
Douluo Dalu 2: Sword Immortal's Avatar [MOVED]

This novel has been reuploaded and continued on my new account named 'NightGuard' under the same name of 'Douluo Dalu 2: Sword Immortal's Avatar [Reuploaded & Continued]'. Follow me there for further updates.

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26 Chs

Disciple Greets Master, Versus Class Nine

(A/N: I am changing Spirit Rank to Spirit Level as it is more direct and comprehensive.)

Pressured by the powerful senior's intent, Xin Qing had unconsciously began to summon his sword, however he was not able to do so as the senior suddenly disappeared.

Xin Qing was briefly startled before his battle instincts kicked in and he dodged a kick from behind him. Rolling away on the ground, he affirmed that the senior was far above his level but carried no ill intent. The old man still had his leg raised in the air after missing, as he looked deeper at the black-haired boy in front of him. "Oh? Good roll. Let me see it again." The man disappeared once more.

Still uncertain as to the elder's intentions, Xin Qing was forced to push himself to the greatest extent yet since his arrival in this world. However, he refrained from using any self-harming or killing moves as he knew the elder carried no bad intentions. As they danced in flickering shadows and light, the average spectator would not have seen anything besides the beautiful display, while the veteran would know that Xin Qing was on the backhand.

After a few rounds, Xin Qing had been knocked back into the forest, against a tree. He stood standing, however, unwilling to fall. The elder watched on with an appreciative smile. Although Xin Qing had miserably lost, this was more so due to him lacking strength. In fact, both parties realized that Xin Qing's battle experience was not much shy of the elder's.

The elder was not mad at this revelation, only laughing happily. "I, Xuan Zi, have found a treasure." Holding his hand out to the young man, he asked, "Do you wish to become my disciple?"

Xin Qing was surprised. The background he had been searching for this entire time had came to him. But he could not make himself look easy, asking, "What can you give me if I were to do so?"

Xuan Zi smiled at his words. "If you become my disciple, no one will look down on you. I might not be able to teach you more about battle, but I can help you acquire spirit rings. Especially since you are so greedy."

Xin Qing wryly smiled. 'I suppose he heard me then.' Xin Qing nodded in acknowledgement, saying, "A strong background, this is all I desire. Although our relationship is perhaps more of a sponsorship, I will still respect you as master." To prove his words, he cupped his hands and called out to Xuan Zi, saying, "Master."

Xuan Zi looked at him, growing more and more fond. 'This kid shows the mentality of the strong. He will surely become Shrek's Great Guardian in the future.'

"Good, good," Xuan Zi laughed, "I am not one for formalities, so I do not require a tea ceremony. I hereby claim you as my very first disciple. Listen here, my only requirements are for you to remain righteous as well as to protect Shrek Academy when it is in danger."

Xin Qing nodded. Although he did not see himself as righteous, he was not evil, so it should be good enough. After all, this master of his did not appear so 'heroic' with his greased lips. As for the part about protecting Shrek, he accepted as he would only need to show himself in times of peril. Besides, the time he would have enough strength to actually do so would be far in the future.

Before leaving, Xuan Zi gave him a golden medallion with that would prove Xin Qing's identity as his own disciple. It had the strange icon of a bull-like creature, with two large horns growing out of the medallion.

With a laugh and a swig of wine from a jar that appeared from nothingness, Xuan Zi left in a whirl of shadows. He did not tell Xin Qing to win the championships as, with the abilities he displayed during their fight, it would be child's play to do so.

Xin Qing returned to his dormitory and slept the night, feeling a great pressure removed from his shoulders after having found a background.


[ Shrek Academy, Student Exam Grounds ]

Today was final day of the Exam, Day Four. All the weakling have been rooted out, leaving only the strongest teams left. This could be seen by the fact that Xin Qing had to start moving and could no longer sit on the sideline as Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu fought.

Looking around the field, he noticed many teachers standing around as well as many eliminated students. On the highest podium, the unassuming figure of Xuan Zi could be seen, once again revealing his slovenly appearance as he drank wine and ate chicken. When the two met eyes, they exchanged a smile.

As Xin Qing looked across the teams, he noticed the team composite of Yuhao, Wang Dong, and a black-haired girl named Xiao Xiao. Silently smiling, he thought, 'Good, my feelings were not wrong about them.'

However, that was not their first match, as it was instead the highest seed team belonging to Class Nine. The three pretty girls introduced themselves, as battle formality between spirit masters indicated.

The red-haired one with a prideful expression introduced herself first, saying, "Class 9's Men Yun'Er, Spirit Level 24, Agility Unit."

Next, a gentle green-haired girl spoke, "Class 9's Wu Feng, Spirit Level 25, Power Attack Unit."

And finally their team captain, an elegant yellow-haired girl. She said calmly, "Class 9's Ning Tian, Spirit Level 31, Support Spirit Unit."

Both Zhu Lu and Dai Huabin's expressions darkened after hearing there was a Level 31 opponent, as they were still unaware that Xin Qing had broken through to 31 as well after forming his Golden Core. Not only that, but his battle experience and base strength made Xin Qing unrivalled at the same level.

Dai Huabin was arrogant, introducing himself first. "Class 1's Dai Huabin, Spirit Level 27, Power Attack Unit."

Like his shadow, which she practically was, Zhu Lu spoke after him. "Class 1's Zhu Lu, Spirit Level 26, Agility Unit."

Xin Qing spoke last, with a peaceful tone carrying a hint of mischief. "Class 1's Xin Qing, Spirit Level 31, Power Attack Unit."

Everyone on the Exam Grounds was shocked, after all, he was only Level 29 yesterday. Class Nine's team paled as they knew having a Level 30+ Support was inferior to having a Level 30+ Attacker. Regardless, they stood their ground and showed determined expressions.

Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu were startled as well, but thinking about the mysterious character of Xin Qing, did not think any further, only excited to start the favorable match.