
Chapter 49

"Is it gone?" Qiu Bai was a little stunned when he looked at his roommate who had left.

I haven't seen my roommate for a whole morning. According to his background panel, it's not a proper protagonist panel. Even if it's not protagonist, it's not like this. Spírit power is Rank 29 at this age. Said to be a genius who surpassed most peers, and was thus expelled.

Wait, he and Huo Yuhao are both Freshman Class 1. According to the plot, he should have been clever while running laps in the morning, and then Zhou Yi discovered that he was expelled. Hey, how can a young man be so dishonest at such a young age, and now being expelled is also your reap what you have sown.

"However, he's gone, which means I can monopolize this dorm! (R?Q)/"

A second of silence for the departed roommate , and then Qiu Bai was happy for a noon to get a single dormitory.

From the past student days, he dreamed of getting a single-person dormitory. Today, the second student life will be realized in this way.

Qiu Bai closed the door of the dormitory, looked at the empty bed on the other side, and took out all kinds of things from the storage soul tool. Now he lives in a dormitory alone, and his personal space is improved. It means that he can rectify the dormitory well.

One noon time was obviously not enough, Qiu Bai spent some time remodeling the bed next door, laying a soft feather blanket on the otherwise bare bed, and then placed it on top of it. Several seat cushions, a backrest is also equipped with an extendable bed table. After a lot of work, this place has become a high-level comfortable workbench.

After finishing this, Qiu Bai entered the Sacred Heaven Bead space and took a good rest while addressing his stomach problems.

In the afternoon, Freshman Class 7. There was still some time before class, and there were not many people in the classroom at this time. Qiu Bai still came to the classroom early, sat in the position in the morning, took out a Doluo Continent cherish herb catalogue and read it.

Five minutes before class begins, and the classroom is still a little over half full, but three minutes before class, a large number of students poured in from the door, ringing the class bell. Everyone had arrived in the classroom before.

The class bell rang, Lu Feng walked into the classroom on the bell, and the classroom that was a little noisy suddenly became quiet.

"Okay, all the students stand up and gather in the square!" Lu Feng said after seeing the atmosphere quiet down.

The voice fell, and all the seventh class stood up and walked towards the square. Coming to the square, the piles of iron clothes stacked on the side of the square attracted the attention of the crowd.

A group of students chattering in an instant, Lu Feng saw this and clapped said: "Okay students, be quiet, this afternoon our training program is all wearing this iron clothes and going around this square. Run 30 laps, you can use the spírit power but not the martial spirit and soul skill, the teacher will count the laps of each person, don't be lazy and be careful."

"Ah~~" Lu Feng's tone barely fell, and a group of people complained collectively.

"Okay, everyone's training is a must. If you finish early, you can rest early." Looking at the reluctant students, Lu Feng also motioned for everyone to hurry up.

Seeing Lu Feng's repeated urging, the students also began to move slowly. Qiu Bai ignored the slow crowd around him, and quickly put on his iron clothes and ran around the playground. Qiu Bai's actions undoubtedly stimulated some people who refused to admit defeat. They put on iron clothes and followed Qiu Bai and started running.

Qiu Bai ran in front of him in an iron suit. During the running process, he did not use his spírit power, but only used physical strength to run. The main purpose of this training is actually to train the physique of the students. In this Doluo Continent, many people only pursue the improvement of spírit power, and have little to do with physical exercise. The Spirit Master's body is affected by the spírit power, and will continuously improve its physical ability as the spírit power increases.

However, the spírit power and the body are not one side affecting the other, but a relationship of mutual influence. The body is like a bucket that holds spírit power, and spírit power is like the water in the bucket. How much water can hold depends on the height of the bucket. The enhancement of physique can increase the speed of spírit power cultivation to a certain extent.

Why those Ultimate Spirit Spirit Masters cultivate much slower after three rings than other Spirit Masters of the same type. That's because their spírit power is of higher quality than a normal Spirit Master, and the total amount of spírit power they need for cultivation is more. That said, their buckets are larger and require more water than a normal Spirit Master.

Qiu Bai is also the Ultimate Spirit Master, but his cultivation speed far exceeds peers. Besides the usual high level cultivation environment and auxiliary pill, the most important thing is his strong physical quality.

With high level body refining art and specialized body tempering environment, Qiu Bai's physical strength has now reached a level of terrifying.

The iron coat he is wearing now weighs about 30 pounds. It is worn on an ordinary 3 Ring Spirit Elder. He can gasping for breath in just a few laps, but for him wearing it. This dress can be said to have no burden like adding a small pendant to the body.

Usually he adjusts the gravity to several times the normal gravity in the super gravity environment, one of the eight different extreme environments of Eight Difficulties Tablet. The weight is so heavy that it is almost breathless.

Compared with that, the weight of 30 jins is like a child. Gradually, Qiu Bai also let go of himself and accelerated, and the boy who followed him wanted to accelerate. But just after a few steps of acceleration, I found that Qiu Bai seemed to have no limit. He continued to accelerate faster and faster after a lap, and then overtook the last classmate, leading everyone by a full lap, but his acceleration still did not stop. down.

Is this still a person? Even if his spírit power far exceeds them by nearly a rank, this group of people is just a group of low level spirit masters with Rank 20 and Rank 30. Although the gap between one rank is large, it is not so big. .

Finally, in the eyes of everyone looking at the monster, Qiu Bai completed the task of running thirty laps in less than half an hour. At this time, the fastest runner was only six or seven laps. On the other hand, Qiu Bai didn't 't even catch his breath after running so fast.

After the run, Qiu Bai also took off his iron clothes and came to Lu Feng and said, "teacher, I've run 30 laps, you can go to rest."


At this time, Lu Feng also looked at the boy in front of him with a look of astonishment. After a long time, he spit out two words from his mouth: "Go."

Qiu Bai walked outside the square. In an open space, he sat down and continued to take out the book before class and read it.

Lu Feng next to him looked at the young man sitting quietly reading a book in the open space outside the square, and said, "It's a little monster."