
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

The legacy and The last gift (Reuploaded)


Spirit ring skills

1st spirit ring🟡: Demonic Assault

Demonic Assault: It is a passive ability which activates during combat. It grants Nero the ability to recover demonic-spirit energy,physical strength and mental energy during combat. The initial ability was to recover all the above mentioned things by taking hits but due to Iblis's bloodline purification it evolved

Rate of recovery is proportional to user's attack and spirit ring age.


"?????? how the hell did i get this broken ability as my spirit ring ability. I mean it doesn't make any sense the more i fight the more i recover to my best state" Nero said in astonishment after seeing the description of the skill.[ It was a coincidence you got this ability as the original ability would have worked by taking hits which i can see you would never use unless in devil trigger form but due to Iblis bloodline promotion this ability also got a boost nonetheless it is still a broken ability] ' Even she agrees with me well i can't test it now. Lets eat something first then i will take a look at Virgil's legacy ' Nero decided and went to have some snacks.




" So what is the 1st phase of virgil's legacy and how are the phases unlocked" Nero asked Aria after eating his snacks while sitting in his back garden.

[ Ahem! Ahem! let teacher Aria explain to you.

The 1st phase gives you access to his initial

Swordsmanship, hand-to-hand combat ability , beginner Demonic-spirit energy manipulation and mirage blades. There will be three phases the second one will unlock at level 40 and last one at level 70. As life isn't a game yamato's combo is not something you can execute with a thought so you will get Swordsmanship in every phase which divides Vergil's way of using Yamato.His ultimate skill such as judgement cut,void slash, judgement cut end are in phase 2nd and 3rd.ok the class is finished]

' Was extra drama necessary never mind i don't want to annoy her ' Nero thought thinking of the consequences. "Ok load the Phase 1" Nero requested and laid down on the grass. [ Phase 1...] was all he could hear before losing consciousness .

Nero opened his eyes and found himself in a fragmented world similar to Devil may cry 5 when Dante and Vergil met. A flash of light appeared before him which revealed itself to be Vergil at least a replica of Vergil according to it Nero decided to call him R- Vergil." I will demonstrate every skill and move of phase 1 to you and then impart that knowledge to you" R- Vergil instructed Nero and then he started performing Swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat while also using the Mirage blades. ' The only thing i can say is that everything is in a flow the way mirage blades aid Vergil's Swordsmanship is amazing. Every slash, upper cut ,wave,etc. is the epitome of perfection. What the game showed wasn't even a fraction of his real sword art and no wonder he didn't need any devil arms mirage blade was enough for him whether it was for long range, defending or aiding his sword attacks it blended with everything.I also get it now why Mirage blades were so powerful despite being made up of energy first due to Vergil's demonic power manipulation which augmented them and second because it was mixed with sword intent. At the same time if Yamato's law of separation is superimposed then there is nothing which could stop them ' Nero thought to himself after watching R-vergil.

After displaying all the skills of phase 1 R-vergil came to Nero and put Yamato's handle on Nero's head and said "Make a good use of it" and everything went blank. Nero opened his eyes and even though it felt like hours only a few minutes passed. "Aria do your magic with the new knowledge" Nero asked Aria.




[ By combining Revenant sword art, Vergil's Swordsmanship and his Hand-to-hand combat technique, this is what i came up with and also check the other two abilities].


• Revenant combat art- It is a combination of revenant sword art,Vergil's Swordsmanship and his Hand-to-hand combat technique. While dealing fast, strong,precise and strong strikes. It also utilises Yamato's sheath and handle in combat. The combat technique also allows hand-to-hand combat without Yamato or with Yamato (suppose fighting with Yamato in one hand and the other hand is used for hand-to-hand combat).Long range attacks can now be made without using Yamato's law of separation.



• Beginner Demonic-spirit energy manipulation -

It allows the user to control demonic-spirit energy more efficiently reducing the time required to activate abilities and spending only the necessary spirit power. It can also augment weapons such as Mirage blades,Yamato,Soul tools,etc.



• Mirage blades - Energy blades made up of Demonic-spirit energy which can be used for long range attacks, close range attacks, defending and can also be detonated at will.


" It seems the new combat art will be much harder to master than the previous one as it involves multiple things and on top of that i have to also practice mirage blades. How am I going to cultivate with this many things in my schedule" Nero asked Aria with a frown on his face.

[Aside from these abilities there was also Vergil's cultivation method in Phase-1.Even though Vergil achieved Sin devil trigger because of Qliphoth tree fruit but before that he cultivated his demonic power and as a part Demon you don't have to meditate and focus to absorb and increase spirit energy. You can increase spirit energy as long as you are in contact with it but i will still suggest cultivating spirit energy whenever you can as it will increase the rate at which you break through]

"Thank god!" Nero rejoiced and thought ' i would have died not from my enemy but from the amount of things i have to do.I also want to enjoy my new life not just practice like a madman '.

" Young master are you free" Nero turned back after hearing a voice and it was Sebastian in his usual posture. " Yes i am, what's the matter Sebastian" Nero asked him as Sebastian had a slightly serious look on his face. Sebastian didn't say anything but gestured to Nero to follow him and he did

Sebastian led Nero into a room filled with many antiques and said " Young master as now you have awakened your Martial soul i think it's about time i give you the last gift Madam and sir left to you ". " Last gift? what is it Sebastian " Nero asked in a slight sad tone without even realising perhaps the original memories did affect him a little bit.

Sebastian fetched Nero a square box which was locked in a strange way. " This was the last gift Madam and sir left to you and it can only be opened with your blood" Sebastian explained and left the room to give Nero privacy. [ Even I can't explain how this box was made and no matter how much i scan it there is no other way to open it except the way Sebastian told you] Aria stated as she also couldn't find another way to open it. " Well instead of guessing it would be better if I see what's in it myself "Nero said before extracting blood from his finger.

After dropping a droop of blood on the box instead of getting opened the box fully disappeared and what came into a view was something Nero never expected it was a pair of bones a wing type pair of bones to be exact.[ It's an external type spirit bone ! ] exclaimed Aria in a shock. Why wouldn't she as Spirit bones are rare in the current timeline let alone an external type spirit bone. " why did my parents lock it in such safety. Yes, external spirit bone is important and precious but not enough to hide it from Sebastian " Nero asked aloud in confusion.

"Master it is because it is not really a spirit bone" Iblis said after coming out in his beast form. " What do you mean by saying it is not really a spirit bone " Nero asked him and instead of answering Iblis put his paw on Nero's hand and went back. ' According to Iblis's information this spirit bone is a fusion of an external spirit bone and an energy demon's body. A normal external spirit bone increases its age with the soul master's Rank but due to the fusion of the energy demon this spirit bone's growth depends on the demon bloodline of the soul master who absorbs it.The question is how did my parents know that i would have a demon bloodline as neither of them had a spirit or bloodline related to the demon. The more i look into them the more i realise that their death isn't as simple as it seems. Well it's a problem for the future me let's absorb this spirit bone ' Nero thought and sat cross-legged on the ground and stuck the spirit bone on his back.

After Nero started to absorb the spirit bone his face had an expression of pain and his whole body was sweating out.

*1 hour later*

Nero suddenly opened his eyes and two energy type wings extended from his back but instead of bird looking wings the wings looked like a combination of demon hand and bird wings.

After Nero opened his eyes the first thing that came into his view was two strange looking wings and he was a little surprised to see them as they looked oddly similar to Vergil's son Nero's Devil bringer ( photo in comments).[ That happened because the spirit bone belonged to an energy Demon and In Sparda bloodline only Nero had Energy wings. So while your bloodline enhanced the spirit bone it also Changed the way it looks and even though the spirit bone didn't have any soul it still developed an elementary spiritual wisdom so you don't have to worry about working on its control they are one with your thoughts] Aria stated explaining the reason for mutation.

Nero tried to experiment with them and it was true that the wings followed his orders the moment he thought about doing something.[ Take a look at its skill while you are at it] Aria said while displaying the information


Soul bone:-

Energy Demon Wings

• Energy Demon external spirit bone: A unique spirit bone made by fusion of energy demon's body and normal spirit bone. Its growth is dependent on the user's demon bloodline. It changes its form to ??? in Devil trigger mode and to ???? in the Sin devil trigger mode.

Skill: -

• Demon's Redemption: The ability is divided into passive and active. It allows the user to heal everything in a blink of an eye as a passive. The active ability allows the user to regenerate any part of his body as long as the required spirit-demonic energy is provided. Other people can also be healed but consumption of spirit-demonic energy will be doubled.


{ Author's note- I made this a healing ability because in the original game Nero Son of Vergil regenerates his hand after unlocking Devil trigger and the name Demon's Redemption was inspired from his decision to go back to stop his father and Dante after he accepted his shortcomings}

' Thank god it's an auxiliary ability and a healing one now I don't have to worry about finding a healing soul master in future. I think an auxiliary spirit bone is much more suitable for me as i don't have shortage of attack skills and this ability can be used even after i become a Titled Douluo whereas an attack type spirit bone ability will lose its effect because Vergil's skills and the ones i will get from my spirit ring would be the enough ' Nero thought and rejoiced for not getting a ability he would never use.

" Aria why are there question marks when it comes to DT and SDT mode" Nero asked Aria [ That's because it is unknown what form the wings will take at that time. We never know what you truly want them to be in DT and SDT mode]." So they will become what I subconsciously want them to be well it's not gonna be any time soon " Nero said in understanding and wondered what would they be.


Soul and spirit are same thing if you get confused just assume them same.