
Chapter 94

Qiu Bai has some impressions of this team, but it is not their individuals but their martial spirit.

The martial spirit of these few people can be said to be bizarre and strange, but they are also really strong.

The strongest among the three is Spirit Master Zhou Sichen. His martial spirit is Tool Spirit, but it's not a sword in the traditional sense, such a weapon, but a book. The martial spirit of a book can become a Power Attack Spirit Master on this Doluo Continent, it is unimaginable to think about, but this also shows his speciality from the side.

This is Zhou Sichen's special Tool Spirit, Treasured Book.

Generally speaking, Book Spirits are mostly trash spirit, and few of them can be cultured. But Zhou Sichen's Treasured Book Spirit is an outlier. His Treasured Book Spirit brought him Innate Rank 7 Spirit Power. When the spírit power reaches bottleneck, it can directly absorb the spirit ring of Soul Beast killed by him and turn it into its own ability. The biggest feature is that there is no attribute limit, any Soul Beast's ability can be absorbed, and it can be used. That is to say, it is very likely that he used the ice soul skill in the first moment, and then turned into the fire soul skill in the next moment, which is a very strange Tool Spirit.

A Spirit Master with this martial spirit fights like a summoner in some fantasy games he played in his previous life, summons all kinds of summoned creatures to fight for him, the strength of the summoned creatures is like his own strength.

In this world, there is no such thing as a so-called summoner. All a person's abilities can only be manifested through his martial spirit and then superimposed on the spirit ring, so Zhou Sichen's summon becomes him Soul Beast from each spirit ring.

I have to say that this martial spirit is quite a bug. Zhou Sichen, this child, is obviously a cultivator. Because he can have the combat capability, he blindly looks for the Soul Beast of the strong attack type. Look at his current two The summons of the spirit ring can be seen, a giant bear and a fire tiger are two very good Soul Beasts that can be found when he absorbs the spirit ring level, they are Earthen Bear and Flaming Demon Tiger respectively. You are wasting the martial spirit of the tome by using it like this.

The Treasured Book Spirit's feature, it can absorb any kind of Soul Beast's spirit ring, which means that he doesn't need to absorb the attacking Soul Beast at a lower level at this stage. With the improvement of Zhou Sichen's spírit power, the age of the spirit ring he can absorb will be higher and higher, and the strength of his summon will be stronger and stronger. when the time comes Even a Soul Beast that is not purely offensive will have a good combat capability, so a more balanced and diversified direction is better than blindly pursuing powerful battle power.

The most taboo thing for a summoner is that the summon object is too simple, which will cause the opponent who has seen it once to think about the means to target. The variety of summoned creatures is their greatest strength, but apparently Zhou Sichen doesn't t quite understand this.

The biggest feature of Zhou Sichen's Treasured Book Spirit is that he can form an army by himself, and multiple summons can allow him to face multiple battles at the same time. In fact, his battle method is like In some monster card battle games that he had seen in his previous life, summon all kinds of different rare beasts cooperated with each other and finally won the battle. Anyone who has played it knows that the last winner of this game is not necessarily the stronger monster card, and it is not impossible as long as the command is properly using the weak to defeat the strong.

In fact, Zhou Sichen should learn the battle method of becoming a Control Spirit Master rather than Power Attack Spirit Master. Control Spirit Master's ability to control the audience allows him to better think about the coordination between summon objects.

Regarding this, the future Zhou Sichen also seems to have taken into account that in the Continental Spirit Master Tournament a few years later, the predecessor Seven Devils led by Huo Yuhao decided to represent Tang Sect. In January, Shrek Academy arranged a representative team composed of inner court students headed by Wang Qiu'er to have a practice match with Tang Sect.

In that practice match, Zhou Sichen's spirit power level reached Rank 48 and will soon be breaking through to Spirit King. That's right, he has two more 1,000 Year Spirit Rings than now,

one is Bramble Forest and the other is Netherworld Python. The two spirit rings add control and sneak attacks to him, but his opponent is Wang Dong'er, who was already a Spirit Emperor, could only be defeated in the end due to the huge gap in strength.

Although it seems that Zhou Sichen has no chance of winning, but in Qiu Bai's opinion, it is Zhou Sichen who ruined the Treasured Book Spirit. Since he has such a martial spirit, he is looking for the spirit ring, of course not the ordinary Soul Beast. , Soul Beast with special ability and more eccentric and powerful should be his first choice. In the case that the soul skills of both sides are unknown in the battle, sometimes a rare common soul skill has a greater effect than a common powerful soul skill.

If Zhou Sichen paid for the martial spirit himself, his teammate Cao Jinxuan was probably forcibly banned by the author.

Cao Jinxuan's martial spirit Time Slip Clock is a rare martial spirit that can control the movement of a certain time. Its rarity is self-evident.

In almost all xuanhuan planes, a rule of thumb is that time out space is king. Of all the attributes, the time and space attribute is the rarest and the most powerful.

Among the two attributes, the space attribute is more compared, but the time attribute can be said to be like a drop in the ocean. Even when reaching God Level, there is almost no attribute of the dive ability to directly control the time.

The skills of the time attribute, no matter how strong or weak, are almost all powerful skills with great effects, and can even be called a divíne level skill, which is inseparable from the power of the time attribute.

Of all the Temporal Soul Beasts, the most famous is Dark Devilgod Tiger. Dark Devilgod Tiger was slain by Tang San 10,000 years ago to earn its spirit ring. Dark Devilgod Tiger was only a 60,000 Year Soul Beast at the time, but it was so powerful that even some 100,000 Year Soul Beast could not avoid it. Dark Devilgod Tiger was quite unpopular among the soul beast group because of its evil attributes. At that time in Star Dou Forest, the 100,000 Year Soul Beast of Sky Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape could not kill him completely, and could only choose to kill him. It drives out.

What really makes Dark Devilgod Tiger famous is its battle with Tang San, Dark Devilgod Tiger's time-based skills – Life and Death Arena, are quite powerful time-based skills, it can pull opponents into In the arena and rewind time to childhood. Even Tang San had a bit of luck in killing Dark Devilgod Tiger at the beginning. If Tang San didn't happen to use Purple God Light to smash the body protection around Dark Devilgod Tiger, Dark Devilgod Tiger returned with him. When he was young, Tang San faced the Dark Devilgod Tiger of the 60,000-year-old cultivation base in the arena.

So Cao Jinxuan's Time Element Spirit can be said to be a very heaven defying existence. But in the subsequent plot, such a character slowly disappeared from the plot. At that time, he once thought that the author had forcibly titled this person.