
Douluo: Cutting me drops treasures; Bi Bidong got addicted

New Book "I Sparked a Card Drawing Craze in Soul Land, My Wife Is Funingna" —— After crossing into Soul Land, Lin Yi was gifted a Transcendent Divine Body by the System. However, something went wrong during the fusion! The Divine Body was sealed, and the seal was none other than a shield with a trillion blood points! Only by breaking the shield could he unlock the Divine Body. Out of options, Lin Yi embarked on a path of seeking death, having the powerhouses of Soul Land scratch his shield for him. The System also guaranteed that rewards would be generated based on the amount of health scratched off the shield. As long as rewards were generated, a critical hit would be triggered, providing Lin Yi with an even higher-quality reward! The greater the damage received, the more abundant the rewards! …… Bi Bidong: "Do you really have a death wish?" Lin Yi: "I do, please hit me harder, sister!" Qian Renxue: "OMG, attacking you actually makes treasures drop?!" Lin Yi: "Your damage is too low, only triggering the Purple Grade Pool. Put in more effort and the Black Level Pool, even the Red Level Pool isn't a dream!" Chen Xin: "I refuse to believe I can't break Lin Yi's shield. From now on, I'll kill him twice a day!" Lin Yi: "Pfft, I can't even be bothered to call you out. You're clearly after the Breakthrough Crystals that drop when the shield is broken! Despicable!" …… Please, can everyone stop scraping? I'm in a hurry to break my shield! Online inquiry, who is the strongest in Soul Land? Even if I can't unlock the Divine Body, trigger a Gold Level Pool with damage for me, will you?

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358 Chs

273, Wang Qiu'er Beats Up Huo Yuhao On the Spot [Major Chapter]_2

Translator: 549690339


"Don't worry about how I did it, all you need to know is that after Huo Yuhao appears, you have five minutes to do anything you want, like, don't you want to give him a good beating?"

Wang Qiu'er shook her head, puzzled, "Why would I want to beat him up..."

"After you left, he didn't even bother to look for you. That shows he doesn't care about you at all. And right now, he might be getting cozy with Wang Donger."

Lin Yi watched Wang Qiu'er with a sly grin. He had a knack for sowing discord.

Sure enough, Wang Qiu'er's expression changed.

The onlookers had no idea whether Lin Yi was telling the truth or not. Even if Lin Yi was lying, they would believe him without doubt.

Currently, Bi Bidong was berating Huo Yuhao, calling him a scumbag... Bi Bidong was also skilled at playing on people's emotions.

"As you wallowed in solitude in the Aquipeia Forest, nursing your hidden sorrow, he's been enjoying life with Wang Donger in the big city, as happy as can be. I don't mind telling you, there will be no happy ending for you and him."

Hearing this, Wang Qiu'er looked up sharply, the last bit of hope in her heart vanishing.

Lin Yi was secretly delighted.

After all, just summoning Huo Yuhao for five minutes was meaningless, wasn't it? Was he going to watch the two lovebirds get back together?

It would be much more satisfying to watch Wang Qiu'er beat up Huo Yuhao for five minutes!

Lin Yi couldn't help but feel gleeful.

"If you're ready, your reward will appear."

"I'm ready..."

Wang Qiu'er clenched her fists as she spoke.

Lin Yi curled his lips into a smile and with a flick of his right hand, a light flashed on the platform and a young man quickly appeared.

The young man was tall and handsome, with a depth in his eyes that was uncommon for his age and an aura that seemed otherworldly. He was indeed the type any girl would fall for.

Wang Qiu'er turned her head to look, shocked; Huo Yuhao had actually been summoned!

Finding himself in a strange place, Huo Yuhao immediately activated his spirit eyes, taking in his surroundings, but soon, he realized his spirit eyes weren't working.

"Ultimate Ice!"

Huh? That's not working either?!

"Snow Emperor, come out!"

Huh? My Spirit Soul can't come out either?!

A range of meme-worthy expressions appeared on Huo Yuhao's astonished face.

Beside him, a handsome young man sitting cross-legged quickly caught his attention. It was this young man who was suppressing his abilities!

Lin Yi smirked, indeed, he was the one who had sealed away all of Huo Yuhao's powers.

"Huo Yuhao."


Huo Yuhao turned around, surprised to see Wang Qiu'er; he hadn't even noticed that she was standing on the other side.

As he turned, Huo Yuhao also saw the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor standing below.

"And you guys are here too? But how come the Snow Emperor..."

Huo Yuhao frowned, the Snow Emperor should be in a childlike state, but this Snow Emperor was in an adult form.

This was not the Soul Land he knew.

Lin Yi subtly moved his finger, and a red lip mark appeared on Huo Yuhao's neck, for which Lin Yi had just made a point of observing Tang Wutong's lip shape in the System Space.

As Wang Qiu'er hesitated whether or not to beat up Huo Yuhao, the appearance of the lip mark acted like a fuse, instantly igniting her rage.

"Qiu'er, what in the world is..."

"Go to hell!"

Before Huo Yuhao could finish his sentence, a fair fist struck his face.

Bi Bidong was thoroughly enjoying the scene, but when she turned to look, she was surprised to find that Lin Yi now held half a watermelon in his hands.

This was thanks to the System, sensing that Lin Yi was in high spirits, it had given him a white-colored reward—a half watermelon.

"Wang Qiu'er, what are you doing!"

Huo Yuhao looked at her, bewildered.

Wang Qiu'er snorted, "Nothing, since we'll be strangers from now on. It just so happens I've been bored these days, and my hands are itching!"

Lin Yi raised his hand again, and a rainbow light emerged, instantly fixing Huo Yuhao's body to a cross, his arms and legs bound by ropes.

He looked at the scene before him in shock, muttering to himself, "Oh my god, is this a dream..."

No sooner had he finished speaking than another punch from Wang Qiu'er came flying at him.


The pain made Huo Yuhao realize this was definitely not a dream.

The world must have gone mad!

Suddenly appearing in a strange place, surrounded by many unfamiliar people, only to be beaten up by Wang Qiu'er, whom he hadn't seen for a long time!


Another fist hit Huo Yuhao's cheek.

Ultimately unable to be ruthless, Wang Qiu'er didn't apply any Soul Power to her punch, but she felt incredibly relieved nonetheless—the loneliness and pain she had endured these past days in Star Dou exploded out in this moment!

Lin Yi continued to eat his melon, the scene making Bi Bidong incessantly salivate, wishing Lin Yi would feed her a piece.

According to the previous storyline, Wang Qiu'er had given her life for Huo Yuhao, sacrificing everything, so he would forever owe her a debt he could never repay.

But now their story had been altered because of Lin Yi, and it wasn't too much for Wang Qiu'er to vent her frustrations by giving Huo Yuhao a good thrashing here.

"One more minute."

Lin Yi reminded from the side.

Huo Yuhao, hearing the voice, struggled to turn back: "Who are you?! Why would Qiu'er listen to you?"

Lin Yi smiled inscrutably.

"Huo Yuhao, if there's a chance, we'll meet again."

"Meet again?"

Huo Yuhao looked puzzled, when another punch came flying, leaving him seeing stars.

As five minutes were up, Huo Yuhao disappeared on cue, with Wang Qiu'er's next punch hitting nothing but air. Yet, she laughed at this.

Her clenched fist relaxed, transforming into a delicate hand wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"It's been many days, and I've never felt as carefree as today!"

Lin Yi raised an eyebrow: "It seems you think highly of this reward."

Wang Qiu'er looked at Lin Yi somewhat unexpectedly now: "You seem to really understand me, why is that?"

She had noticed, Lin Yi knew everything about her, even her future.


Lin Yi responded with an enigmatic smile.

That mysterious vibe, coupled with Lin Yi's striking good looks, made Wang Qiu'er momentarily dazed.

But she quickly gathered herself and chuckled: "Alright."

Since she had arrived at this dream-like marvelous place, she decided to let go of all concerns and questions, just like everyone else, simply lining up and waiting for rewards!

It's worth mentioning that Wang Qiu'er indeed felt thirty days were a bit short...

Staying here was definitely better than returning to the desolate Aquipeia Forest.

"Do I still get a second attack?"

Wang Qiu'er inquired.

Lin Yi nodded and gestured invitingly.

He then turned to find his half-eaten watermelon missing, and saw Bi Bidong glaring fiercely at the Little Golden Crocodile nearby.

It turned out that the Little Golden Crocodile had stealthily made its way onto the stage and snatched Lin Yi's unfinished watermelon—now it was thoroughly enjoying the melon Lin Yi hadn't finished...

Did Martial Soul Hall not feed him or what… Lin Yi thought to himself irritably.

At this moment, Wang Qiu'er had fully immersed herself in the atmosphere of the scene, naturally starting to worry about her damage output.

But she was also aware of the gap between her and others, causing her some headache.

However, it didn't matter, it was an adventure after all, and she shouldn't set her expectations too high.

Though this was on her mind, Wang Qiu'er's body honestly activated her Martial Soul True Body...

After all, if in the end her damage wasn't enough, the guys from the Aquipeia Forest wouldn't just stand by and watch, right?

With her Martial Soul True Body activated, the massive phantom of the Golden Dragon towered behind Wang Qiu'er.

Wang Qiu'er's beautiful eyes fixed forward as her delicate fingers pointed once again in Lin Yi's direction, unleashing her third soul skill, but this time reinforced by her Martial Soul True Body!

"Golden Dragon Head!"

The Golden Dragon let out a deafening roar behind Wang Qiu'er, growing ever larger, then turned into a blinding golden light that merged into her body.

The Golden Dragon Head that appeared in mid-air this time was even more enormous, and the trajectory of its forward charge even turned into a thin layer of shimmering particles.

ps. Thank you for following along.