
Douluo Dalu 3 | Divine Destruction

The Golden Dragon King was a being of pure destruction and chaos, a dragon of madness whose own power corrupted its sanity. Eventually, its tyrannical strength couldn’t endure the waves of damage caused by his greed. He was defeated. After his death, the Golden Dragon’s power was granted to a newborn child, a child with memories of another world.

TrapLover · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Under the Cerulean Skies

"You! If you stop running again it's ten more laps!" Wu Zhangkong shouted coldly like a demon, the student in question running with rekindled terror, his stamina empty yet his determination on fire.

The twenty or so students were all in similar situations. The Class Promotion Tournament was right around the corner so Wu Zhangkong was training them even harder than usual. Every night they would all fall into their beds, some not even making it, and passing out instantly

However, they wouldn't dare to defy the Cold God. They weren't the Demon of Destruction or the Elemental Saint, they didn't have the power or potential to do something so crazy. Instead, they endured the pain and ran like their lives depended on it because it truly might.

Sitting a few dozen meters away Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena sat peacefully, leisurely watching their classmates participate in class. They themselves should be down there, training their muscles with the rest but it tended to… lower class productivity.

Besides, the two's physical bodies made it so that joining the class would be useless for them. Even Gu Yuena, a backline fighter, had more physical strength than they did, and not just because she was a dragon.

She actually followed a lessened version of her other half's intense training regime. It had only been a week but because of her hastened regeneration, it was already beginning to show its value.

But even before she attended the school she was training her body fairly well. The only issue is that her subordinates would worry about her too much to actually let her train as much as she should have been.

"Who do you think is going to win?" Gu Yuena asked her other half, her body peacefully laying on the picnic blanket she had brought out of her storage tool while Wulin lay beside her, his emotionless eyes gazing up at the sky.

A gentle breeze blew through her hair, a soft and refreshing drink by her side, the soft and supple earth beneath her cradling her softly, small fires in the air forcing the cold morning wind away from her. At the current moment, she was the peak of comfort.

"Class 1." Tang Wulin replied simply, his eyes locked on the sky to stop himself from staring at the girl beside him. His mother said that it was creepy and that only lonely people do it. His father cried at that but he trusted her opinion.

If the representatives of class 5 went up against Xie Xie they would get crushed mercilessly. Xie Xie was previously one of the higher ranks in class one so using him as a baseline was fair. But that wasn't even counting how much he would grow.

The epiphany Xie Xie found after meeting them was still ongoing and it's been three months at this point. It was unknown how much he would grow from it but at the very least he should be at the top of the first class since he was already nearly there.

"That's obvious but how many ranks do you think our class will go up?" Gu Yuena asked lightly. They were actually all pretty good but none of them were talented, if you squeezed all their talent dry it wouldn't even equate to a single drop of Xie Xie's talent.

Instead, it was Wu Zhangkong forcing them to work extremely hard that made them worth anything. They may curse and despise him but he was the one forming their trash talent into something they could potentially be proud of.

"Second class? It's difficult to tell." Tang Wulin said in his emotionless voice. The class wasn't strong in terms of cultivation, they relied purely on technique and physical power to fight similarly to him.

They would be physically stronger than even the first class students without enhancements and yet the gap in energy was a large weakness. Without them the class had a limited supply of powerful moves that they could use to possibly bridge the gap.

It also depended on who the classes chose to send as representatives. The third class had a set of triplets who had a flying type martial soul so the class would struggle against them but they could easily defeat most others in the third class.

In the end, there was no point in worrying about it. It was impossible to guess for sure and it didn't even affect the two of them. According to their ever reliable teacher, the school was in the process of building a class just for them and other extreme talents.

The fate of this class didn't affect them so it didn't matter. Instead, they should think about how to deal with the issues of the future, mainly how to deal with their teacher's constantly increasing intensity in training. It was becoming increasingly difficult for even the two of them by the day.

"Hmm. That sounds about right." Gu Yuena thought out loud, gently humming to herself as she thought it over. The second class didn't have anyone that obviously countered their roster so it would be fairly easy. The only challenge would be getting past the third class.

'Why does that sound so nice?' Tang Wulin thought to himself, closing his eyes to focus purely on the soft hums coming from beside him. It relaxed his body more than he thought possible and with such ease.

As his body relaxed it grew heavy and his eyelids would have forced themselves shut if he hadn't already done so. For the first time in years, Tang Wulin drifted to sleep under the soft hums of the silver goddess beside him.

"Hm? Wulin?" Gu Yuena spoke up as soft, rhythmic breathing entered her sensitive ears. Rising into a half sitting position with her head resting on her palm she looked over at him, immediately deducing that he was sleeping.

Normally his face was the definition of emotionless yet when sleeping it relaxed making him appear like a handsome prince in a fairy tale, his soft yet domineering beauty creating a strange mix of push and pull that wouldn't struggle to seduce all but the most dedicated women.

'Good thing it's you with that face.' Gu Yuena thought to herself, snickering slightly at the mental image of him standing in the midst of a stampede of women, trying to refuse all of them. 'Well, no harm joining him.' She thought with a mental shrug.

Laying down she rested her head on his shoulder, her soft body pressing up against his incomparably strong physique. Feeling his strong muscles a sense of safety and security washed over her that lulled her into a deep slumber.

"Class dismissed!" Wu Zhangkong dismissed his class after a few hours, his golden eyes looking at them in what they perceived as disdain but in truth was a small amount of appreciation toward their hard work. Few could handle what they did and some had already dropped out but they remained strong.

After the last student had returned to the school building Wu Zhangkong turned around to gather his personal students since they weren't really a part of class 5, they were more like… roadblocks.

If the students could withstand their jealousy the roadblock would empower them, if not… well they wouldn't last long under him. His class was all about finding your limits and then shattering them. If a student couldn't handle that it'd be best to leave early.

Flashing over to the hill they resided on silent Wu Zhangkong paused in place, a ghost of a smile appeared on his face as his golden eyes softened. He no longer appeared to be the cold and callus protector of Eastsea Academy, now he resembled a proud father.

'I suppose they deserve a break.' Wu Zhangkong decided, gently covering their sleeping figures with a soft blanket.

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