
Douluo Dalu: 9 Goddesses Douluo

Follow the main character and his adventures. See how he cultivates girls instead of spirit power, acquiring their powers and boosting his own. Growing stronger as his harem does. Warning: There would be lemons as they are part important of the story but don't expect lemons in every chapter as it has its own plot. https://www.patreon.com/vdve

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75 Chs

Prince Team

In front of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, a luxurious carriage just stopped there. From it left a beautiful white-haired girl, her shining hair under the sunlight plus the noble and sacred air surrounding her, made her seem like a perfect artwork, attracting the attention of everyone at its vicinity that approached curiously at the arrival of the carriage.

"It's the White Goddess!" "Had she already became a Spirit Elder?" "White Goddess!" Exciting shouts and whispers started around the girl.

The girl smiled politely at the crowd, increasing their furor. But her gaze quickly fell over one particular a handsome black-haired man, making her smile wider.

However, her smile changed to a frown as she saw two blue-haired girls, one icy blue that had a smile over her face and the other one deep blue resembling the sea accompanied by an inexpressive face, accompanying him. 'He had broken through' She thought detecting the increase of the strength of the boy.

She quickly returned to her polite smile, making the frown almost undetectable, and stepped over the black-haired boy.

"Tian!" She smiled as she warmly hugged the boy.

"Welcome back, Meijing" Haotian smiled at the returning Meijing who after two weeks had finally returned from her hunting exploration in the search of her third spirit ring.


"I-I'm near!" Moaned Meijing as Haotian was rhythmically thrusting his cock in her pussy with a missionary position, her breasts clenching over Haotian's chest "A little more!"

"Let's come together" Haotian smiled as he was also reaching his climax. He thrust one more time, feeling the tight wall of Meijing's pussy clenching around his cock, pushing him to the limit.

"AAAAAA!" Haotian shouted as his bulging member started shooting gallons of cum inside Meijing.

"FUCKKKKKKK!" Meijing moaned, reaching her orgasm as Haotian's cum pushed her insides, painting it all with his cum.

Having reached the orgasm, both finally separated from each other, Haotian taking his cock stained with cum out of Meijing's pussy, after having done the act for over 2 hours. It was clear that Meijing's third ring had made her stronger, making her able to last more than before.

"I really missed you, Tian" Meijing leaned over Haotian kissing him deeply "I love you" She said making a loving smile "I love you the most."

"I also love you the most, Mei" Haotian said returning with another kiss.

Listening that she was the first for Haotian, Mei's smile become wider. She hugged Haotian's arm tightly, pressing her chest over it as she rubbed her face to him.

The two stood quiet while hugging each other, relishing in the aftereffect, resting and recovering their strength. The warm scene lasted until Haotian activated his spirit, his body starting to glow as three purple spirit rings appeared around him, effectively showing that his first ring had grown older with his previous session with Meijing.

"Now that all of them had grown older I will announce my breakthrough to the academy" Haotian looked at Meijing "You are incredible, 6.000 years old for your third ring."

"It's nothing too special. I've got lucky" She smiled "And Haotian, with whom have you bonded for your third ring? I saw you before with Biyun and Lingling but is clear that it isn't Lingling as she continued emotionless like always."

"Ah? Sorry. I didn't explain it to you" Haotian apologized "It had been with Yu Feng. She was using a fake identity and..." Haotian started explained everything about Chenxiang and her spirit, plus the familiarity. Meijing never stopped smiling over the story.

"Mei" Haotian suddenly stopped talking, carefully fixating over Meijing's eyes. For a moment, he seemed to have seen them glinting with a strange light while talking about Chenxiang.

"Something happens" Meijing avoided his gaze a little, blushing a little under Haotian's intense purple eyes.

"No, nothing" Haotian couldn't see anything strange about Meijing and pushed that glint as his own imagination "I'm only a little worried about you. Are you sure that you are okay with Chenxiang and more girls."

"Tian" Meijing took Haotian's hands between her owns "I already told it. I love you over everything and I want to be always with you, reaching the peak together. I won't lie saying that I wouldn't prefer to have you for my own, but I know your spirit. I will accept other, but you must keep your promise of me always being the first one" She smiled.

"Of course, I promise. How could I not love you" Haotian smiled lightly kissing her hands "Chenxiang is very hardworking and lovable. I am sure that you will become a great friend"

"I didn't interact a lot with her previous, but now I am sure that we can become" Meijing stopped for a second "Great sisters."

"Thanks, Mei" Haotian said hugging Meijing again. This time Meijing started talking about her travel.


In the east side of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, over a training ground formed by a 100 meters diameter cleaned area, stood a group of 15 girls and boys. All of them wore a golden uniform with Heaven Dou written over the right side while seven silver starts adorned their left side, showing the sign of Heaven Dou.

This group of 15 was in truth the Prince Team. The Prince Team was a gathering formed by the elites in Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, not only nobility was enough, but it also required talent and strength.

The Prince Team was considered the second strongest team, only lower than the Emperor Team formed of true monsters. As the second strongest, they were considered the top elite and they were preparing for the Continental Academy Tournament as the second representatives.

Most of them were over 20 years old, with robust builds exuding strength. They were talking with each other, but there was a clear distinction inside the group. Three people, a boy and two girls stood apart from the others, talking between each other while ignoring the others, gaining furious and jealous gazes from them. These three were far younger than the other and had lean and attractive bodies, but the air and strength of them were in no way inferior to the others. If something, it was clearly superior.

These three were in fact Haotian, Biyun and Meijing.

Biyun was already part of the Team Prince since she had broken through and the other two became part shortly after Meijing's return from her hunting. Meijing breaking through spirit elder and even directly jumping to rank 32, plus her young age and top-tier spirit, she had been instantly accepted over. And in Haotian's case, once he showed his three purple rings and easily defeated one previous member, he was quickly added.

"Ahhhh" Haotian yawned "Why had the instructor ordered us to gather all together? I will very much spend my time in something more productive than training with them." He said clearly letting himself be listened to by the others. "And he is even arriving late."

"Youuuu!" A young man from the other group growled, taking a step forward. Unlike the other robust bodies, he was lean and very petite, plus his long blond hair, he seemed a girl rather than a boy.

"What?!" Haotian mocked at him "Something to say, weakling?"

The petite man clenched his hands in fury, trying to control his anger. He was called Sun Jiezhi and was the leader of the Prince Team. He was 19 years old and rank 35 control system with a ring as his spirit, making everyone respect and praise his strength.

Jiezhi could easily accept the Emperor Team's members looking down at him, but Haotian's mockery was another matter as he was a nobody. Light surged from his hand as he was about to activate his spirit.

On Haotian's and Meijing's first day at the Prince Team, something similar happened and Jiezhi challenged Haotian's to a fight. The results were disastrous, becoming a one-sided massacre of Haotian who didn't even use his spirit or spirit rings to win, his body enough to win him.

Remembering that moment, Jiezhi calmed himself. He clenched his teeth in fury but withdrew his spirit.

At that Haotian grinned "That seemed to me".

That was the last straw, Jiezhi invoking his spirit, a meter of diameter ring surrounded by three spirit rings, 2 yellow and 1 purple. Following him, five more members of the group stepped forward invoking their spirits, being Lion, Bear, Tiger, Leopard and Wolf, all of them with 2 yellow rings and 1 purple.

'How many will I be able to lure to fight' Haotian smiled as he stepped forward, a sword covered by blue flames appearing over his hand as three purple spirit rings appeared under him. Following him, Meijing and Biyun also stepped forward.

In the end, what Haotian wanted was to fight against all of them at the same time. Even if they were strong for spirit elders, they were not up to Haotian's and the girls' level, but they will be able to make it up with numbers, making it a worthy fight rather than the usual 1vs1 training.

"Stop!" Just as they were about to jump at each other, a voice resounded with spirit power. From the path, an old man approached the group. He seemed to be older than 60 years with white hair and a long white beard due to his aging.

Seeing him coming, everyone stopped the fight, quickly withdrawing their spirits. Even Haotian did it while showing a disgruntled face at having lost the opportunity to fight all the others.

"Greetings teacher Wen" Everyone saluted.

The old man was Wen Yu. He was a rank 68 spirit emperor, a high ranking teacher of the academy and was the teacher entrusted with the Prince Team, being its supervisor and responsable.

Wen Yu sighed "Fighting is a good practice, but prepare before starting and never let your feelings get the hold of you." Wen Yu instructed "And please never fight just before our classes."

"Yes! We are sorry teacher Wen"

"So why are we reunited today?" Haotian bluntly asked.

"These youngsters" Wen Yu sighed. He was a little annoyed by Haotian's reaction, but he let it pass. Haotian, Meijing and Biyun were incredibly talented, far above all the others, making them win the support of the principals and becoming untouchables. If it weren't for their young age, it was clear that they would have been part of the Emperor Team and the Continental Tournament's victory would be secured.

"I gathered you all today to present you a new student that would join the Prince Team" Wen Yu explained "She is a special case so b-"

"BOOMM!" Wen Yu speed was interrupted by something crashing over the training ground and forming a crater near Haotian's group, gaining the attention of everyone there. Over the crater stood a beautiful girl with long blond hair and a killer body with great curves.

The girl turned towards Haotian and made a wide smile "PERFECT LANDING!"