
Chapter 6.2, Cheat

An hour passed, the students who fainted were all back to their senses now.

"I see that all of you are back to your senses now." Said the teacher. "But I have to say that I am indeed very disappointed. I didn't expect you to finish the laps only with your physical ability. I never said that the use of soul power is forbidden. But, you dumb, uncultured peasants, manage to think that this is a test of physical ability. I am really ashamed to be the teacher of this class."

"This..." The students all turned red. They were indeed really ashamed. Specifically the Agility and Defense soul masters who prided in their speed and stamina respectively.

"But teacher why did you call us dumb and uncultured peasants?" Asked a student who seemed to possess a tinge of anger in their voice.

"Why did I call you that?" Said the teacher. "The reason is very simple. If any of you were to release their soul essences, you would have found out that the armors you were formerly wearing were indeed a type of soul weapons. If the armor was to be activated it would be able to triple the speed and stamina of a soul master, and it would be able to double the speed and stamina of a soul grand master. It is indeed a Grade 2 Soul Weapon, Basic Training Armor."

"The armors were soul weapons?" Asked a student in shock.

"Anyways, since this is the first day, I will be calling your names. Say 'Here!' and introduce yourselves after that, your soul level, spirit rank, name of you teddy bear, and etc." Then the teacher began the roll call. "Lou Lei."

"Here! My name is Lou Lei, Level 22, and my spirit rank is 400."

"Xiao Xiao."

"H-Here! I-I am Xiao Xiao, L-Level 21, my spirit rank is 378, and my teddy bear's name is Lin Ming."

"Uh, I wasn't being serious when I asked for the name of you teddy bears." Said the teacher, seemingly holding himself from bursting into laughter. "Let's continue..."

After the rest of the class it came to Si Liuqi.

"Si Liuqi?" The teacher said in a weird way, after all who would name their child like this? There was another reason, he was very surprised to see the child who ran 30, 45 meter, laps in just 5 minutes to be the lowest ranked freshman.

"Here! My name is Si Liuqi, Level 14, my spirit rank is 270, and my teddy bear is David."

"What a level 14 entered the school?" A student asked with a mocking face.

"Tsk. Tsk. Look at how far the shrek has fallen.." Another student voiced while smirking.

"How far has shrek fallen? The two of you are expelled! Sure the school doesn't mind if you are to make fun of someone, but if you are to disrespect Shrek, then you are kaput." The teacher said. "Not to mention the only one who was able to finish the 250 laps was him, and he didn't even use the training armor."

Then the teacher continued. "I remember seeing a lot of you making mocking faces. So if a level 14 can complete 250, you, who deemed themselves as superior, should be able to complete twice as much. That being said except the two who were expelled, all of you will be coming here every morning to run 500 laps. If you dare slack of or disrespect shrek, then you will immediately be expelled!"

"500 laps?! But teacher how can we finish that?!" Asked a student.

"I already mentioned that, I will not prohibit the use of soul power and soul weapons." Answered the teacher indifferently. "Since all of you not excited to learn new stuff, you can just go ahead and be dismissed. The academy doesn't need to nourish peasant monsters such as you."

The students were all really angry. This teacher was way too overbearing! They had all come here with hopes to become a leader of their generation. But the teacher here had actually considered them as trash and cannon fodder.

As for the two expelled students, they were so angry that they were about to cry. They were naturally arrogant as they were able to become student of Shrek. So when they heard of a level 14 kid entering the school which had the minimum requirement of 20 levels!

After the teacher left the students started complaining, as they couldn't believe Si Liuqi had actually completed 250 laps, without using the training armor.

"Che! He must have used his soul power or some other soul weapons to boost him. What a cheat! Now we have to run twice as many laps thanks to him." Voiced out a student.

"Yeah what a cheat." Someone, who seemed to be a follower of the former student, voiced out as well.

"He must have also bought his way in the school, considering how he has access to such soul weapons!" Voiced another student.

"He probably bought his way in, such a shameful act." And another voiced out.

"Maybe he even has connections to some people in school! That must be why he was accepted!" Someone else also voiced.

"He even said that he only had 270 spirit points! There is no way that he didn't cheat!" All the students continued noisily complaining. But Liuqi didn't care and made his way to his dorm room.

While the student were complaining the teacher made his way into the entrance exam supervisor's office.

"Oh. Come in Teacher Rou." A voice came from inside the office. Then Teacher Rou entered the office.

"May I know the purpose of your visit?" Said the supervisor.

"You don't have to talk me formally, we basically possess the same status." Said Teacher Rou. "Anyways the reason why I am here, is to know why a level 14 was accepted."

"Ah, I am afraid that I can only say one thing about this." The supervisor's voice became a bit worried.

"What is it?" Asked Teacher Rou.

"I got an order that, if a student named Si Liuqi were to participate in the exam,I would have to let him pass the soul power and spirit power tests. But I dare not tell the name of the one who gave me this order." The supervisor spoke.

"You dare not say? Never mind, since you say that it means that someone really important is looking over this kid." Teacher Rou voiced out and then took his leave. He then thought to himself. "A level 14 ran 30, 45 meter, laps within 5 minutes, without using any Soul weapons or soul power. However... I do not think this is as simple as it seems."