
Douluo Dalu 3 | Divine Destruction

The Golden Dragon King was a being of pure destruction and chaos, a dragon of madness whose own power corrupted its sanity. Eventually, its tyrannical strength couldn’t endure the waves of damage caused by his greed. He was defeated. After his death, the Golden Dragon’s power was granted to a newborn child, a child with memories of another world.

TrapLover · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Legend of the Lizards

"There was once a large lizard of nine colors who roamed the area he declared his home. Because of his unique pattern, other lizards quickly gathered around him." Gu Yuena began, a frown on her face as she remembered the past.

What she intended to do was to tell an allegory, a story such as a children's fairy tale that is overwhelmingly simple but relates to more serious and complex matters. In her case, her allegory would be about the Dragon Clan.

"As an arrogant being by nature, the lizard proclaimed himself the leader of all things and began to take over the animal kingdom with overwhelming speed. Eventually, other races submitted to him as well and he became the strongest creature in a large area.

However, in a neighboring area, there was another leader of many races, a large red bird whose feathers glowed like flames. Between them was only a small river and so they eventually came to blows.

The two fought long and hard but in the end, the lizard came out victorious over the bird, however, he was injured and his mind damaged. Despite his damaged psyche, he was proclaimed the king of not only his small patch of land but the entire world.

He ruled for many years gathering many subordinates of many species under his banner, his rule peaceful and bright despite his arrogant nature. However soon, his subject became worried for him.

They worried he would be lonely so they summoned the most beautiful lizard of them all and offered her as his bride. The arrogant lizard fell in love at first sight and soon, their child was born.

The peace continued for many years after that however, eventually the injury to his mind sustained by his greatest foe became too much for him to handle. The lizard began to have bouts of madness where he could not control himself, frequently destroying his kingdom.

In one such madness induced rage, he struck down his own wife. Consumed by sorrow the lizard began to destroy everything in sight yet he was stopped by his young child, not able to hurt his child even in his madness.

Eventually, he calmed himself yet knowing that his mind would soon be gone completely, he began to train his child as his successor. He loved his child deeply and for that reason alone he did his utmost to make his kingdom a beautiful place full of joy.

Yet in one attempt to reach that goal, his son was killed. Once more falling into a flurry of rage he quickly slayed his nine most loyal subjects, the ones who had followed him for so long, only to be defeated by the combined power of his newer subjects.

However, even death could not fully defeat the powerful yet prideful lizard. Instead of dying, the lizard became two beings. A lizard sculpted of silver who inherited the prideful lizard's wisdom and a lizard of gold who inherited the lizard's madness.

Fearing for her life, the silver lizard ran away to the first land the lizard proclaimed his own, while the gold lizard was captured and shoved into a deep hole to be hidden away forever, never seeing the light of the sun.

Dozens of years passed before one day, the golden lizard escaped their deep hole. Attacking and destroying the descendants of the beings that had locked him away the golden lizard was defeated just as the prideful lizard was before him.

However, somehow his life had not ended. The golden lizard had found himself reborn in the land the prideful lizard first claimed, the silver lizard also finally awakened from her slumber they had entered to recuperate from numerous wounds received during her escape at the same time.

While the gold lizard was a solitary being the silver lizard had gathered a force of many species underneath her just like her forefather had done oh so long ago. However, her subordinates had dwindled in number when compared to the past due to the actions of other species.

In an attempt to enact revenge, the silver lizard disguised themselves and entered the habitat of the enemy with the intention of learning their secrets and using them against them. The silver lizard intended to eradicate their forces completely to protect her own.

At some point, the silver lizard sensed the presence of the gold lizard and made her way over to the golden lizard intending to devour the other in an attempt to once more become whole. However, when they met, the golden lizard had changed.

It was no longer the being of madness it once was. Slowly, the silver lizard found themselves attracted to the golden lizard, and her former intentions were erased from her mind. The two enjoyed their time together, finally having sorted out their differences." Gu Yuena finished her story, a small sigh escaping her lips.

"It was a tragic story but thank you for telling me." Her other half thanked her, his crimson eyes narrowed in concentration as he analyzed each and every factor of what he had learned, his hand absentmindedly going through her hair.

The golden lizard was obviously himself and the Golden Dragon King, the silver lizard presumably being her who would most likely be called the Silver Dragon King, and the nine colored lizard most likely being the Dragon God who his biological father spoke of.

The nine most loyal subordinates of the Dragon God were presumably the so called kings of the race which he had heard about in various history books. While not all were known by name, it was assumed that there was a dragon king for each basic element.

The newer subordinates that defeated the Dragon God were most likely the next leaders of the God Realm of the Dragon God or at least something of the sort. He had no way to know if the god realm he was born in was the same as the one the Dragon God created.

The largest problem was the enemy that had mortally wounded the Dragon God and had ultimately caused the end of his life, the red bird. It is unknown what happened to the red bird, most likely a phoenix of some sort, but it was something to keep track of.

'A Phoenix God…' Tang Wulin thought to himself, correctly guessing the title of the bane of the Dragon God.

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