
Douluo Dalu : Dark Tide

Aniket's life had been nothing short of challenging since his childhood. Constantly bullied at school and detested and ignored by his family, he slowly but surely felt his heart begin to harden. He stopped caring about anything except himself. A glimmer of warmth returned to his heart due to his little brother, but this warmth was brutally extinguished when his brother passed away, plunging him once again into darkness. At the end, he died due to the mistake of another. even at the end his eyes bore a unwillingness texture of unwillingness to die and madness to survive. But, Destiny has decided something else from him. After his unexpected death, he found himself reincarnated to in Douluo continent by mistake as a 2 year old orphan. will he the make the best of his new Life? or succumbed to the Darkness in his heart.

Indian_Dark_Lord · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Notice:- I would like to thank you all for your Support that I can write this far but due to my work load I have to discontinue this novel for one or two weeks. Fear not, once my work will be done I will continue writing it. My work is related to my career. So wish me luck so that I will able to finish my work faster and effectively.

Special thanks for MERU3M, divine Asura and Jay_Goodwill.


Qian renxue was busy absorbing her fourth soul ring while few enshrine were talking among themselves.

A child like person said " Second Brother, I don't think anyone have achieved this feat in past or will able to achieve this feat in the future."

A muscle man with white hair and beard and lion like hair interjected " Of course, One must know that to achieve this feat one must have required a god given martial Soul with 20 level innate Soul power to achieve this."

After that a old man with strong demeanour said " Due to being a 20 level innate Soul power limit for God given martial soul unlike 10 level for normal martial soul. So, there physique is being strengthen to level of quasi Grand soul master, while doing many exercise did our Xiao Xue has strengthened it to be able withstand the impact of thousand years old Soul ring. After absorbing his thousand years old Soul ring as first soul ring, strengthen her physique to the be able to withstand 4,500 year old Soul ring as second soul ring, Which have laid her foundation to withstand 9,000 years old Soul ring as her third soul ring. Her higher talent has let her be recognised by the Angle God Statue and has gotten head Soul bone from Anglic Soul bone set as reward, which was Ninety Nine thousand year old.

Due to effect of absorbing head soul bone her mental power has greatly soured to the level of soul emperor, soul power increase due to absorbing soul ring across limit so called limit has also allowed her breakthought level 40 only at age of 9 years, which further allowed her absorb 18,000 years old Soul ring of blazing sun crane as her fourth soul ring."

Hearing this a old man with pale face with a black tattoo of a line extending over both of his eyes said with Pride " This is a power of my martial soul hall to cultivate this kind of peerless genius, otherwise those idiot lone cultivators think that without a background they can protect and cultivate themselves like in fairy tales. They are just giving there head for free."

And saying this, this his facial expressions started to become gloomy and he said in gloomy manner " I don't understand why Eldest brother accepted the proposal that white eyed wolf woman Bibi Dong to send Xiao Xue on the undercover mission to Heaven Dou Empire. It's is clear that she hate our Xiao Xue "

If Aniket would have known what is going on then he would lamented why there is so much difference between two transmigrator. One got everything that foot while one have to schemes and brains as well as experiments to even awaken a normal Evil martial soul, forget about getting a Top quality martial soul.


Although Aniket had been to Nouding City many times, he was still amazed by its architecture. It wasn't necessarily awesome or anything breathtaking, but it was unique. The architecture was of Western style, while the culture of the people was mix but Chinese was dominant.

When it came to Chinese culture, their beauty standards were something Aniket couldn't quite understand. It wasn't that they were bad or anything; he just wasn't accustomed to them, so it felt a bit strange to him.

The good thing, though, was that he could appreciate Chinese beauties without any notions, since he didn't fully grasp their beauty standards.

While Aniket was lost in his train of thoughts, Village Chief Jack suddenly interrupted him.

"Xiao Feng ah! In a moment, Grandpa will take you to the academy and then return. When you are alone at the academy, you must listen to your teachers and not leave the academy without permission. When the semester ends, Grandpa Jack will come to meet you again. That time will be almost at the New Year."

After hearing this Aniket pulled out a silver coin from his pocket, handed it to Jack, and said, "Take this coin, Village Chief. It's enough for a night's stay at the hotel. You can head to the village tomorrow. There's no need to take me to the college; I know the way."

Hearing this, Jack refused the coin while being emotional and said, "Xiao Feng! What are you doing? I know you have money, but it's better for you to keep it. Even if the hotel is affordable, I can't stay the night. I have to return to the village. As for the college, even if you know the way, it's my responsibility as Village Chief to take you at least to the college gate. I can't leave you halfway."

Aniket still insisted on giving the coin to Jack, and finally, Jack accepted it. Although Aniket was in a child's body, his mind was not that of a child. He couldn't let Jack travel in vain. Moreover, he didn't like owing favors to anyone, especially for small things like this.

Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy was located in west Nuoding City, a fact Aniket already knew.

As they approached the academy, a large gate arch came into view from a distance. The arch, twenty meters wide and over ten meters tall, was made of solid rock. Below it were two jet-black iron gates, meticulously forged with fine iron.

Through the iron bars, a winding path was visible, with a main road leading directly inside, lined with trees on both sides.

In the middle of the arched gate were four large characters: "Nuoding Academy." From the gate alone, it was clear that on the Douluo Continent, the occupation of soul master held great significance. Even though this was only a primary soul master academy, it was comparable to many middle-level colleges.

After reaching the college, Aniket stopped Jack and turned around. "From here, I can go on my own," he said. "I can handle all the paperwork. Thank you for accompanying me, Village Chief."

Jack softly said, "Okay, Xiao Feng, you can go."

Aniket began to head towards the academy but there was still a burden in his heart. He turned around and said to Jack, "You should stop using those fertilizers if you don't want your land to be destroyed. They increase your crop yields at the cost of your land's fertility. If you stop now, there won't be any consequences, but if you don't, your land will become barren in a few years."

After hearing this, Jack was stunned for a moment. A few seconds later, he came near Aniket, patted him on the head, and said softly, "Xiao Feng, you have truly matured."

After that, Aniket nodded and headed towards the academy.

It wasn't that he had a sudden change of heart. When he was first reincarnated, arrogance and pride were in his bones. As people began to isolate him, Aniket became resentful and schemed to take revenge. But after living continuously for many years, his arrogance and pride had subsided somewhat, and a sense of guilt had started to form in his heart.

He understands that human heart was this way even people doesn't want it. If the people in village were truly evil then how can he able to live comfortably without much problem there.

And if you think others will feed you in mouth like your parents then you are in serious delusion.

Main thing was that he don't want to spend his whole life with only hatred in heart. It will do more harm to him than good.

After reaching the gate, Aniket saw a gatekeeper standing there. Without saying anything, he tossed a bronze coin toward the gatekeeper and entered. It was a bronze coin, unlike the silver one he had given to Jack.

He didn't take Jack with him because this gatekeeper will cause trouble for him like in original series because of his appearance.

Although Jack's apperance counted as bright and new in Holy soul village, but arriving in Nuoding city, it completely had the appearance of a country bumpkin. The gatekeeper will surely gave him disdainful look.

While Gatekeeper frowned upon seeing a bronze coin but he didn't dare to speak after seeing chilly looks his eyes.

Aniket apperance was much better than even many paying students coupled with his cold temperament. He knows that Aniket was not some country bumpkin which he can bully plus he was soul master for enrollment since he was entering the Academy with his luggage unlike him a normal person.

As for why he gave him bronze coin and didn't shown him his martial soul Awakening certificate because it was not necessary.

In original series, the main conflict was because of appearance coupled with Jack being country Bumpkin and Tang San being a murderous brat.

Gatekeeper have worked here for many years so, how he can't tell apart from real to forgery. It was all because people coming to deliver new students generally would leave a little appreciation But Jack didn't know that coupled with that Murderous Brat Tang San whole farce in original series was created.

Jack not understanding is understandable because he's just a normal person. But how can that thirty-six-year-old idiot Tang San not get it? In the assassin sect, did you only focus on cultivating internal strength and forget to cultivate your brain? How can you even perform assassinations when you don't grasp a simple principle that even a fifteen-year-old kid in India understands?

" Stop "

Just as he was leaving the gate, a rather hoarse sounding voice rose, stopping him.

The gatekeeper was at first dazed for a moment, then immediately following, the frowning in his face was quickly replaced by humbleness . The change was so quick, it was hard to imagine.

Bowing and scraping towards the speaker he said "Grandmaster, you have returned."

Aniket turned his head to look at a stranger, he saw an average of figure, somewhat thin looking man had at some point already come to his side. It would seem, this person appearing forty to fifty years old, with short black hair with three seven separation, very ordinary looks, both hands held behind his back. His body possessed a kind of peculiar manner, with both eyes half open he seemed a bit sluggish and dispirited.

Aniket instantly understand that he is Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang, teacher of protagonist Tang San, he is also known as pligarism master for other transmigration like him. he was a Joke, a subject to torture, no transmigration gave him face, even some can ridiculate him to death. If his lover wouldn't be Bibi Dong it was clear that thousand lives would be short for him.

Aniket just remain standed motionlessly, and didn't flatter him like gatekeeper.

He came near Aniket and said in disinterested Voice " Kid, is it possible for me to have a look at the Soul hall certificate?"

Aniket softly said " No Need" and started to walk in inside Academy.

Hearing this Grandmaster was frowned and he saw that Aniket has started to walk before he could say anything.

Although he was dissatisfied with him but he didn't say anything as he thought that since Aniket' status must be very good and would have certainly know about him and his reputation that why he didn't let see his certificate.

As for why he thought that Aniket's status was good because he was certainly not blind and can see clothes that although Aniket wearing were simple but was of High quality, which a normal person can't posses.

As for why Aniket didn't gave him certificate because it was useless to gave him and he will certainly look down on him.

Also, Aniket didn't want to be his disciples because with his talent he can only become lab rat to practice his messy theories like Tang San.

Nuoding junior soul master academy was not as big as it appeared outside, and was mainly divided into a few areas: the main school building, a sports ground and a dormitory to the east of the sports ground.

Even though it was only an junior soul master academy, this place's requirements towards students were extremely strict; even if the home was near the academy, students must still live in the academy under a unified regime.

Aniket walked towards dean office was asking directions to the several passerby students.

After coming to the gate of dean office, Aniket knocked the door and asked for permission to come in.


" May I come in? "

A voice came " yes, you can come in "

At the dean's office on the main school building's first floor was a sixty year old teacher who was in charge of dealing with new students and two additional teachers in their thirties who assisted him.

Aniket waited till director has completed the formalities of other students.

Director said to Aniket " What can I do for you? "

Aniket said softly "I came here for enrollment"

Director said " okay, give your certificate "

Aniket didn't said anything and gave him his awakening certificate.

After checking Certificate, Director was shocked to see a 2 level innate Soul power with variant Blue Silver Grass.

Although 2 level innate Soul power is considered pretty low in Douluo continent but he can still consider a little genius in small city like Nouding city were only majority of student are half or First level innate soul power. What more is that it appeared in the waste martial soul like Blue Silver Grass.

Director was shocked but he quickly suppressed his thoughts and said " Fees for enrollment is 25 gold coins per annum"

As for why he didn't ask to be a working student because he understands from seeing his clothes that he is not a one who is going to be working student.

After hearing this, taken out a pouch from his luggage, counted and taken out 25 gold coins and gave him to Director.

After taking, money Director couldn't help but ask " kid! Is your parents didn't came with you? "

To which Aniket said emotionlessly " I am a orphan, Director "

Hearing this Director's eye had a looked at him with a pity.

After doing his registration, A teacher gave him a blanket, a pillow and standard Nouding junior Soul master academy uniform, white, texture looking very neat.

Director said to him softly " Now, your registration has been done. you can go to dormitory number 1 and select a bed there"

Aniket said softly " Director, Can I have a room of my own? Don't worry, I can pay academy for it "

Director was going to deny but after seeing his face, a pity flashed in hin eyes and he sighed softly and said " Okay, But you have to pay 5 gold coins additionally every year. "

Aniket said " okay " and taken out 5 gold coins from his pouch and gave to the dean.

After taking coins from Aniket, Director led him towards his room personally.

Aniket's room was arranged in the dormitory building it was alongside the teacher's quarter.

There was only one dormitory building, easily found, where academy students and teachers all lived. Just like what Village chief Jack said, those who could become soul masters were very few, and it was especially so in a remote city like Nuoding. The amount of students and teachers were certainly not many, and a single dormitory building could already enough.

The student's dormitory altogether only had seven rooms. Because the Junior soul master academy students were all comparatively young, in order to better supervise them together every year's students lived together in a big dormitory room. Each year's Nuoding Junior soul master academy students were only approximately forty people.

The dormitory building's lower three floors held seven big student dorm rooms, and every dorm room had a teacher in charge.

All paying students lived in dormitory room number 1 to 6, according to their grades while in Dormitory room number 7 working student lived of all grades.

Dormitory Room number seven among these seven student dorm rooms was a comparatively unusual place. The circumstances were also the most different: it was a place especially for working students. After all, the academy was not a charity and even though the tuition for working students was lowered, the treatment could not be as good as that of ordinary students.

Room seven was also the only mixed age dormitory, so no matter what grade, all working students lived here.

Aniket already knew this so, he didn't want to be live in some messy room sharing with 10 or 12 Brats.

After reaching to him room, he politely said Goodbye to the Director, actually it's Director Su, he has introduced himself while coming here.

After unpacking his luggage and arranging it in there place, he started to put his Dark Blue Silver Grass near window and started to nourish it with his soul power.

One must know that Aniket really gave very much importance to this Dark Blue Silver Grass because his future path developement was heavy depends on how carefully he studied the properties of this Dark Blue Silver Grass. It might be become one of his Soul Ring in the future as he intend to cultivate it in Ice Fire Yin Yang Well when there is chance.

As why he didn't cultivate Blue Silver Empress's seed because it's too dangerous, he fully intend to devour that seed to improve the quality of his Martial Soul then let it grow.

One believe it or not since he have came to this world and have awaken a variant Blue Silver Grass as a martial soul, he destined to go against Tang San unless he become his licking dog which he will never become. So, he won't leave any chance to improve his and snatch Tang San' Opportunity.

As for wheather Tang San able to complete his revenge or not, what it has to do with him.