
Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo

Huo Yuhao's destiny was to become the second legendary figure in the history of Soul Land; as the Ice Spirit Douluo, Founder of Spirit Pagoda, one who created a new era of soul master, the one who revived Tang Sect, and the God King of Emotions. That was what he meant to be. Only, in this story, it was different. His eyes witnessed helplessness, despair, tragedy, and most of all...pain. "This world, shall know pain..." A pair of scarlet eyes with strange pupils suddenly glowed. Look at world, for the Heavenly Eyed Douluo has descended. .... *I do not own Douluo Dalu, it's owned by Tang Jia San and I'm making this to fulfil my fantasy of Huo Yuhao having Sharingan. *P.S. The early chapters have some text copy-pasted from the original novel for a bit of wiki for newcomers of the Continent's situation, Soul Master and Soul Beast lore, etc. So to make up for it, I'm making the chapters longer than I usually do for my other stories. Check out my patreon and support me: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

Chapter 28: Boxers are Best?

Huo Yuhao let out a long and steady breath, white steamy soul power emitted from his body. His calm exterior mirrored that of the constant flux of soul power radiating from his body.


Within Huo Yuhao's body, all his muscles, vessels and meridians could be seen with his dark-blue soul power circulating throughout his body. With each breath, his soul power flowed smoothly, as if it was water flowing through a perfectly constructed canal system. He could feel the soul power coursing through his body, strengthening him internally and externally with just a thought.

After he had eaten his lunch, Huo Yuhao quickly left the cafeteria to head back to his dorm room, leaving only a note in Wang Dong's pocket to explain his talk with Xiao Xiao and that he left to go train, not that he returned to their room.

Wang Dong knows that he trains in various places all across the school so it would take some time before he comes back.

Huo Yuhao trusts Wang Dong, hard not to after three months of living together, he'd already shown him his expert control over his soul power by sticking on walls and some jutsus like the Transformation Technique and Body Replacement Technique.

But he didn't want Wang Dong to see what he was going to do right now, and the dorm was the only place he knew that was secure from any prying eyes. The old man that was sitting by the entrance of their dorm wasn't any problem either, since he showed to have no care about what any students do unless it affects the lives of others and the school.

Huo Yuhao let out a deep breath, nodding to himself. "Alright. Let's see if I can do this right," he raised his right hand up, controlling the soul power to flow into his hand and changing its properties to match that of wind.

Huo Yuhao's training for the last three months mostly consist of taijutsu then follows ninjutsu, genjutsu, shurikenjutsu, and other shinobi stuff. That was because he didn't want to be some glass cannon; shooting off destructive attacks without being able to defend himself. He believed that a well-rounded shinobi was more valuable and had a higher chance of survival. Plus, he could pretty much learn the rest at a rapid speed with his own comprehensive capabilities and the Sharingan.

So now, it was time to focus on his elemental control and strengthening his offensive capabilities.

In ninjutsu, the techniques are separated by several categories but it's easily distinguishable by what type of element the user uses to activate a jutsu. Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water; these are the five basic elemental natures that a shinobi turns their energy into to unleash their techniques.

This is called Nature Transformation, an advanced form of soul power control that entails the moulding and defining of the nature of one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics for use in techniques. A method never heard of in the entire Douluo continent, well, in the surface level that is. Who knows, there were a lot of secrets in the world after all.

Huo Yuhao had trained himself in using the Fire Release, a style of fire jutsus, since the start of his journey and had advanced far enough into it he can use A rank fire jutsus in a second and use it at least three times a day before his soul power gets depleted. Now, he was starting on another element that he thinks would be very helpful.

Especially if he advances his soul power control. With enough control, he doesn't need to do any hand seals and could control the element with just a thought.

He could possibly fly before he even becomes a Soul Sage! Now that's an advantage he'll need.

"Are you sure on the Wind element, little Yuhao?" Ancestor commented, amusement laced in his voice. "Sure, you can possibly fly with enough cha... soul power control but that would take years, even with your talent. There's a reason why it's the rarest nature transformation."

Huo Yuhao silently nodded, still focused on his current objective as the air around his hand began to distort. "Pretty sure. The flying part is actually just a bonus. I'm actually more interested on the other benefits in learning the Wind element. Cutting edge power, increased speed and throwing my hidden weapons at my targets with more precision."

"...True, but Wind is a more powerful element to learn than you might think." Ancestor let out deep sigh.

Huo Yuhao raised an eyebrow, having heard something in his tone of voice. "Something wrong?"

"No, no. It's nothing. Just some...old memories from a previous incarnation that had a hard time dealing with someone using the Wind element." Ancestor nonchalantly replied.

"Oh? Was he or she strong?"

Unbeknownst to Huo Yuhao, and Skydream who was in deep slumber, a small curvy line appeared on Ancestor's featureless face.

"Very. He was a truly powerful ninja."

"Oh wow. They're really that strong if you're saying it. I've never heard you say something respectful to someone. Wait, you're not gonna say anything more?"


"Oh c'mon, you can't just hook me with a potential story and not–aaaahhh!" Huo Yuhao let out a yelp as he fell from the ceiling he was on, hitting his head on the ground. The wind that were accumulating around his hand instantly dissipated.


"Huh. Déjà vu much?" Ancestor said, chuckling.

Huo Yuhao's eye twitched, "You distracted me."

"That, I did. But that means you don't have enough focus." Ancestor replied. "Now, again. You've only got about five hours until you head out to your little gathering."

Huo Yuhao grumbled and complied. Raising his whole body up with his arms, he then threw himself back on the ceiling with expert grace and athleticism that he didn't make any sound upon sitting on the ceiling with a cross-legged position.

With furrowed brows, Huo Yuhao once more controlled his soul power. One on molding into the wind, while the other keeps him stick to the ceiling like a spider.

A couple hours later, Huo Yuhao was pouting.

'Why is this so hard!?' He inwardly complained as he brought his hands together and did a few hand seals, feeling the soul power in his body in the process of becoming wind soul power and released through his mouth...only for a pathetic puff of blowing wind to come out.

'I never had this issue with the Fire element!'

"That's because of your elemental affinity, little Yuhao." Ancestor said, as an illusion of himself appeared before Huo Yuhao's eyes. "As you know, you have the greatest affinity towards the Yin element – which is associated with the mind or spiritual energy. Next comes fire, a natural affinity all my descendents and incarnations have, then comes water and wind. Then lightning and earth. I'm, very surprised you have all five elemental affinities because that is very, very rare case."

"Truth be told. Little Yuhao, you should've had only the Yin and Fire element. You got the water and wind affinities from your second martial soul, both affinities when combined creates the Ice Release. As for your lightning and earth, it honestly stumped me for a while until the grey elder told me it was due to him."

"So, if I have the affinity with it, why can't I easily control like with Fire?"

Ancestor crossed his arms, and wisely replied.

"That's because your affinities' connection with you differ. Your connection with your Yin and Fire element are stronger because they are your primary affinities. Because you were born with them. The others however, were artificially imprinted in your body. It would take a while until your body either adapts to the elements or the elements fully accepts you."

Huo Yuhao slumped his shoulders. "So, does that means I can't practice any other elemental jutsus for now? Ow!" he grabbed his head, trembling.

"Idiot," Ancestor let out a sigh after he smacked his incarnation's head. He couldn't physically hit him, since he was a spirit in a loose term, but that hit of his affected Huo Yuhao's mind to make the latter feel as though he was really smacked in the head. "Who told you that? Just because you have shit affinity with your other affinities doesn't mean you can't practice on any of them."

Huo Yuhao blinked in surprise, rubbing his head where he had been "smacked". "But I thought affinity was important in mastering an element," he said, confusion evident in his voice.

Ancestor shook his head, a small smile on his face. With how mature his incarnation had for the last few months, he even forgot that he was still a kid. "Affinity certainly helps, but it is not the sole factor in mastering an element. Dedication, practice, and understanding of the element's principles are just as important. It may be more challenging for you to control the Wind element compared to Fire, but that doesn't mean it's impossible."

Huo Yuhao's eyes lit up with renewed determination. "So you're saying I just need to work harder and keep practicing?"

Ancestor nodded. "Exactly. The more you practice, the more familiar you will become with the Wind element and the other elements. It may take longer for you to fully master it compared to your primary affinities, but remember, you have exceptional talent and potential. Don't let a little setback discourage you."

Huo Yuhao clenched his fists and nodded resolutely. "I won't give up."

"....What are you doing?"

A familiar voice filled with disbelief attracted Huo Yuhao's attention.

He turned his head towards the door and there he found his rommate and friend, Wang Dong, staring at him incredulously.

"...Well, I did say I was training." Huo Yuhao merely shrugged his shoulders in response to Wang Dong's staring. "Oh, is that thing with Ning Tian ready now?"

"No, no. Not yet. We still got about a couple hours or so until the barbecue party starts." Wang Dong replied, still eyeing Huo Yuhao with confusion. "But what are you doing? I mean, why are you training on the ceiling?"

Huo Yuhao laughed awkwardly, scratching his head. "Uh, it's a...new training method I'm trying out. It helps improve my control over my soul power. You know, different angles and all. Plus, it's more challenging this way."

Wang Dong raised an eyebrow, clearly still skeptical. "Alright, if you say so."

Huo Yuhao nodded and smiled. "Thanks for understanding, Wang Dong." He tilted his head, "So, are you going to cultivate here as well?"

Wang Dong's eyes twitched as he closed the door, "Whose fault do you think that is? If you weren't holding back on getting your second soul ring by now, I'm afraid I'd be overtaken by you. By Sea God, why are you still not a Soul Grandmaster?"

"The same reason as to why you're still not a Soul Elder."

"Wha– How is that the same?! I'm rank 25! I'm five ranks off from becoming a Soul Elder."

Time quickly passed by and evening arrived. After Wang Dong returned to their room, Huo Yuhao decided to just meditate and learn more Wind jutsus through Ancestor.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But why couldn't Huo Yuhao copy jutsu Ancestor using his Sharingan?

Because the guy wouldn't let him. In Ancestor's own words, he said "It's okay on depending on your gifts, there's no wrong in doing so, but taking the easy way would lead to stagnation. You need to understand the principles behind the jutsu, the essence of it, in order to truly master it. Copying it with your Sharingan will only give you a surface-level understanding."

So, Huo Yuhao had to rely on Ancestor's teachings and guidance instead. And honestly, it was a good learning experience for him. He gained a deeper understanding of the Wind element and its techniques.

As the sky turned darker, Huo Yuhao received a sudden wake up call.

"Hey," Wu Feng stuck her head inside through the window, the same one that Huo Yuhao threw Wang Dong out and wasn't fixed yet. She raised an eyebrow at the two's surprised expressions, "It's time. Huo Yuhao, let's go. Miss Ning....Sister Tian is waiting for you."

"Oi, what about me?" Wang Dong asked.

"You can just stay here."

Both stared at each other, narrowing their eyes as bolts of lightning sparked.

Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes at the two's antics and proceeded to just change into casual clothes while they were distracted.

Unknown to him however, they weren't that distracted. As they quickly noticed him changing.

But instead of saying anything, both just quietly stared at his bare ripped torso, well-toned legs and his boxer-cladded rear.


They both shared a look and nodded.

For the first time, the two had agreed on something.

Boxers are wonderful.


❄️Shout out to the greats! The Cultivators of my patreon, may you both reach the peak of the heavens and conquer the earth!



❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Orion Chung

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