
Douluo Dalu 1 : Fire And Lightning

Shirou is a teenager who lives in loneliness and emptiness. When he was asleep in his small house, Shirou suddenly woke up in a very wide expanse of meadow with a light that said that he had good news. What's the next story? Please read directly

Enryu_2322 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 23: Raise Disciples

"Ok," Shirou nodded.

However, before Shirou said or explained why he bought Ciel Shirou looked at the entrance and also the VIP room window. Sensing that no one was watching, Shirou sighed slightly and immediately took off the white robe he was wearing.

Ciel who saw that his Master took off the robe covering his appearance was slightly surprised. However, he also really wanted to see what Shirou looked like until he thought, " Could it be that Master is an old man? Considering that his voice is hoarse and his tone is like that of an old man in the village."

As soon as his robes had been removed, Shirou immediately removed the mask he was wearing covering his face. Ciel was very surprised to see the appearance of Shirou or his Master who still looked like a child who was probably only a little older than him.

Shirou who saw Ciel's expression smiled casually and said, "Are you surprised that my appearance is not that different from your age?"

Ciel woke up from the shock and nodded as he said, "Yes sir. Please accept my apologies in advance. It's just, I have a feeling that you are an old man because of the voice you made earlier."

"It doesn't matter, it's also an identity that I built earlier because I don't want to be known either" Shirou paused and continued back, "By the way, I haven't introduced myself before. Introduce my name is Shirou, I am now 8 years old, 2 years older than you"

"Master… What do you mean by preconceived identity?" Ciel asked hesitantly considering he was afraid that it would offend Shirou.

"Yahh~ Before I came to the Ran Li Pavilion where you are, I went to the Tian Dou Great Battle Arena. In the Tian Dou Great Battle Arena, there was a rule that forbade a child under the age of 10 to come alone and must be with their parents to watch the fight there. That's why I used a disguise technique to enter the Tian Dou Arena." Shirou said casually.

"I see." Ciel nodded.

"Okay, we're back to the topic of our previous conversation. You must be very curious about the reason why I bought you instead of me buying someone else, right?"

Ciel nodded, Shirou immediately continued, "Do you remember what question I asked you the most when we just met? Or what questions do I ask the most?"

Ciel immediately recalled his first meeting with Shirou. With the time interval being only a few minutes before, those memories were very easy for Ciel to recall. Moreover, Ciel is still very easy, his brain processing abilities are still very good, Ciel easily recalls all the events when he first met Shirou.

"What is it about the martial soul?" Ciel asked in a hesitant tone while looking at Shirou.

Shirou smiled slightly and nodded as he said, "Yes, the reason why I bought you was because of your martial soul"

" Martial soul? Why did you do that, sir? Isn't my martial soul a trash martial soul? Even my parents didn't accept my existence because of my martial soul." Ciel went into deep thought after listening to Shirou's excuse.

Looking at the silent Ciel, Shirou continued back, "You must think that your martial soul is a trash martial soul, don't you?"

Ciel woke up in his thoughts after hearing Shirou's words, Ciel nodded while lowering his gaze while saying in a sad tone, "That's right. Many say that this martial soul of mine is a trash martial soul that is even inferior to the Blue Silver Grass martial soul because it cannot be used."

Shirou sighed and said, "You know, Ciel. Your martial soul is not a trash martial soul, but your martial soul is an extremely powerful martial soul."

"Ha?" Ciel was very surprised by Shirou's words. Ciel hastily raised his head back and looked at Shirou to see if Shirou was lying or not. By the time Ciel saw Shirou's face, Ciel found no signs of lying at all, "W-master, is that true?" Ciel asked in a nervous tone because it was the first time anyone had said that his martial soul wasn't a trash martial soul.

Shirou nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm not lying. That martial soul of yours is an extremely powerful martial soul. However for now your martial soul is still in a sealed state and something needs to be done to break the seal."

" My martial soul is still in a sealed state?" Ciel thought with great surprise after he got the information.

"Zanpakuto, your martial soul name refers to one of the names of an extremely powerful soul weapon that has the shape or appearance of a sword. Unlike other martial souls, this martial soul of yours has various unique things and maybe you will get it if your martial soul can awaken or open from the seal that is holding it back" Shirou said casually.

Ciel who heard Shirou's words slowly started to get excited while thinking, " Could it be true what Master said? But, how do I unseal this martial soul?" Ciel thought as he raised his head to look at Shirou and said nervously, "W-master, do you have a way to break the seal of my martial soul?"

"I do know-how." Shirou nodded casually while looking at Ciel.

Ciel was surprised as well as very excited, he quickly got up from his seat and immediately prostrated himself in front of Shirou saying, "Master, please help me to break this seal. If indeed you can do it, I will surrender my whole life to you, sir. I will never betray, even I will be the sword to fight all of your enemies."

Shirou was a little surprised by Ciel who was prostrating in front of him, Shirou immediately rose from his position and helped Ciel to stand up, "Let's raise your head first, I don't like seeing you prostrate like this"

"No, sir. I beg you." Ciel said again in a voice filled with determination.

Shirou just sighed and said, "To be honest, Ciel. You don't have to do anything like this. Ever since I bought you, I have had plans to break the seal of that martial soul of yours. You don't need to prostrate like this."

Ciel hastily raised his head and looked at Shirou who was squatting in front of him, "Is that true, Master?"

Shirou nodded "Yes. I have a plan to lift the seal" Shirou paused and looked at Ciel and said, "By the way, Ciel. Do you want to be my disciple?"

"...." Ciel fell silent with Shirou's question.

Looking at the silent Ciel, Shirou continued back, "You know, in this Douluo continent, no one has more knowledge than me, if you don't meet me, likely, your martial soul will never awaken or it will remain sealed forever. Besides, with you being my disciple, I can promise you to become a Title Douluo before you turn 20. If you don't believe me..." Shirou stood up and slowly retreated backward.

Shirou suddenly opened his first martial soul. Shirou's entire body was immediately covered by lightning which was very strong but controlled very well. From under his feet slowly four blood-red soul rings burst out from Shirou's body.

Ciel who was prostrating was instantly suppressed by Shirou's extremely powerful Hall. Ciel's eyes and mouth opened wide to see the four soul rings floating under Shirou's feet. Ciel himself didn't understand the red soul ring, but as for the four soul rings, Ciel knew very well that the person in front of him was a Soul Sect.

"S-soul sect!" Ciel said in surprise but slowly his breathing became very heavy due to the pressure emitted from Shirou's body.

"S-sir, P-please T-pull a-back J-soul d-defense yourself," Ciel said in a stuttering tone while breathing very heavily. Moreover, he was currently only a tier 1 soul force whereas Shirou was a very powerful Soul Master level Soul Sect.

Shirou who saw this instantly retracted his martial soul, the pressure that previously enveloped the entire room suddenly disappeared. Ciel slowly started to breathe normally again and his whole body was sweating profusely.

"How? Do you agree to make me your teacher? With the potential you have and with me being your teacher, it will only take us 2 to 3 years to reach this level of my strength" Shirou said casually.

"Only two or three years?" Ciel was very surprised to hear this. Ciel hastily looked at Shirou who was staring at him. Ciel suddenly returned to his knees and said determinedly, "Master, please accept me as your disciple!"

Shirou smiled happily and immediately walked up to Ciel and said, "Okok~ I asked you before, didn't I? You only have to answer yes or no, if you want to be my disciple. However, with you saying things like that, you automatically become my disciple now. Now, you don't need to call me Master, you can just call me Master, besides that the relationship between the two of us is now not Master and Slave, but Master and Disciple, you are now free and free from all demands of slaves than previously restrained you."

Ciel's body shook with pleasure. Not because he was free from his slave status, but he also got a very great Master. Ciel hastily got up with Shirou's help, Shirou continued to say, "By the way, Ciel. I've said it before, haven't I? You cannot prostrate except to God. Even for myself, you can't prostrate yourself, you just have to bow obediently."

"Why?" Ciel asked with great curiosity.

"The head is the pride of a man, it is not good for a man to lower themselves to prostrate to others. We are both creatures or you can say a human, you both have the same status, namely creatures. It's just that our other stats might be different like strength, or now we're Master and Disciple. therefore you only need to bow if you find someone higher in status than you. Remember! This is your first lesson, even if you are dealing with an Emperor or God, you can't prostrate to them, because we are the same being created by God, you only need to bow to God and nothing else Do you understand, Ciel?" Shirou asked in a serious tone.

"I understand, Master" Ciel nodded seriously especially when he heard Shirou say it in a serious and not casual tone.

"Good, then, let's sit back down." Shirou immediately walked back to his position while Ciel also sat down in the same position.

By the time Shirou had sat back down, Shirou saw the robe and mask he was wearing were still on the dining table. Shirou immediately waved his hand and put the robe and mask into his storage room. Ciel who saw this was very surprised because it was the first time he had seen such things.

Seeing Ciel's surprise, Shirou immediately said, "The cloak and mask that you saw disappear I have inserted into my soul guidance device"

"Soul guidance device?" Ciel asked in a curious tone.

"A soul guidance kit is a tool that can help a Soul Master in various matters such as fighting or daily life. The soul guidance set consisted of many things such as tool type soul guidance device, storage, and various other things. What I have with me is a soul guidance device with a storage type model that can help me to store whatever items I want. Don't worry, with you being my disciple, you can have this soul guidance device, but for now, I still don't have it. Later if there is one, I'll leave it to you for us to use." Shirou said casually.

"Okay, thank you, Master" Ciel was very happy to hear this and excited at the same time.

" Hmm~ Maybe tonight I can try to make a schedule. Besides that, I can also go rent a workshop to make Ciel a soul guidance kit as well as a tool that can help him train. For now, I will focus on improving his physical fitness" Shirou thought.