
Douluo Dalu 2: Legend of the Heavenly Wolf

Mo Xie, the Millennium Genius, was hunted by every government organization that was after his projects. Betrayed by his lover and watching all his family and friends die, he dropped nuclear bombs on his enemies and died in the explosion. Reincarnating in the world of Douluo Dalu, he discovered that he had a powerful bloodline and gained several mysterious techniques. Now see how Mo Xie creates his legend in his new life! Note: Please read the tag before reading. - English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. - Please give my story a proper review. - I accept a suggestion, but no spam! PS: I don't own the cover, and any characters or world in this story, except for my own OC (Original Character)

iLyannn · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 37 - Fighting Dai Yueheng

The moment Mo Xie disappeared, Yao Haoxuan felt a shiver down his spine and backed up 10 meters. When he backed up, a sword's intent blade passed where he was, creating a 20 meter cut in the platform floor.

He felt cold sweat trickle down his forehead as Mo Xie reappeared in his field of vision. His two yellow rings lit up and two yellow halos came out of his body, one landed on Mo Xie while the other landed on his body.

Mo Xie felt dizzy for just a moment before returning to normal and felt Yao Haoxuan's aura become sharper.

Seeing his spiritual ability not achieving the expected effect made Yao Haoxuan apprehensive but he had no more time to think. Mo Xie had already run towards him again as he created several ice spikes and threw it at him.

Although Mo Xie's cultivation impressed him, Yao Haoxuan was still a Soul King, so he thought he could block the ice spikes with his body. But the reality was far from what he wanted.

With a swing of his big arm, he tried to destroy the ice thorns with brute force, but when he came in contact with the ice, his body went rigid and his spiritual power began to freeze at an extremely fast speed, completely limiting his movements.

Mo Xie seized the opportunity and approached him even closer. With a swing of his sword, his sword intent roared towards Yao Haoxuan carrying a destructive spiritual coercion aimed at his body and mind. He also froze Yao Haoxuan's feet to the ground and used the ultimate fire to burn his upper body.

In the face of all these attacks, Yao Haoxuan used all his spiritual power and lit his fifth spiritual ring. Desperately trying to defend himself, his mouth expanded, trying to swallow Mo Xie's attacks only to take even more damage.

The sword intent charged with spiritual coercion and ultimate fire was about to begin to do a lot of damage inside his body when Xuan Zi suddenly appeared beside his body dispelling most of Mo Xie's attack.

"Brat, you win! Now help dispel the rest of the attack on Yao Haoxuan." Xuan Zi said hastily. Even he couldn't completely dispel the ultimate ice and fire from Yao Haoxuan's body. It just showed how terrifying Mo Xie's martial soul was.

Mo Xie nodded and touched Yao Haoxuan's body before completely dispelling the remnants of his attack. Yao Haoxuan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Mo Xie bitterly. He was so easily defeated and didn't even have time to use all his abilities.

Mo Xie's power made him both admire and fear him. Dai Yueheng and the others felt almost the same way. However, with this Mo Xie proved his strength and officially joined the core team of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Xuan Zi coughed a little and spoke indifferently. "Now that Mo Xie has proven his strength he will start training with you for the rest of the month before we go to Star Luo Empire to participate in the tournament." Nobody had any objection to this and they just agreed.

"The preparatory team will be decided during this period and will join you later. That is all." Xuan Zi took another sip of his wine and continued: "I will divide you into teams and I will make you continually fight so that everyone can work better as a team with Mo Xie."

He stopped for a moment as if thinking of something and turned his attention to Mo Xie. "Brat Mo, tell us about your spiritual abilities. Everyone here will be your teammates during the tournament, so it will be easier to strategize if your abilities are known." Since meeting Mo Xie, in addition to his sword skills, he's never seen him use his spiritual abilities, so he was a little curious.

Mo Xie hesitated for a while before making up his mind. He couldn't hide his spiritual abilities forever, so now was a good time to show them. What's more, he could test them on the current Shrek Seven Monsters and see how effective they could be.

He looked at Xuan Zi and said, "Elder Xuan, I think it's better to show them in action than just say. How about I fight Senior Dai Yueheng to demonstrate them?" Of everyone here, he was the only Soul Emperor besides Ma Xiaotao, so he wanted to see if he could defeat him in a fight, as his martial soul had a very powerful physical attack power.

Dai Yueheng looked at Mo Xie in surprise but decided not to say anything as Xuan Zi asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Mo Xie said blankly.

"Alright Yueheng, come and fight Mo Xie for a while." Xuan Zi raised his hand as if he didn't care and continued to drink his wine. However he was paying close attention to Mo Xie.

He could finally see this brat's spiritual abilities.

Both stayed 40 meters apart until Xuan Zi started the battle.

"Possession of the White Tiger!" Dai Yueheng wasted no time and released his martial soul and his body expanded. Sharp claws grew in his hand and his hair turned white as white hairs grew on his arms. Six rings rose, two yellow, two purple and two black.

However, no one paid attention to his transformation and focused their eyes on Mo Xie. Then they saw purple patterns appear under his eyes and a bright, mysterious light covered his heterochromatic pupils as four black rings rose from his feet and danced around his body.

Xuan Zi widened his eyes in shock when he saw the combination of his rings and spat the wine into his mouth. The others weren't much better.

Dai Yueheng was also very shocked, but with his battle experience he quickly calmed down and ran towards Mo Xie. He released his first, third, and fifth spiritual abilities and his body was enveloped in a golden white light. His body expanded even more when his physical attributes and defense were maximised. The character 'King' also appeared on his forehead when a tiger image manifested on his back.

Mo Xie smiled beautifully as he too ran towards Dai Yueheng and his first ring lit up. No one knew what skill Mo Xie had used but something strange happened the next moment.

Dai Yueheng who was running towards Mo Xie suddenly changed direction and attacked an empty spot on his right. Mo Xie lunged behind Dai Yueheng and used his fist to hit him. He wanted to see if his physical strength was enough to penetrate Dai Yuheng's defenses.

Sure enough, Dai Yueheng was sent flying by his punch and coughed up some blood, but suffered only minor injuries. The improvement in his physical attributes and defense that his abilities provided him almost reached the standard of a Soul Sage, so Mo Xie didn't think that was strange.

But his actions surprised those watching. Xuan Zi was the most satisfied. 'I see, his first ability is some kind of illusion and has confused Yuheng's senses.' He found this skill of Mo Xie extremely useful in dealing with his opponents. If it could be used in a full-scale battle, it would be even more perfect.

With Mo Xie's attack, Dai Yueheng snapped out of the illusion and looked seriously at him. He realized that he still underestimated Mo Xie and that his spiritual abilities were even more problematic than his sword skills.

He used his spiritual and mental power to form a barrier in his head and once again ran towards Mo Xie. His first, third and fifth spiritual abilities were still active when he suddenly used his fourth spiritual ability, 'White Tiger Meteor Shower'.

A bright white-gold pillar of light rose into the sky and a bright crescent-moon-shaped light seemed to glow within the pillar of light. When Mo Xie saw that dozens of balls of light were about to form, he used his second spiritual ability and before everyone knew it, Dai Yueheng's ability disappeared into thin air.

Mo Xie seized the opportunity and crashed once more into Dai Yueheng, using his sword this time. His sword collided with Dai Yueheng's claws and a loud sound of metal colliding with metal sounded.

Mo Xie felt his hand go slightly numb as he backed up a few meters and flashed a smile. Dai Yueheng was also forced to back down by his sword intent and his mind was slightly stunned because of Mo Xie's spiritual coercion.

Without wasting a second, Mo Xie used his third spiritual ability and marked Dai Yueheng's soul before releasing a mental shock now that his mental defenses were down.

Dai Yuheng felt a sharp pain in his head and blood came out of his eyes, nose and mouth before he realized that Mo Xie had once again come before him slashing once more with his sword covered in an ice blue flame.

He wanted to move but found his feet were frozen to the ground. An extreme cold ran through his body, freezing his spiritual power and limiting his movements.

Out of options, his sixth ring lit up and a tiger's roar sounded. A huge word 'KILL' appeared in the air alternating between black and white in the form of crisscross bands and collided with Mo Xie's attack.

Mo Xie didn't have time to activate his second spiritual ability again when they both collided. He was sent flying while coughing up blood, but he was not seriously injured, only his spiritual power was close to depleting. Using 10,000-year-old spirit abilities against a Soul Emperor was still pretty exhausting for his current self. He looked at Dai Yueheng's position and found that Xuan Zi had already made his move.

Before being saved, Dai Yueheng could feel the destructive power contained in Mo Xie's last attack and knew he had lost. The mark Mo Xie had planted on his soul had also exploded making him scream in pain and if not for Xuan Zi to save him he would have been seriously injured during the collision of his attacks.

He looked at Mo Xie and couldn't help but feel inferior. He was the eldest son of White Tiger Duke and was recognized as a genius, but fighting Mo Xie took a blow to his pride. He was able to discover that there were still geniuses like Mo Xie who were far superior to him.

In fact, everyone there was looking at Mo Xie as if he were some kind of freak. Both his sword skills and his spiritual abilities were extremely powerful. And he could still control ice and fire. Could such a monster exist in this world?

Xuan Zi was the first to break the silence after inspecting Dai Yueheng and seeing that nothing was wrong. He had come in front of Mo Xie and gripped his shoulders tightly and was looking at him as if he'd found a gem.

"Brat Mo, explain your abilities in detail. Your first ring must have an illusion ability, right?"

Mo Xie felt tense being suddenly grabbed by Xuan Zi, but he answered honestly. "Yes, my first skill is called 'Illusion'. I can use it both to place my opponents inside an illusion and to form an illusion around me." Mo Xie explained.

"One example is the one I used on Senior Dai. I confused his mind and senses, making him believe I was in another position while fighting him when in fact he was moving alone."

"As I said, I can also create another form of illusion without affecting my opponents directly." He activated his first ring once more and an illusion of him and Xuan Zi appeared at his side for everyone to understand better.

"My second ability is called 'Spirit Cancellation', and as the name says, I can cancel my opponents' spiritual abilities. It was with it that I made Senior Dai's fourth ability disappear." Xuan Zi was even more excited to hear about his second spiritual ability. He could see how powerful this ability would become as Mo Xie got stronger.

Dai Yueheng and the others also wore solemn expressions. They realized how terrifying this ability could be during a fight.

"As for my third spiritual ability, think of it as a kind of mental attack." Xuan Zi realized that he didn't want to go into detail, so he didn't asked any further.

"And your fourth spiritual ability?" Xuan Zi asked since Mo Xie didn't use it during the fight.

"Elder Xuan, my fourth spiritual ability, I will keep secret. Just know it's useful, but I won't use it unless absolutely necessary." Xuan Zi was a little disappointed but didn't ask anymore either. If Mo Xie wanted to keep his fourth spiritual ability a secret, he couldn't do anything.

Even so, his first, second, and third spiritual abilities were powerful enough on their own and if used correctly, they would have a tremendous impact in a team fight.

Xuan Zi then began training the main team for the tournament. With the addition of Mo Xie, the title of champion was even more certain to belong to the Shrek Academy.

Hope you enjoyed it and give me your thoughts on how I wrote the fight. I still have a lot of problems that I'm trying to fix in my writing but I don't know where to start.

Help me improve with some advices!

iLyannncreators' thoughts