
Douluo Dalu: 9 Goddesses Douluo

Follow the main character and his adventures. See how he cultivates girls instead of spirit power, acquiring their powers and boosting his own. Growing stronger as his harem does. Warning: There would be lemons as they are part important of the story but don't expect lemons in every chapter as it has its own plot. https://www.patreon.com/vdve

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Second Ring 2

Haotian could feel himself stronger than ever, energy flowing all over his body as he had broken through to the grandmaster rank, his body becoming much stronger as he received Biyun's power.

The bet had paid off, Biyun was sleeping over due to the exhaustion, but her complexion was much better, her life no longer threatened by it. Her spirit had evolved and been refined, becoming a Pure Yin Phoenix. A top-ranked beast spirit with almost ultimate Yin element, gaining a brutal immunity against Yin elements like ice, water or even death. Unlike Meijing who had a trash spirit before, Biyun had a powerful one, her spirit becoming even much powerful, surpassing the Seven Kill Sword in potential, it could be truly considered a god-rank spirit.

However, Haotian didn't have time to contemplate about his new strength as he could see Meijing being attacked by a great number of beasts, she having already taken out most of them.

Haotian used his new spirit ring, two phoenix wings made of ice sprouted from his back and cold blue flames surged around his body. Just before an enormous lion was about to tear Meijing's body, Haotian shot blue flames from his hands between Meijing and the lion. These flames were so cold that froze even the air, creating an ice wall that blocked the lion's attack.

Finding his attack stopped, the lion turned towards Haotian. The lion of 8 meters of length looked threatening at him as it forgot about Meijing, she was already taken care, she wasn't a danger for the lion.

"GRRRRRRR!" The lion roared, every other spirit beasts stepped back in fright, not daring to meddle with their king's prey.

"Come, big cat!" Haotian teased the lion, blue flames surged from his arms and wings, condensing icicles around him, shooting them towards the lion.

"Grrrrr!" The lion charged forward, completely ignoring the icicles that simply crumbled hitting its skin. In the end, a 1000 years beast was too strong for a normal spirit grandmaster to face, even spirit elder would lose against one due to their strong body.

The lion reached Haotian in no time, lunging towards him with his mouth wide open trying to swallow him fully.

"Like hell!" Haotian hit the ground with his palms, blue flames surged from them, climbing upwards freezing its surroundings, creating an ice wall between both.

The lion crashed towards the wall, the flames covering him as it breakthrough it. However, it was stopped for an instant. Haotian used that instant, nimbly skating over the frozen ground avoiding the lion's body that crashed in his previous position.

He didn't stop there, he skated over its side, invoking more flames frosting the lion, ice crystal started forming around the lion's body. If one attack wasn't enough, Haotian would slowly freeze him.

"GRRRRRR!" The lion raged, turning his body, swinging his right claw. However, even if he was faster, Haotian's agility was greater. He lowered his body avoiding the claw and skated over the back of the lion while continuously creating flames.

"You know? Control system counters heavy attackers" Haotian teased it. Rather than an attack system, Biyun's spirit best use was working as a control, changing the field and freezing the opponents.

From the back of his view, Haotian saw a shadow approaching him, it was the lion's tail. It moved like a whip with an incredible strength capable of breaking his bones with a direct hit.

"Hm!" Haotian grinned, his first spirit ring shined.

"GRRRRRRRR!" the lion cried in pain, its tail flying over already separated, sliced from its body.

Over Haotian's hands, his Seven Kill Sword stood covered in blue flames, having easily cut the lion's tail. It would have been difficult normally as even its tail was extremely hard, but using Meijing's and Biyun's at the same time, he was able to boost the attack power of his sword, using the lower temperature to make it harder but controlling its resistance, while making more brittle anything that approached it.

"Grrrrr!" The lion started thrashing around, trying to hit Haotian but in vain, he avoiding every move, always keeping himself at his back, his flames never leaving the lion's body.

Quickly, more ice started forming around the lion's body, making it harder for it to break it, its movements becoming slower and even its shouts turned weaker.

"Bang!" Finally, the lion fell over the ground, the ice quickly flowing all over its body, lowering its temperature and breathings.

Haotian stopped in front of the lion, looking down as its body was becoming an ice statue "You should not have dared to touch what is mine" Haotian said coldly. He skated over its side and lifted his sword, clenching with both hands. Flames surged from the sword as Haotian swung it down, decapitating the lion.

"Flop!" the head fell over the ground, its skin breaking in pieces have already been frozen and turned into ice, leaving a bloody lump of meat that even now it was starting to freeze again. Also, a purple spirit ring appeared over its body.

"Fuuuu!" Haotian exhales, mist surging from his mouth due to the low temperature of his surrounding, but he was completely unaffected, even feeling great in it.

He turned towards the remaining beasts, threatening looking at them with his eyes full of killing intent.

The beasts could feel as their blood turned cold. Seeing their king being killed and Haotian's killing strength, it was an easy decision for them. They quickly turned around and escaped from that place, traveling the farthest possible from Haotian.

Haotian withdrew his spirit, the sword, wings and flames disappearing, the temperature around him quickly raising. He flinched a little as a great headache crossed his brain.

It was due to his spirit power consumption. It was the first time that he used Biyun's spirit and he wasn't used to it. Unlike Meijing's sword that only consumed once invoked, Biyun's spirit consumed as more flames were created, really tiring him out.

Haotian shook his head and quickly went towards Meijing who was the one really wounded, having spent over an hour protecting them from all those beasts.

Haotian reached her and sighed in relief seeing that there was no serious injury, Meijing having avoided every mortal attack and protected her vitals. At most it was some broken bone that could quickly be healed.

Haotian took his mother ring from Meijing's finger, taking out from it bandages, alcohol and medicines. It seemed that his mother had already thought of it, putting a medicine kit inside the spatial ring.

Haotian cleverly cleaned Meijing's wound, healed them and finally bandaged her body, keeping her left arm unable to move as it was the worst part. During his 6 years living alone with Meijing, they had been attacked some times when they went hunting animals, so he was already used to treat light wounds. The rest would be left to Meijing's natural healing, much stronger than before now that she was a spirit master.

Haotian sat cross-legged, resting himself but carefully observing his surroundings for any attack. With both girls sleeping, he was unable to move, so the best was trying to rest.

The first to wake up was after an hour Meijing who even if she felt her body ache, she was mostly fine.

'Advantages of being a spirit master' Haotian thought 'Normal humans would take weeks to recover'

Meijing carefully looked at her surroundings and sighed in relief seeing that they were all safe. She turned towards Haotian with a serious look "I will absorb that spirit ring" She said signaling a corpse of a Red Saber whose yellow spirit ring hadn't dispersed yet. It was a sabertooth-like beast with its teeth red in color and over 4 meters long.

"Mei, you should rest. And that beast is over 900 years, it might be a little older for you" Haotian answered calmly.

"I want to be strong" She clearly said determined "I want to be able to protect you."

Haotian approached her and hugged her tightly "You have already protected me. Without you, I and Biyun would have been dead. Please, don't force like this again."

Meijing rubbed her face over his chest, but she didn't change her mind "I know that I am strong enough. I can absorb it"

Haotian sighed. She was stronger than the usual spirit master thanks to her training and mainly due to him refining her body, it shouldn't be much of a problem for her "Okay" He agreed "But if you sense something wrong, don't force it, immediately stop" He said sternly.

"Yes" Meijing nodded and broke over Haotian's arms, quickly going towards the Red Saber, invoking her spirit and started absorbing the spirit.

"This girl" Haotian sighed, but he had a warm and loving look as he looked at her.

3 hours passed and Meijing finished absorbing the spirit ring without any problem, breaking through the 21 rank, becoming a spirit grandmaster.

As she opened the eyes, she glanced towards Haotian with an angry look as she saw Biyun clinging over him, rubbing her face over Haotian.

Biyun seemed to have been reborn, her body was much bigger, nothing like her weak self, with her long hair shining with an ice blue color. She had become a complete beauty that could rival even Meijing. Biyun being more of a classic beauty while Meijing being a little boyish.

Meijing approached them "Yunyun, you should learn that I am the first and most important one" She said pushing away Biyun and hugging Haotian left arm.

Biyun glanced angrily at Meijing, blue flames started surging from her body.

'The problems of a harem. I expected them later on' Haotian thought with cold sweat at his back "Please girls, not fight between each other." Haotian stopped them "And Yun, you should thank Mei. If it weren't for her you would have died."

Biyun calmed down and looked embarrassed at Meijing "Sorry, Mei. And truly thank you" She offered her hand to Meijing "Let's be sisters like before" She smiled at her, her expression was of hope and a little nervous and afraid of being negated "Being together with brother"

Meijing glanced at her. If it were for her, she would have kept Haotain all for herself, but he needed more girls to be strong. While it was only girls for his spirit ring, Meijing could accept them as part of Haotian's harem, but she would never accept any more than the necessary.

For Meijing, Biyun was a good option. She had a strong spirit and they had been great friends in the past. Even if she had betrayed them, it was due to those fuckers of elders and she clearly was sorry about it, even wanting them to let her die for them to survive.

Meijing could accept her. She shook her Biyun's hand "Let's be sister again, Yunyun" She smiled.

Biyun smiled brightly and wanted to jump again towards Haotian, but she was stopped by Meijing "Sorry, Yunyun. But Tian and I have some matters to do, no?"

Haotian shook his head to Meijing's behavior, but she was alright. Now that she had gained a new spirit ring, he needed to have sex/actualize with her.

"Biyun, please. Let us some intimacy" Haotian requested a little sorry for her.

Biyun puffed her cheeks, but in the end retired under the grinning and triumphal smile of Meijing.

After over an hour of loud moanings and Biyun almost carving over a tree with her nails, venting her rage, the group of three was ready to depart. All of them with brand new clothes that Nair had already prepared for them. A black pants with a red shirt and a black jacket for Haotian, a white short kimono making it easy to move for Meijing and a long blue dress for Biyun.

Haotian observed carefully his body, already used to it, he didn't require any external instrument to know about it. Two spirit rings, 900 years old and 650 years old respectively, with a 27 rank of Biyun after second awakening her spirit.

'Not bad, for a 12 and a half years old boy' He hummed. "Let's go!" The three started walking to their next location, saying goodbye to Sun Village.


At the Sun Village, inside the Tè mansion's infirmary, a bandaged boy, on one of the beds, opened his eyes. He was the future head of the Tè clan and the younger brother of Haotian, Tè Yuan.

"Young master, you finally have woken up" Elder Yan said next to him. Yuan's injuries had been very serious, he almost dying. But in the end, Yan was able to heal him without affecting his talent at all.

"That trash!" Yuan's body trembled in fury, remembering how he had lost against his second brother.

"You shouldn't move, young master." Yan advised "Your wounds could open again"

Yuan ignored him "Where's that trash? I will make him pay it with interest. I will make him and his bitches desire to be dead!" He said with a boiling range "Where is he?!" he demanded.

"Three days had passed and there's no trace of them." Yan informed "We sent a searching party the quickest possible, but they were unable to find them. The most probable it that they had been devoured by the spirit beasts of the forest."

"Find them!" Yuan shouted in rage "Even if only they leftovers are left, even if they had been eaten by beasts, open their stomach and bring them before me!"

"Like you want!" Yan bowed to him and quickly left the room. Once he was outside, a man dressed in black was already waiting bowed towards him.

"Will we do as the young master desires?" The man asked.

"No need to waste your efforts. If they had escaped for the safe past, we will have already found them. They must have been devoured already" Yan grinned "At least Shenti wasn't completely useless in the end, the young master" He said sarcastically "Is more motivated. He would focus more on his cultivation and is so angry that it would be easily controllable. We obtained the best pawn to reach our long dream" Yan started laughing.

Over the infirmary, Yuan burned in anger. Two yellow spirit rings were shining under him causing lava to surge from his body and burn his surrounding "I'll kill you trash!"

With this, the second volume had finished. The next one will be the third ring.

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