
Douluo Dalu: 9 Goddesses Douluo

Follow the main character and his adventures. See how he cultivates girls instead of spirit power, acquiring their powers and boosting his own. Growing stronger as his harem does. Warning: There would be lemons as they are part important of the story but don't expect lemons in every chapter as it has its own plot. https://www.patreon.com/vdve

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75 Chs


'So like I thought, in the end, she is Chenxiang' Haotian made a serious face 'But rather than telling her that I knew her secret, it is better for her to open herself to me'.

"Bai...Like the Speed Clan." Haotian whispered. Then, he opened his eyes widely in shock looking at Chenxiang, falsely showing a sudden realization " Of course, that explains it."

"So you already knew" Chengxiang made a sad smile " I am the granddaughter of the actual patriarch and like the mainline, my spirit is the Needle-Tailed Swift, not the Wind Chime Bird."

"The Needle-Tailed Swift is considered to be one of the fastest spirits, but it can only follow the path of pure speed" Chenxiang explained "If you try to infuse some attack spirit ring..."

"The famous 38" Haotian softly said.

"Yes" Chenxiang nodded "You are punished by heavens to go against nature and even if you can cultivate really quickly at first, you are marked, forever being unable to break through rank 38."

"So it was really that" Haotian said "That really explains why even if you reached rank 36 with 12 years, you are unable to break through rank 38 after a year. So that's why you were forcing yourself so much cultivating, even injuring yourself."

"I always had been a genius. In my clan, my talent was early manifested and I was expected to follow the pure speed clan, even succeeding my grandfather and reach the long dream of achieving the Titled Douluo realm. But..." She extended her arm over the sky "I wanted more. I wanted to freely fly all over the sky, fly higher than anyone."

Chenxiang looked at Haotian with a sad face"You must think that I am an idiot. Going against fate, choosing an impossible path that no one had ever crossed before." Her eyes turned teary "I put my everything in training, forcing myself to go over!" She shouted "Why can't I breakthrough?!" Tears started falling from her eyes "My team, Biyun, Meijing and you, you all are going to continue progressing while I'm left behind, forgotten and alone." She said guilting herself "I am an idiot, I shouldn't have chosen this. Now I can only be forgotten by you or forget everything, rewrite myself and cease my existence." She started crying.

"Don't be stupid!" Haotian shouted angrily, surprising Chenxiang who flinched "You weren't wrong, you chose the path that you wanted, your own path and has given your all to follow it." He said with a serious face "I saw it all!" He shouted "You training more than anyone, training, sparring forcing yourself to faint every night. All of your hard work and resolution. So what if it goes against fate? So what is if it's a taboo? Go further, made history as the first, never stop!"

Haotian stepped forward and kneeled in front of Chenxiang, approaching his face to her "I will never forget you and I would never let you forget myself." He said very serious, making Chenxiang gain a little blush due to how close they were.

Haotian strong arms surrounded Chenxiang as he stood up, lifting Chenxiang with a princess carry "Wha!?" Chenxiang cried surprised at the sudden lift.

"Let's go together against fate!" Haotian smiled at her.

"Yes!" Chenxiang shouted unconsciously. She didn't know what it happened to her, but she had always felt really great near Haotian, knowing that he was special since the first day. She wanted to become strong, to be able to follow Haotian and be with him. Haotian's words had given her a new strength to continue forward her... no! their path!

Chenxiang leaned over Haotian, clinging on his robes as she lifted her face, closing her pink lips into his.

Haotian was a little taken back due to Chenxiang's action, not having really expected for her to act first. However, he quickly reacted, tightly hugging her and kissing her back, both tongues interlancing with each other.

Having zero experience, Chenxiang was surprised by the sudden tongue and Haotian's experienced technique, but she quickly answered with her own, exchanging saliva and quickly learning guided by him.

"Mmmmm" Chenxiang started eagerly eating Haotian's lips, feeling as a rush of warm energy entered her body from Haotian's, traveling all over her body and washing the pain away, substituting it with warm and pleasure as it was healing her own injuries.

"Tian" Chenxiang moaned, all her body felt hot, as pleasure and happiness was accumulating inside her. In that moment, Chenxiang had already decided her way, she wanted nothing else that being able to stay with the man lifting her forever.

Haotian fixed his gaze over Chenxiang's lovely brown eyes and blushed face and he knew, she was his to take. She had been very unstable emotionally and he had been the one to cheer her, taking advantage of her weakness of the moment plus Haotian's own spirit that made him an aphrodisiac. He could feel the link forming between both, showing that she was ready for him to take as a spirit ring.

'This is wrong' Haotian could take her here, but he didn't continue. He finally broke the kiss, a thin line of saliva connecting both of their tongues. 'I can't continue like this'.

"Tian?" Chenxiang panted, her body recovering a little from her heat as she looked toward Haotian's pained face, her face showing worry.

'How could I take care her like this? After she had completely opened to me, always giving her maximum effort while I only showed her lies' Haotian had decided it. After spending all this time together, after seeing all her effort, pushing herself to the limit, showing her determination... Chenxiang was special, she wasn't an object to be used to increase his cultivation and strength. She deserves more than lies.

"All is fine" Haotian smiled brightly at her, caressing her forehead combing a stray flock of her hair. He tightly hugged her body and started running holding her.

"Tian!?" Chenxiang shouted puzzled by Haotian's suddenly running.

"Don't worry" Haotian answered smiling, carefully holding to not let her go as he ran across the academy, jumping over the tall walls and leaving them behind.

Seeing his smile, Chenxiang felt reasured. She clinged her body to him, leaning her face over Haotian's chest.

After 20 minutes running, Haotian finally stopped. They were inside the Sunset Forest, the nearest forest of the academy where spirit beasts could be hunted.

Haotian carefully released Chenxiang, letting her stand up. As she stood over her two feets, she couldn't feel most of her pain, having been reduced by Haotian before. She looked around only to find herself surrounded by trees, without any sign of humans in the proximity.

"Why did you bring me here?" Chenxiang asked confused.

"You had told me your deepest secret, now I will show you mine" Haotian answered. Chenxiang deserved a true love without lies and Haotian decided to give it to her.

Suddenly, a little Horned Rabbit jumped from a near bush. It was a little rabbit no more than half meter long with a little horn over its forehead that shouldn't be older than 50 years old. The rabbit dashed towards Haotian, pointing its horn towards him.

Haotian stayed still and turned to Chenxiang, completely disregarding the rabbit "This is my spirit" Haotian's body starting shining, a beautiful gray and pale blue light surging from him as under him two spirit rings appeared, one yellow and the other one purple.

The rabbit jumped hitting Haotian's stomach, but as if a steel wall was there, the rabbit found itself unable to pierce Haotian's skin, rebounding in it and crashing painfully to the ground.

"Crrr!" The rabbit shouted in pain, but quickly stood up. It learned that there was no way to win so it quickly stepped on the ground, jumping behind, trying to scape from Haotian.

"This is my second ring" Haotian's purple ring shined and magestic image of a phoenix formed from blue flames appeared behind him. "Grriiiiiii!" The phoenix shouted, shooting blue flames over the rabbit. The flames passed over the rabbit and stopped in front of it, cutting its escape path and encircling it, making it impossible for the rabbit to escape.

Haotian stepped forward towards the caged rabbit, the phoenix over him disappearing. "This is my first ring" Haotian lifted his right arm as his yellow ring shined. Over his hand, a slender sword appeared. Haotian swung the sword towards the rabbit, cutting over the flames and easily beheading the rabbit that instantly died, letting a white spirit ring floating over it.

Chenxiang contempled the scene in shock and wonder. Chenxiang was sure of what were that the phoenix and sword. Without any doubt they were the Pure Yin Phoenix and the Seven Kill Sword, the spirits of Biyun and Meijing respectively. So the iced sword showed by him before should be a fusion between both. But how could it be?

Haotian approached over the rabbit's corpse and leaned over it. He extended his arm and the white ring started being attracted to him.

Chenxiang's eyes went eve widely, realizing that Haotian was trying to absorb that ring "No, you can't, Tian!" Chenxiang stepped forward shouting worriedly. Haotian shouldn't absorb such a ring, not only it was incredible weak, it most probably wasn't compatible.

However, Chenxiang's worry was unfound. Just as the spirit ring touched Haotian's body, the ring broke down in pieces, completely dispersing and disappearing over the air.

Chenxiang blinked at the bizarre scene "What happened?"

"Like yourself, I lied about my spirit." Haotian said seriously looking at Chenxiang "Mine is called Nine Goddess Body. Unlike other spirits, I can't absorb spirit rings from spirit beasts. Instead, I obtain my spirit rings from girls, needing to have sex with them to create." Haotian opened himself, revealing his deepest secret.

Chenxiang's face paralized, completely shocked about what she had heard, her mind going at full speed thinking about it. She would have think of it as a joke, but with what Haotian had showed and Haotians determined face, she was sure that it was the true.

"So Biyun and Meijing are...?"

Haotian nodded "They are like my sister in the way that I grew with them, but in truth are my lovers. Like you thought, they had made my first two spirit rings".

Unconciously due to her shock, Chenxiang stepped back, her face turning a little pale.

Haotian knelt not he ground "You might think that I trash womanizer that only wants to use you, but it's not true" Haotian made a serious face "Chenxiang, I love you" Haotian declared with passion.

"Your personality, your courage, your effort... I love everything from you, from the good to the flaws." Haotian said "I won't lie saying that you would be the only one, but I can say that I truly love you! That I will always love you and stay at your side".

"Chenxiang" Haotian intentanly looked with a loving gaze at Chenxiang waiting for her answer.

"I. I-"