
Chapter 36

Qiu Bai's eyes went black and he fell straight down. At this moment, circles of golden halos emanated from the center of his eyebrows, and then a golden halo spread from the center of his eyebrows to his torso and limbs, and soon his whole body seemed to be coated with a layer of golden. coat.

Qiu Bai, who fell at this time, obviously did not know what happened, and his consciousness went into darkness after he fell.

I don't know how long it took, Qiu Bai's consciousness gradually recovered, but he found that he was not at home, but a strange grass. wasn't the first time he experienced this feeling, when the system was just launched, he drew the lottery for the first time, and his consciousness was pulled into a galaxy of space.

Although the appearance of the space is different, the feeling of this consciousness being pulled into other places is the same. In the current situation, he is obviously because of the so-called divíne core shard, the consciousness has entered other places. Space.

Looking at the space in front of me, even though it is just a meadow, the ground and vegetation here are not simple from the outside. The appearance is the same as the ordinary trees and grass, but there is a saying. Unexplained special feeling .

This is not the Doluo Divine Realm, is it? Thinking of the source location given by system observe before, Qiu Bai's expression became a little weird. Doluo Divine Realm can be said to be his ultimate goal in Doluo Continent, but now he has seen it in this form in advance.

Just when he was about to take a good look at what the so-called Divine Realm was like, the scene of all around suddenly changed, the original vast grass disappeared, and it became a piece of ruins with potholes, all around. There was an air of fighting.

The picture began to change again, Qiu Bai came to the height of thousands of miles this time, and there were a group of silhouettes beside him, there were seven silhouettes, each of them emits this extremely dazzling light, and Each light symbolizes a rich and extremely powerful elemental power, of which the rays of light in a golden silhouette at the front of the seven are the most massive and shining. Although the whole body of the seven people is shining with strong light, but there are different degrees of scars on each of them.

On the opposite side of the seven people is a giant dragon beast covering the heavens, shielding the sun. The dragon beast is covered with multicolored scales. An indescribable majesty came from the giant dragon.

I saw the giant dragon's body move, and a breath containing terrifying power condensed in its mouth, and then shot directly at the seven people. Seeing this, the seven people hurriedly formed their formation, and layers of multicolored barriers appeared in an instant all around the seven people. The colorful halo on the barrier kept changing, and even the space around the all around was distorted by its influence, a kind of invulnerable, The feeling of indestructible and impregnable arises spontaneously.

Colorful breath and colorful barrier collided suddenly, without the expected stalemate, colorful breath destroyed layers of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable barriers with a very domineering attitude. After all the barriers were destroyed, the colorful breath still did not dissipate but went straight to the direction of the seven people.

The breath that cannot be stopped even by the power of seven people, if it hits the field directly, it is conceivable that at this moment, the golden silhouette in the front bursts out unprecedented rays of light, and the colorful breath bursts out. And go.

The two collided, and at this moment, the picture in front of Qiu Bai suddenly disappeared, and all around returned to the original darkness.

After a long time, Qiu Bai's eyes shone into a light, slowly opening his two eyes, luxurious sofas, high-level carpets, and all the familiar furniture and decorations came into his eyes.

"Are you back?" Looking at the familiar background in front of him, Qiu Bai muttered.

"hiss~" Qiu Bai was about to move when a sharp pain came from his head, making him can't help sucking in a cold breath.

"Fuck, system, isn't it safe for you to detect? It hurts to death!" Feeling the pain of tearing his head,

Qiu Bai questioned system.

The system test results that the item is not fatal,

Pain is not in the list of fatal risks.

Qiu Bai tone barely fell , and a panel appeared among his boys with the above text written on it.

"Fuck, you play word games, you young system doesn't talk about martial arts." After reading the panel, Qiu Bai's face darkened.

Qiu Bai didn't want to talk anymore, he slowly got up, poured himself a glass of water, took a sip, took a deep breath, and sat down on the soft sofa.

Sitting on the sofa, Qiu Bai rubbed his aching head while sorting out the information he had just obtained from the fragments.

Judging from the picture just seen, the time period in the picture should be the last Divine Realm that erupted between Divine Beast headed by Dragon God and many human gods headed by Five Supreme God Kings War.

In the plot that Qiu Bai knew, that Divine Realm War was the ultimate victory of the human gods led by the Five Supreme Gods. Dragon God was finally divided into two by Asura God and became Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King, Golden Dragon King was sealed in Divine Realm, and Silver Dragon King escaped with serious injuries.

Since then, the Divine Realm has brought down the heaviest divíne punishment in history, and all Soul Beast cannot be cultivated to the point that God can only end his life at the level of Soul Beast. In that station, there were countless deaths and injuries of human gods, and some even did not leave inheritance. God Position and Divine Spark disappeared forever in this world, Divine Realm because of this lifeforce was severely damaged for thousands of years and has not recovered .

The picture Qiu Bai saw just now was the scene of the Seven Elemental Gods blocking the Dragon God during the last Divine Realm War.

The power of Dragon God is beyond doubt. Under the siege of the Five Supreme Gods, it was finally divided into two by the main battle Asura God, but it was still forcibly divided into gold and silver by virtue of its powerful ability. Two Great Dragon Kings.

Seven Elemental Gods were the first to face Dragon God in the last battle. Even seven people working with a common purpose could not fight against Dragon God and were defeated by him.

It is worth mentioning that the Seven Elemental Gods in the last Divine Realm War are not the Seven Elemental Gods that Qiu Bai is familiar with, but God of Wind, God of Fire, God of Water, God God of Earth, Thunder God, God of Metal and God of Wood. Among the seven gods, God of Metal is the strongest, Thunder God, God of Fire, and secondly, God of Wood is the weakest.

During the last war, God of Metal fell at the hands of the Dragon God when he first blocked the Dragon God, which is the last scene seen in the screen just now. After the fall of God of Metal, the remaining six Elemental Gods were seriously injured. In the subsequent battle, Thunder God and God of Wood fell one after another. The three Elemental Gods did not even have inheritance. Their God Position and Divine Spark completely disappeared in Divine. Realm, only four of Seven Elemental Gods remain.

After the end of the Divine Realm War, and after the war has completely subsided, a thousand years have passed, and two new 1st Class Gods, God of Darkness and God of Light, appeared in the Divine Realm. In order to fill the vacancy of the Seven Elemental Gods, Divine Realm merged the two gods of darkness and light into the Seven Elemental Gods, and added a new generation of God of Space to the Seven Elemental Gods after the old generation of God of Space abdicated. The Seven Elemental Gods he was familiar with were born.