
Douluo Dalu 3- The Rise Of A Legend

welcome to the story of Wang Ling rise from nothing to the very top. English is not my first language hope you enjoy

Hayxia · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11-Arival at Eastsea Academy

Wang Ling arrived at the orphanage after his graduation , everyone he knew in the city were waiting for him to arrive as he entered all the children came from the academy and the little ones that lived in the orphanage ran towards to congratulate him as he entered with everyone he saw Grandma Liu , Yun Xie , twin sisters Yu and even his teacher Zhuge Liuyun there waiting for him.

as he entered everyone congratulated him upon his graduation , Wang Ling was truly happy to have people truly doing their best to support him and take care of him.

everyone celebrated until all the adult have given Wang Ling a present , all the adult have him their and waited for him to open , the first he first open was of the twin sisters inside were a few pairs new of clothing for him to were , he truly was happy about it , as he took Yun Xie's he felt that it was heavy as he opened it he saw new weights waiting for him Inside.

" you already grew accustomed to all your weights and finding compressed metal like that just for weights would be quite hard for you so I took care of it"

Wang Ling immediately thank him.

next he opened Zhuge Liuyun present and inside was a ring , he recognized the ring as the ring he used to carry his book during the first month of his training with him.

" you would need to carry a lot of things in the future if you want to succeed as a Mecha Maker so I packed everything you will need inside including a few higher level books for you, check inside there a suprise for you."

Wang Ling immediately checked inside and inside were his tools , books and a soul communicator he immediately looked at Zhuge Liuyun with a shocked face.

" why are you making such a face you will need it if you do a few jobs for the Mecha Association you would be able to buy one ,so I giving one so you can keep in touch if you have any questions"

Wang Ling immediately bowed and thanked him.

last but not list was the headmistress Grandma Liu as he opened her present he saw a book as he opened it he was shocked it was a picture book Inside were pictures of him during his time at the orphanage ,his time training with Yun Xie, him learning from Zhuge Liuyun , and playing with the kids, and at the end was a drawing that kept his mouth open, even if he spent very little time with him he truly felt the love from him, it was a drawing of Old Zhang his grand grandfather .

" I knew you're going on your own path you probably barely would be able to come visit , so I prepared a picture book to every child under my care , to remind you even if we aren't near you we will always be on your side, and as you seen at the end I draw a picture of the man that gave you to me I drew that a few days after I returned with you to give you at least his look " she said with a gentle smile .

Wang Ling walked to Grandma Liu and gave a hug as a few tears started to form around his eyes he truly felt loved by all the people here.

" I think we are missing another picture " she said and Wang Ling looked confused at her , as she gathered everyone she told Wang Ling to stand in the middle as he was the oldest of the children all the little ones stood infront of him and the adults stood by his side Grandma Liu out the camera on a timer than rushed near Wang Ling as they all took a picture together , and it was added to the book .

everyone kept celebrating until evening where everyone felt asleep at the dining room.

Wang Ling was only leaving to Eastsea city in two days , the day after the celebration he left the city with a bouquet of flowers and reached Old Zhang's grave he planted the flower , he made a tradition that he will come here every single year on the day he died to honour him.

he sat there talking for an hour, than he left back to the city he still needed to pack his things for the trip tomorrow , he rested for the day helping around the orphanage, playing with the kids. as the new day began he was awaken by the kids in the orphanage piling on top of him , after all his training he could pick up the entire stack of children away from him and took everyone together with to the dining room for breakfast, as they say and ate a sad mode was in the room.

after breakfast Wang Ling took his back and went to the entrance where everyone was waiting for him with a sad look on their faces.

as Wang Ling saw that look he immediately started talking.

" what up with the depressing mode , I'm not going to die , I'm just going to learn at a different academy , listen everybody this isn't a goodbye , it's a see you later , during my vacation I will come back and see you all so their is no need to be so sad"

all the kids went towards Wang Ling and gave him a hug , Wang Ling turned around towards the adults and immediately bowed down to them.

" I can't even express how I'm thankful for all of you for taking care of me during this 9 years "

Grandma Liu and the twin sister had tears in their eyes as Yun Xie replied to him.

" there is no need for such a sappy goodbye come on . for you to shine you need a bigger stage , from now on everything will be on yourself we won't be able to help you much ,so take care of yourself"

Wang Ling nodded he started to walk away but turn around and bowed again before leaving , but he missed that Yun Xie had a few tears starting to form.

" alright everybody inside if you want to reach Wang Ling's level you would need to train hard" Yun Xie said as he said to everyone.


at the Eastsea train station there a child standing around 1.3 m with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail with green eyes , this is our protagonist Wang Ling just as he arrived at Eastsea city , as he looked around and was didn't know where to go so he asked in the train station for directions , the receptionist told him the way .

as Wang Ling followed the directions he reached the police station and near it was the recruitment for new student he immediately went forward to the table and a few 17-18 year olds sat there waiting for recruits Wang Ling walked towards them.

as he walked towards them one of the girl saw him and immediately greeted him .

"little brother are here to report for recruitment?"

" Yes I am" Wang Ling replied with a smile.

" Hello , I'm Liu Yuxin I'm your senior sister from the advanced academy if you here for recruitment please fill out this form and please show me your academy recommendation letter" she said as she gave Wang Ling a form as he finished filling it he gave it back with his recommendation letter.

as she read his form she was shocked at what was written.

" Name:Wang Ling.

Age: 9 year old

academy: Goldenlake elementary academy

spirit: Rapier

spirit rank: 23"

as she read his spirit rank she looked at Wang Ling as if he was a monster she immediately regain her mind and gave him a card.

" please keep this card at the entrance at the academy you will be sorted and give your supplies,

please get on bus in the back."

"thank you senior sister" Wang Ling said as he got on the bus and waited until the departure he used the time until their arrival at the academy to train his Lightning Refinement Technique. he used it until they arrived at the academy's gate where they needed to get off and walk to the administration offices , there they checked it person soul power and spirit and gave each person his school uniform as well a dorm key , as he went to the dorm he searched for his room number 107 he found it and entered, inside he saw 2 bunk beds and saw that no one arrived yet , so he took the left bottom bed , and inspected the room , he saw that the room had to much dust , he immediately gone outside got a water basin took his weights off and speed cleaned this room .

" I think this is one of the best reason to be an agility soul master , you can do jobs like cleaning a lot faster than you needed"

as Wang Ling finished cleaning and return the water basin he sat on his bed and started cultivating until dinner.

he was cultivating for an hour before the door was exploded open and two people entered with an arrogance to them.

" oh at least this place is clean, very good job you did from now on you will clean this room " one of them said as he looked at Wang Ling didn't even bother looking at the arrogant kid, he simply ignored him but kept his senses open on the boy.

the boy got a grey about being ignored and immediately attacked Wang Ling bit because he kept his senses open and from all his training and his body refinement he could created after images as he moved , he moved behind the boy and hit his neck with a chop than the boy immediately got knocked out , Wang Ling than looked at the second person daring him to move , as he saw that he wasn't planning on moving he moved towards his bed and continued body refining.

the boy he hit stood up after a few minutes and was shocked at the speed Wang Ling moved and even more shocked at his strength . as the two friends moved to the second bunk bed and started to talk to each other .

" Yangzi to which family do you think he related to if he can knock me down so easily"

"I'm not sure Jinxi but it's better not to anger him he was able to easily move so fast that neither of us saw him ,and his strength is something else" both the boys talked to each other as another boy entered the room, both boys recognized him and moved towards him.

" Xaiofeng don't piss of that person until we get enough information about him , he very strong" Wang Jinxi told the new roommate.

Wei Xaiofeng didn't believe Wang Jinxi and Disturbed Wang Ling , Wang Ling grew angry at the people stopping him from concentration on his body refinement.

Wang Ling immediately moved around Wei Xaiofeng and hit him in the neck and knocked him out.

then Wang Ling sat back at the bed body refining.

he barely talked to his roommates , except going in a run in the morning the eating he sat and cultivated as he won't have a lot of time once the academy starts.

as the four boys went to the entrance ceremony heard the headmaster giving his speech , after the speech , the called each student to their class .

" Wang Ling, Wang Jinxi, Zhang Yangzi, Wei Xaiofeng" class 1

after more time he finally heared

" Tang Wulin, Xie Xie " class 5 .

so the plot officially begun as he followed his class to classroom one he sat there waiting for the teacher to start as a woman went to the teacher desk and immediately introduced herself.

" Hello class 1 I'm Ye Yingluo I will be your teacher for the next six years for now introduce yourself name, spirit, soul power" she said as the class started to introduce themselves , but the most interesting student were saved for last.

"Wei Xaiofeng rank:21 spirit: Green Shadow Snake"

" Zhang Yangzi rank:21 spirit: Shadow Phantasm Eagle"

" Wang Jinxi rank:21 spirit: Bone Dragon King"

the student were shocked that in there class were spirit grandmasters than Wang Ling stood up.

" Wang Ling rank:23 spirit: Rapier"

the moment he said this the entire class was shocked at his words they didn't expect for a first year to that strong.

teacher Ye immediately coughed to get everyone's attention .

" you are the most talented students remember that you are the best at the academy " she said.

as Wang Ling heared this he immediately disliked his teacher simply boosting the ego of his class.

" just so you know that In three months a tournament will be held that will allow a class to change their rank with another class through battle but the first class will be allowed to battle higher grades and with more wins you will be able to get a slot of resources to enable you to get stronger faster " .

' I truly don't like her the arrogance she is showing is truly disgusting ' Wang Ling thought.

" our first class will start tommorw , so I hope you will be ready, dismissed" she said then immediately the entire class started to surround the four roommates Wang Ling immediately used his speed get got out before he needed to deal with a new bunch of admires" he went to get lunch then returned to his room and started to work on the books Zhuge Liuyun gave him until evening than cultivated until the next day.

double release

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