
Douluo: Cutting me drops treasures; Bi Bidong got addicted

New Book "I Sparked a Card Drawing Craze in Soul Land, My Wife Is Funingna" —— After crossing into Soul Land, Lin Yi was gifted a Transcendent Divine Body by the System. However, something went wrong during the fusion! The Divine Body was sealed, and the seal was none other than a shield with a trillion blood points! Only by breaking the shield could he unlock the Divine Body. Out of options, Lin Yi embarked on a path of seeking death, having the powerhouses of Soul Land scratch his shield for him. The System also guaranteed that rewards would be generated based on the amount of health scratched off the shield. As long as rewards were generated, a critical hit would be triggered, providing Lin Yi with an even higher-quality reward! The greater the damage received, the more abundant the rewards! …… Bi Bidong: "Do you really have a death wish?" Lin Yi: "I do, please hit me harder, sister!" Qian Renxue: "OMG, attacking you actually makes treasures drop?!" Lin Yi: "Your damage is too low, only triggering the Purple Grade Pool. Put in more effort and the Black Level Pool, even the Red Level Pool isn't a dream!" Chen Xin: "I refuse to believe I can't break Lin Yi's shield. From now on, I'll kill him twice a day!" Lin Yi: "Pfft, I can't even be bothered to call you out. You're clearly after the Breakthrough Crystals that drop when the shield is broken! Despicable!" …… Please, can everyone stop scraping? I'm in a hurry to break my shield! Online inquiry, who is the strongest in Soul Land? Even if I can't unlock the Divine Body, trigger a Gold Level Pool with damage for me, will you?

This wave has blown up · Book&Literature
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358 Chs

160. Warning, when the host switches to the Great Sage Equal to Heaven form, the plane will collapse completely [First Update]_1

Translator: 549690339

Lin Yi didn't expect that what he took out from the System Space was still a Lucky Roulette.

It seemed that the second form was also drawn through the Lucky Roulette method, and it was a single-layer roulette with a cover board, so he couldn't see what was inside.

This made Lin Yi's heart itch with curiosity.

Logically speaking, obtaining the second form should mean changing appearance and acquiring corresponding abilities simultaneously.

Would he draw something like a Husky and obtain skills for tearing down houses? Lin Yi wondered with a skeptical expression.

It probably depended on luck.

He grabbed Poseissi's soft hand again, and kissed her palm seriously.

Mascot, it's up to you now.

As the roulette spun, Lin Yi felt nervous yet expectant, instinctively holding Poseissi, who was in his arms, even tighter, with the maid outfit helping him relax quite a bit.

One minute later.

[Great Sage Equal to Heaven]

This result stupefied Lin Yi for a full ten seconds or more.

Wait, is it the Great Sage Equal to Heaven that caused havoc in the heavens from my memories?

That would mean...

Lin Yi's expression turned to one of shock as he instantly stood up.

If he could obtain the second form of the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, he wouldn't need any darn shield, what Divine Body!

A mythical war god from legends? What Divine Body could compare?

A stream of golden light flew out from the roulette at this moment, merging into Lin Yi's body.

"Switch to the Great Sage Equal to Heaven form."

Lin Yi quickly muttered, eager to see what the effect would be.

But his body didn't seem to react at this moment.

Just as Lin Yi was puzzled, the wooden hut he was in suddenly began to shake violently!

Poseissi immediately stood up, alertly surveying her surroundings for the source of the disturbance, but after looking around, her gaze gradually settled on Lin Yi.

As if she had identified Lin Yi as the most dangerous presence around.

The ground began to vibrate, not only in this area—everyone within Martial Soul Hall felt it too.

Bi Bidong and the Thousand Waves were startled awake from their sleep, looking around in confusion.

What's happening? An earthquake???

Within the territory of the Tiandou Empire, all residents lit up bright lights at night, the intense shaking causing them to climb out of bed in panic.

What's going on today? Soul Power disappeared during the day, and now there's an earthquake at night?!

At this very moment, the same scene was taking place in Xingluo as well, with terror enveloping everyone's hearts.

The far northern lands.

It was currently a period of midnight sun, and as the Snow Emperor looked up at the clear blue sky, the ground suddenly split open.

Distant mountains began to tremble, with heaps of snow cascading down, causing an avalanche!

"What's going on?"

The Snow Emperor turned in surprise: "Ice Child! Come out and look!"

Around Sea God's Island, monstrous Surging Waves rose, with some waves reaching over a hundred meters high.

At this moment, Poseissi was kneeling in the Sea God's temple, her expression devout yet puzzled as she looked up at the statue of the Sea God.

"Please, have I done something wrong, Lord Sea God? Why did you suddenly take away my Soul Power today, and send down this disaster at night?"

In the end, she received no reply from the Sea God.

On the coast, members of the Purple Pearl Pirate Group were ravaged by the waves to the point of disbanding for the first time.

"Three": What's going on now?! The whole Tiandou City is shaking! Could it be Lin Yi causing trouble again!

"Second": I'm not sure! Is it the same over there in Tiandou?! Is this an earthquake?

"One": Cracks have appeared on the surface of the Aquipeia Forest.


The group chat exploded, but Lin Yi had absolutely no intention of paying attention to its content at this moment.

His entire body was shrouded in golden light, the glow of armor, with faint golden hairs visible on his skin, and a flaming red cape trailing behind him.

But that form was always very ephemeral, unable to fully possess Lin Yi's body.

[Warning, if the host switches to the Great Sage Equal to Heaven form, the Douluo plane will be unable to support itself and will completely collapse. Do you wish to continue with the switch?]

This was the fifth warning from the System Space, Lin Yi frowned and ultimately said helplessly,

"Forget it."

The golden light disappeared, and Lin Yi returned to his original form.

[Please upgrade the Douluo plane to level 5 before attempting to switch to the second form. Current level of Douluo plane: Level 1.]

Lin Yi was somewhat surprised. Did he really have the ability to upgrade the plane?

Everyone says that Soul Land is the fantasy gutter. Who would have thought it was actually rated as a first-level plane by the system? Is level 5 the highest? Could level 5 be the Primordial Chaos Plane?

Lin Yi slowly realized that his system was far more than just a lottery system; it was very powerful.

"How do I upgrade the plane?"

[There is a Plane Upgrade Card in the jackpot rewards, with a one in ten thousand chance of being drawn.]

Lin Yi: "..."

Fuck your mother!

A one in ten thousand chance?

I don't even have the capability to acquire a jackpot reward right now! You're talking about a one in ten thousand chance of drawing it; isn't that just messing with people's heads?!

[Apart from the jackpot reward, there is also a chance to draw a Plane Upgrade Card from other levels of the prize pool, with an odds of one in one hundred thousand.]


Lin Yi cursed, the damn system was really pushing its luck.

One hundred thousand my ass!

He sat back on the bed and pondered for a moment.

The place where he was living was indeed the Douluo plane, and the idea of upgrading the plane was indeed tempting to him.

If he could change this world with his own strength, making it continuously progress, why wouldn't he want to do it?

Lin Yi did indeed want to experience the joy of being a Creator God.

In any case, slowly but surely, there is hope for the future, and currently, he was still in the process of drawing lottery shields; there was always a chance that he might draw a Plane Upgrade Card.

Maybe one of these attacks would just happen to hit that one in one hundred thousand chance.

After the ground stopped shaking, Poseissi obediently stood to the side and waited. Lin Yi waved at her, gesturing for her to come and sit down.

There were still many rewards to be had.

Lin Yi took out three Lucky Roulettes from the System Space.

But even with Poseissi's lucky mascot attribute boost, Lin Yi only managed to get a Golden Junior level reward at best, and that was after using a Prop Card to upgrade it.

I wonder if Poseissi's own luck might be even better? Perhaps find a chance later to tie her up and have her help with the draws?

Forget it... Lin Yi pulled a face.

Today's rewards were pretty much checked off, with many various others temporarily stored in the System Space by Lin Yi.

He opened the system interface and looked at his wealth section.

In addition to storing various rewards, the wealth section had recently been updated with a new category—Lottery Shield Operating Fund.

The operating fund consisted of three jackpot rewards.

The system was strict, designating these three jackpot rewards specifically for prizes in the Soul Master competition. Until the end of the competition, Lin Yi didn't even have the authority to check these three jackpot rewards, let alone monopolize them.

This left him at a loss for words.

However, there were three other grayed-out jackpot rewards in the wealth section that had not yet refreshed.

This was the system's promise to Lin Yi that as long as the new Soul Master competition was held and completed normally, an additional three jackpot rewards would be given to him.

This comforted Lin Yi quite a bit.

So the main event coming up was the new Soul Master competition!

Lin Yi would become the biggest beneficiary of it.

With the Soul Master competition approaching, all he could do before the start was to make sure that these influential big shots from the various factions could acquire more damage-enhancing rewards, so they would perform well in the Soul Master competition.

Lin Yi, holding Poseissi, lay on the bed, somewhat looking forward to tomorrow.

It seemed that every day's attacks would yield fresh rewards, which was another comforting thing for him.