
Prologue; Number 467

smh deleting the first line def not a spoiler. Number 1 and Number 467 were part of an orphanage called holy birthplace. This orphanage was a place used by holy spirit church to raise the future generation while using the useless children as sacrifices. There were more than 600 children located at this building, since it was very crowded the number death and sick neared a hundred. The useful children, who were able move, were forced to kill and torture the useless, sick children.

The system in this place was very simple. Children did not have names, they had ranks instead. Every year more than a hundred new children would be brought and there would be a test. The test contained three choices; hatred, cruelty, and torturing. Since the children hated going through pain, about %80 always chose cruelty, and murdered their way through the so-called tournament to become a part of top 30. This test was also unfair as only 500 people could chose cruelty and the rest were forced to participate in either or the remaining choices, if one even tried to go against it they would immediately be punished. For the tests other than cruelty only the top 10 would be chosen. The top 50 would be brought out of this orphanage to become a full fledged Holy Spirit Church disciple, maybe an even higher position if they could make it to top 3. This place favored the strong, and punished the weak.

Number 1 was in this place for nearly all of her life unlike Number 467 who was only brought here a couple of months ago. She was a year older than Number 467 who looked about 5, which meant she could get out of here without taking the test, if her soul essence was useful one. She seemed more powerful than anyone here, but she always looked really gentle and defenseless, which made the children trying to bully her run while peeing themselves. She had always been rank 51 during the test which made her rank 1 after top 50 "graduated". She would be heaven if all the other children were ants. Well at least that was how the children in orphanage thought of her.

This was an exception to Number 467 who saw her as an older sister figure, as the only person who Number 1 cared about was Number 467. No one but herself knew the reason why, but Number 1 was really kind to Number467. The reason was very clear, both Number 1 and Number 467 did not have any memories of the outside world. Number 467 apparently had amnesia when he first woke up in his cell, he still knew necessities as to how to talk or be respectful though. As Number 1 wanted to keep Number 467 pure, she did all the torture that Number 467 would have to do herself. Number 467 never said anything about this to her as he wanted to respect her opinion even though he wouldn't mind killing someone as he had forgotten about "common sense". There was also Number 466 who was Number 467's cellmate and best, and only other, friend.He did not consider Number 1 his best friend, because he saw her as a sister.

But things would never go as planned as in a place as damned as this orphanage. When 1 awakened her soul essence as the "Fallen Archangel" the evil soul masters figured out that she could only be an illegitimate child of the clan patriarch of the newly risen "Angel Clan" who was the only human that possessed the Archangel soul essence. If the soul essence of 1 was simply archangel they would have killed her right away as that soul essence would become their demise if it was allowed to grow.

However this was a "Fallen Archangel" which meant that she did not possess any light or holy attribute but she possessed the extreme opposite of them; absolute darkness and divine demonic attribute. The Fallen Angel martial soul would only appear in illegitimate children of the angel clan as if to remind that they must stay true to their ways of holiness or they would be shamed like this. Naturally having an incredibly evil soul as this would make the person at least "Holy Lady" even if they just awakened their soul essence.

Naturally the evil spirit master wanted to take Number 1 to the leader of this orphanage to do a great deed to church and get generously awarded. But when Number 467 asked them if he could talk alone with Number 1 for even a second, evil soul masters sent a very light wave of soul to him. Number 467 was unable to soul power and Number 466, who was the same age as Number 467, quickly got in front of him and blocked the wave in the place of Number 467. When the evil soul masters saw this they were very interested in this "ant" who was able to sense their soul power and still be alive after receiving it. Of course after Number 466 took the soul wave and fainted, 1 also tried to make her move to protect Number467, the evil spirit masters did not let her and also took Number 466 along with her to the "Principal" of this orphanage. Number 467 was still in shock due to him seeing Number 466 blocking the wave for him. Was this how he lost everything?'Again?', 'Huh why did I say again?' was what Number 467 thought at the moment. Being unable to protect what he thinks as family hurt his heart ,which was not mature like lot of others in this orphanage.

8 Months Later, Before the test begins

"I must get in to top 50 in order to see them again." Number 467 whispered to himself to pumped. He had chosen the hatred test as he did not think he was capable of murdering people, but he was very confident in his willpower. He believed that everything was possible as long as he believed it was.

At least that's what he believed in. However fate proved him wrong as he couldn't even pass preliminaries and was made fun of. Just as how he was about to hit himself to wall to punish himself for not being able to possess even a single thread of hatred even though his whole family was taken away from him, Tang sect had attacked the orphanage. The Tang Sect had worked together with Shrek College and Spirit Tower, to stop Holy Spirit Church from human trafficking and brain washing children. They had sent a total of 30 Soul Emperors, 20 Soul Sages, 5 Soul Douluos and a Titled Douluo who seemed to be about the level 92.

When the evil soul masters saw this lineup they instantly scrammed, however, they were not able run from a titled douluo ,and only the Principal of the orphanage had managed to escape by sacrificing 5 evil soul sages. The soul emperors loaded the children on to couple giant soul buses which were able to carry 100 to 120 people each. But, since the children were not as big as adults and the oldest were only 12 they didn't take a lot of space, and a bus was left empty. As everything happened in a flash some of the children were still in a shock, some of the older children had fainted from fear after sensing the soul waves that happened during the fight, and some of the children were quivering in fear. However, Number 467 was not like them and was not scared yet relieved as he finally got out of the orphanage and had a chance to find his family again. Being unable to stay put he approached the closest soul emperor from to ask her some questions.

"Um, sorry. May I know where we are being brought to?" asked Number 467 to a soul master looking with pity at these children whose total age averaged 7.

"We are bringing you to bright place where power is not everything and there is justice." answered the Soul Emperor whose eyes teared when she saw the clothing Number 467 had. Then she asked "What's your name little kid?"

"Name? I don't know what it means but, if I remember correctly it is what people refer reach other as right?" asked Number 467.

"Mn" The Soul emperor looked even sadder as she nodded.

"Then my name is Number 467!" said with great joy as this was the first time in a while he talked this much with another human being (poor kid talked to walls).

"Si Liuqi, then?" asked the soul emperor as the name sounded a bit weird.


"That's a great name did your parents gave you that name?" asked without thinking as her mood went up seeing how this child is so lively unlike others.

"I have no memories of my parents, so I am not sure if they are the ones who gave me this name, but since the people in the orphanage calls me this, I guess this is my name." answered Si Liuqi with sincerity.

After hearing this the rising mood of the soul emperor was shot down as he was ashamed of how she asked such a sensitive question to a kid from an orphanage. This Soul Emperor was actually only 19 years old and the only reason she joined this mission was to save children from evil hands, she had a heart full of justice and goodness.

"If you have any problems in the future you can ask for big sister 'Xia Qing" from shrek to help you, as long as its something that is made with goodwill, this big sister here will support you as much as I can, so you must never give in to evil. Got it?"

"Yes, big sister Xia Qing."

"Ah look at how fast the time passed, we are about to" said Xia Qing. "Well as you can see this is the headquarters of Tang Sect, where you and the rest will be taking the rehabilitation course for about a year or so depending on how long it takes for you get used to living like normal people. The Tang Sect is currently one of the biggest sects of the federation and they have existed for 14,000 years. Think of how strong their foundation is! Ah, if my master lets me I would definitely join Tang Sect. It just seems like Sect Master of Tang Sect and my master has a really long past."

The rest of the soul masters were really amused as they saw how passionate a 19 year old soul emperor with a 6 year old looking child.

"Also, did you wake your soul essence yet?" asked Xia Qing.

"Not yet, the people there told me that I would be able to take it after the test this year, but then you guys came in."

"Test? From the testimonies I have heard from other children it had 3 choices right?"


"So which one did you pick?" asked Xia Qing as she was scared that all the choices resulted in evil.

"I chose hatred, but I performed horrible and people there told me that I don't even have a single thread of hatred." said Si Liuqi while pouting a little.

Seeing how cute and pure Liuqi looked she felt relieved.

"Well than after we get of big sis will help you awaken your soul essence."



"Yey!" exclaimed Si Liuqi in shock, he would have never thought in a thousand years that someone would willingly ask him to awaken his soul essence. "Thank you big sis, I will never forgive this favor!"

After they got of Xia Qing immediately wanted to go away to place with less crowd to help him awaken his soul essence, but other soul masters wanted to check if Si Liuqi was really pure or not. So they said that they should at least check the memories of this kid before accepting her request. They did but they were only able to see the last 12 months and when they saw his "family" even their hearts ached a bit.

"Okay we will let you go 6 hours, but you must get back here or we will ask you teacher to punish you."

When she heard of her master being mentioned her face went pale for a second. "Well, seems like we have the next 6 hours to ourselves. Do you want to big sis to show you around the shrek city first or do you want to wake your soul essence?"

"Soul Essence! Soul Essence!" exclaimed Si Liuqi with joy that came deeply from his heart. "Big sis can I also know what you soul essence is at first?"

"Sure but don't be disappointed later if your soul essence is worse than mine, after all I have superior compared to a lot of other people. My soul essence is Scorpion Dragon!" said Xia Qing before releasing her soul essence while restricting it so that Liuqi wouldn't get hurt.

"Wow the manifestation of your aura looks like a scorpion with a dragon head and dragon scales. So cool!"

"It sure is cool right?" "Hehe... Now let's see what your soul essence will look like."

After that she gently held the left hand of Si Liuqi to help him wake his soul essence.

"Wow big sis this feels really amazing, I've never felt something like this before!"

"Doesn't it look like a scary aura trying to invade you body? Because that's how it felt for big sis when I first woke my soul essence."

"No it feels more like a familiar aura welcoming me back, but I have never felt something like this so I have no idea why it feels like this."

"Well let's get it started." said Xia Qing and began the procedure...

Too Lazy will post more even if no one reads it but not daily cuz ma schedule bulli me, also here is the soul essence of Xia Qing when it is at child form, imagine the adult form yourself, Another also this fan-fic happens 4k years after dd2 and 6 years before dd3 so when the abyss opens, so I guess huge spoilers for both? Will see.


Zusaecreators' thoughts