
Douluo Dalu 3 | Divine Destruction

The Golden Dragon King was a being of pure destruction and chaos, a dragon of madness whose own power corrupted its sanity. Eventually, its tyrannical strength couldn’t endure the waves of damage caused by his greed. He was defeated. After his death, the Golden Dragon’s power was granted to a newborn child, a child with memories of another world.

TrapLover · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Monster of the Generation

"Excuse me?" Wu Zhangkong said, his cold voice full of complete and utter confusion. He thought he just heard Gu Yuena say that Mu Xi, the daughter of a Saint ranked smith, was the student of Wulin? He must have heard wrong.

"I didn't know you were a blacksmith boss!" Xie Xie said excitedly, not quite understanding the severity of the situation. Most people knew of Mu Chen's name but not his daughters so that wasn't surprising.

"I am." Wulin replied simply. It was information Wu Zhangkong was aware of but he assumed that his student would be at most rank three, a rank given to experienced blacksmiths yet he trusted his student to achieve it.

Yet it seems he was wrong. To have the daughter of a saint rank smith as his student means one of two things. One, it was done because of Wulin's talent ensuring him a high rank in the future, or two… he was already a high ranking smith.

"He's not just any smith, he's a saint rank smith." Gu Yuena bragged, a proud smile on her face as she puffed her fairly sizable chest out in infinite pride in her other half's achievement! He was by far the most talented smith in the world!

"…What did you say?" Wu Zhangkong asked, for the first time in many years he was doubting his own hearing. The news was just that surprising. The youngest saint rank blacksmith in history was the former Divine Smith at the age of twenty nine over three hundred years ago.

And yet he was supposed to believe that a nine year old child had broken that record in less than a third of the time? If it weren't for him having the utmost trust in his two students he would have laughed in their face at such a claim.

"Your student Tang Wulin is a rank eight saint smith though officially he is only a rank 5." Gu Yuena said lightly with a finger on her delicate lips as though she was thinking deeply, her lips curled upward behind her slender finger.

"Show me." Wu Zhangkong demanded hurriedly from his student. This wasn't an issue of merely a talented student, this could endanger the lives of his students even with his utmost protection.

Being the youngest saint ranked smith in the world was not a joke. Thousands of organizations all around the world would be trying to push him under their banner no matter if he agrees or not, it was an incomparably dangerous situation.

He was barely able to manage the number of people interested in the two students he considered his own children and that was when the rumors surrounding them were doubtful at best to the wider world. Nobody would truly trust children for their information.

However, this was information that would be proved by the world famous and extraordinarily trustworthy Blacksmith Association, there was no room to doubt it no matter how impossible it may seem.

Luckily, it seems like his students had taken precautions, merely claiming him as a rank 5 smith which while being near impossible by itself was much better. There was a large difference between Spirit Refinement and Soul Refinement after all.

His student's talent would be the issue as well however if he used Tang Sect resources to spread rumors that said his student merely used heavenly treasures to enhance his forging ability it would limit the number of interfering.

A rank 5 smith was important yes however if the smith in question built himself on heavenly treasures the chances of soul refining would be negligible at best. Many people followed this route seeking quick riches and not a single one reached the level of a saint smith.

If his talent was assumed to be limited in such a way the larger groups would keep away and the smaller groups would be easily manageable. It would take a large amount of his contribution points however it was worth it to keep his students safe.

That is if the rumor spreads in the first place. The Blacksmith Association doesn't needly meddle in the business of the world due to the solitary and focused nature of the blacksmiths themselves so it was unlikely it would be an issue anytime soon.

However, that was the normal case. The level of importance was so high that he couldn't imagine even the solitary beings known as blacksmiths would be able to keep their mouths shut for very long. Luckily it seems his students had taken precautions.

'If it is known that he has a close relationship with Mu Xi, he should be mostly safe.' Wu Zhangkong thought to himself. Having a close relationship with Mu Xi was practically the same as having a close relationship with Mu Chen himself, one of only now twenty one saint smiths.

With Mu Chen as a backing as well his job of protecting his student would be even easier. Few groups would be willing to offend a top ranking saint blacksmith such as Mu Chen even if possessing Wulin was as attractive as an elixir of immortality.

That left two groups that may intervene with Wulin's growth, madmen who were difficult to predict, and… the Four Great Powers. Tang Sect and Shrek should be fine, he had made sure after an in depth investigation, however, the Spirit Pagoda and the Federation would surely desire him.

Both forces had shown time and time again that their greed was boundless and recently, the ruthlessness of one of the two was shown clearly. The Spirit Pagoda was clearly a threat however the Federation was equal or even more so.

The Federation was a group that desired absolute control over the continent and would allow nothing that could assist their goal to escape their greedy hands. It was a large threat by itself however it had the highest power in the world.

God Killer Missiles were in the palm of their hand. They may not be able to be used casually however their mere existence was a threat to the world itself. A single one of those bombs possessed the power to potentially destroy the main bases of the other three great powers and they possessed a total of three.

If the Federation got their hands on a future Divine Smith in addition to those three weapons of mass destruction they would be the strongest power by far, even surpassing the Spirit Pagoda with ease.

'How do I protect them?' Wu Zhangkong thought worriedly.

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