauntlets will stop absorbing.

And with the gauntlets, his dream to fight people with only fist can also be realised. Now he really was itching to fight his opponents with only fist as long as doesn't need to use spear.

This trip to Star Dou forest has improved his power by many folds compared to before. The 'Qilin Transformation Technique' that was stuck at bottleneck, has also started to improve and new Qilin marks has also been condensed.

He was also feeling some new changes in his Qilin Transformation technique as some kind of information had also appeared in his mind which he hadn't still checked yet.

The stored saturated and purified energy that he has accumulated for more than two years had directly let him condense more than fifty thousand new crude Qilin marks.

But he was thinking of increasing the age of my second spirit ring to atleast 30,000 year and the third one to 50,000-60,000 year, *sigh* it's already giving him a headache to think how much Qilin marks he has to sacrifice for it. His cultivation speed can be said to be unprecedented if he just condensed his Qilin marks once and didn't sacrifice it to increase its age.

But he was doing all this for his future plans as he didn't want to inherit a god position but wanted to create one just like the Sea God, but that goal is too far away.

And he hadn't also broken his physical limits for more than two years right now and without breaking his limits the Meteoric Tear won't also release its pure crimson stream of energy which can help him purify his spirit power.

'I need to break my limits at least once in my spirit rank category. Otherwise it'll be very hard to condense the perfect Qilin marks. Till now I have broken my limits four times and atleast once more before reaching level 40.' Tang Ming thought to himself as they made their way toward Soto city.

Two days later, everyone returned to the college.

"Brats, go and rest for today. From tomorrow your classes will again start. Now go." Zhao Wuji said as all of them nodded their head and went toward their dormitory rooms.

In the office. At this time three men can be seen talking with each other. The three were none other than Flender , Zhao Wuji and Grandmaster.

After Zhao Wuji came to report about the trip to Flender, he saw another man talking with him who Flender later introduced as Grandmaster and also the master of both Tang brothers.

They both were shocked hearing that Titan Giant Ape attacked the children and became even more shocked after hearing that Tang Ming managed to severely injure him.

"What is the third spirit ring of both Xiao San nad Xiao Ming?" Grandmaster asked Zhao Wuji suddenly.

"They both hunted their own spirit beast by themselves. Tang San obtained his third spirit ring from killing a thousand year old Man Faced Demon Spider." Zhao Wuji said laughingly as he continued, " As Tang Ming wanted his third spirit ring from a ten thousand year old one, I was preparing to bring him back and again go with Flender to find a suitable one. But he hunted his third spirit ring while he was lost. He said that he obtained his third spirit ring from an extremely rare spirit beast 'Battle Saint Ape'...."

Grandmaster suddenly stood up with his eyes wide as he shouted, "What? 'Battle Saint Ape', he got his third spirit ring from Battle Saint Ape. Quickly tell me what was the age of the Battle Saint Ape?"

Both Flender and Zhao Wuji was surprised to see the Grandmaster so worked up but Zhao Wuji immediately said, "That brat said it was thirty two thousand year old."

"More than thirty thousand years old, how can he defeat that beast by himself?" Grandmaster said with a confused expression.

"What are you so surprised for? He can even deal a severe hit to Titan Giant Ape, why are you being so surprised that he hunted a thirty thousand years old one ape?" Flender asked while grinning.

"Fool. You didn't know how strong a Battle Saint Ape is? I have only read about them in ancient book as they have already became extinct and nobody has seen them for hundreds of years. They are called the king of Ape species as they have the same status the Golden Dragon King has in Dragon species. Battle Saint Ape Bloodline is even more powerful and domineering than Titan Giant Ape by a notch." Grandmaster looked at Flender like he was a fool but then explained to him as he knew most spirit master doesn't do the same extensive research like him.

Flender face looked like he just swallowed a fly but as a person known for his thick skin he immediately retorted back, "What great bloodline? It was still killed by my Shrek Academy student who has just studied here for only a week."

Grandmaster looked at Flender with a deadpan expression but didn't say anything as he had already experienced his thick skin many times.

"Well, I'll ask about the detail from himself. They all looked very exhausted so let them rest today. I'll take over there cultivation from tomorrow. And you, Boss Flender, bring out all your hidden stashes of money I'm going to need it for the cultivation of the children." Grandmaster said with a solemn face as he looked piercingly at him.

As soon as Grandmaster mentioned money Flender's face immediately contorted. But suddenly a sharp glint flashed in his cunning eyes as he looked at Grandmaster and said, "I have a better plan."


A/N : Here's today's chapter. So Enjoy Mortals.

Now now no need to bow and prostrate before me. And also no need to curse me and my ancestors. I as always kept my word and released three chapters in a week. The next chapter will be released tomorrow at night as it is evening here in my country or the day after tomorrow.

So, do tell me do you like the external spirit bone and it's ability. Ain't it badass. Again no need to praise me, I know I'm a dick.


Any suggestions, reviews and comments are appreciated either good or bad. Now I'm out.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious. Peace Out✌️.

Creation is hard even if it's a fanfiction. So cheer me up. And give me some Power Stones if possible. ThankYou.

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