
Douluo dalu and the infinity system

A boy dies due to an accident caused by a supreme god and he got a few wishes from god in return for his mistake and the story goes on now read the novel to know more i can't give you any spoilers , this is my first time writing so please do comment and tell me how novel was and yes there will be harem and the mc will be op but he will not be op immediately after his birth like in some novel, he has the means to be op but there is no instant mastery, there will also be lemon scenes but wait for it ,it will be really awkward to see a 6 year boy fu*king a bi*ch so i will only give lemon scene after our mc is of 14 years old i know it is also small but who cares ,i just want a little logic not some shit where the pipi of 6 year old can't even stand and he is doing the deed of men . at last this is wish fulfillment fanfic no hard feelings if this is not upto your taste don't read . and if you like the story please share with your friends and join my patreon : nether_2001

nether_2001 · Anime & Comics
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Martial spirit awakening

Today is the day I will awaken my martial spirits, i wake up in morning excited. I hurriedly went to my mother to ask"mom when are we going to awaken my martial spirit"in a impatient manner.

"baby, wait a little and have breakfast after that we will visit to your grandfather for your martial spirit awakening"she said

"OK but you have to do it fast"i said ran to dinning room to have breakfast where a maid has arranged the breakfast and my dad was already sitting there waiting for us.

After having breakfast we went to my grandfather's room but when i opened the door there was only a portal through which we arrived to a beautiful mountain covered with variety of flowers and my grandparents were sitting on swing enjoying cold air in sun slightly cloudy, perfect for a pick-nick i guess.

"wang'er so you are finally here, excited for your spirit awakening" my grandfather asked in jolly manner.

"yes grandpa i can't wait please hurry"i said to which i got a chuckle from my mother and grandma looking at me as i am a chick jumping excitedly.

"OK OK come here"my grandfather said and placed highest purity spirit energy crystals inscribed with runes in a hexagonal form to form a array and asked me to stand in center.

After i stood in center he activated his martial spirit which is like a illusion but nothingness i can feel there is something but can't see it ,after i ignored it as i don't have qualifications to know more about it now anyway.

He started pouring his spirit power in the array and i started to feel a little hot in the body that something which was asleep till now have woke up , a tremendous power ,a terrifying aura suddenly irrupted on me if it was in the normal mainland and my spirit would have been awakened by or Lord of the NPCs Su yuntao , i believe he would have been dead by now due to pressure.

Suddenly 8 lights erupted from me and i began to hover in air , the eight light formed a star like pattern , me as a center , and one by one came to my body.

A terrifying dragon roar came from my backside as a (1)dragon silhouette came from my back showing its domineering force , then a (2)arm gauntlet came to my right hand side and attached to it, then another light appeared and attached to my chest forming a (3)god armor suite but the gauntlet is the only thing in body that is not covered with the suite, an (4)sword with both majestic and evil aura and (5)axe with lightning all over came to me and attached at my back of the suite with forming a X symbol.

Then a (6)black gun with suppressor came to me and attached with my waist as a gun holster and an (7)grenade came and attached to the other side of my waist and finally a (8)blood thirsty Scythe came up as telling me to him. And as i hold at gave me a humming sound as it is telling me his feeling of joy.

I was surprised to the scythe because as far as i remember i only asked 7 martial ability and now where came the 8th then, while i was confused about my 7 or 8 martial spirit which seemed to very funny , my whole family had a look of surprise they didn't expect that i had so many spirits.

Now after coming out of daze my grandfather asked me to check my spirit power and when i put my hand on the crystal ,i felt something moving to crystal and the crystal started shining with a letter 28 written in it ,now my whole family seems to be numb to the value of innate spirit level after seeing my number of martial spirit.

"grandson what is the name of your martial spirits "my grandpa asked

" my spirit names are ancestral dragon, infinity gauntlet ,storm axe ,dragon armor , god and demon sword, glock 47 gun with suppressor ,grenade and blood thirsty scythe.

But suddenly i heard the voice of aria in my mind

[Ding System is about to go in auto upgrade period all the facilities will not be available for 12 hours]

I didn't expect that after awakening my martial spirit my system will be upgraded ,but that aside i am excited that now i can go on adventure hooray.

But i feel i am forgetting something and that something is my family , to which i have yet to explain my some martial spirits as they are not from this world and i can also tell them truly about my martial spirit without any fear as i trust and love my family and who will be in there right mind to attack me knowing power of my family.

"son come here i think its about time we have some serious talk"my father said as i came out of daze and my whole family came to the main hall.

[author note = sorry i know i am late at uploading chapter but yesterday was my exam so i was little busy .but i will try my best to upload chapter regularly ]

PS: Enjoy the story