
Douluo:Arceus Martial Soul

AirTheTruth · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Dugubo grabbed Erym and flew away, oblivious to the people around him.

He knew that the child before him had awakened a powerful Martial Soul, one that could possibly surpass Martial Souls like the Clear Sky Hammer and the Seraphin.

Within seconds he returned to his mansion and took his son and daughter-in-law to take the three of them away from the city, there were many Douluo Titled not far from the City, all of them would undoubtedly fly here next.

For some reason that even he did not understand, Dugubo felt that he should take the boy, that he could save him from the problem that had been killing his and his son's body.

As a level 91 power that had lived through hundreds of life and death experiences, he knew that obeying his instincts and hunches was always beneficial to oneself.

That was how he managed to reach level 90 and in the same way he was able to hunt the 90,000-year-old spirit beast for his ninth ring.

So in this situation, being a qualified Douluo, his instincts and hunches were clearer to understand and feel, so hesitating in this situation is equal to dying.

Dugubo actions seemed meaningless to some people, but within minutes after he flew away, several Douluo Entitled auras fell over the city, likewise, 5 people appeared over the city.

These 4 people are Chen Xin, Gu Rong, Guimei and Yue Guan.

The middle-aged Chen Xin looked at the duo of Guimei and Yue Guan with a cold look "What a surprise, the new Douluo Entitlements of the Hall of Spirits. It's strange to see you so far from home, if I remember correctly you two are loyal to Saint Bibi Dong" Chen Xin arrogant and contemptuous tone made the duo frown but they didn't react aggressively they just snorted and Yue Guan took over the conversation.

"It's a surprise to see you here, I thought you would still be crying over the grave of your clan and your useless father" Yue Guan words were so effective that Chen Xin didn't let a second pass and summoned her Martial Soul and unleashed sword attacks.

Gu Rong and Guimei did not stand still either, as entitled Douluo are sensitive to the reaction of energies from others, so they knew that a fight would inevitably break out.

They did not bother to look for the person who released that terrifying aura, since upon arrival they searched all over the city with their auras and superior senses, but did not find, but they did not doubt that someone would know something, better to get rid of the competition.

The battle between 4 Titled Douluo scared everyone in the city, if they had not taken their battle away from the city a few seconds after starting, it would not have taken more than a few minutes to destroy part of the city.

Half an hour later the sounds of battle disappeared from one second to the next, some thought they were done with their enemies, but these 4 Titled Douluo were of the same level, the outcome of their battle could not be decided in such a short time.

The real reason why they stopped their fighting was because they were told what happened after the aura disappeared.

Chen Xin and Gu Rong gathered and returned to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan, Guimei and Yue Guan went to the Spirit Hall branch in a nearby city since the capital did not have one at present.

When they returned they were well informed of what had happened and they all mobilized their sources to look for Dugubo, Gu Rong went out himself in the direction Dugubo went as well as Guimei.

As for Dugubo, he had originally planned to go to a nearby city, but Erym recommended that he go to a small town to make it more difficult for them to be found.

Two hours later, Dugubo arrived at a hidden village near the Sunset Forest.

Upon arrival Dugubo bought a house from one of the villagers and took everyone inside, the first thing he did was to leave his son in bed.

A few months ago he managed to get some natural treasures that helped him to advance quickly and at the same time helped him to stabilize his son's condition, but the journey now weakened Dugu Xin body even more.

"How is Xin Father?" asked Yin Xia worriedly as she held her future husband's hand.

Dugubo checked his son and saw that the millenary herb he gave him had not yet lost its power completely, but in another month or two he would no longer be able to sustain it "He is fine for now, just exhausted. Take care of him, I have to talk to that child" with a gentle pat on Yin Xia's head, Dugu Bo went out to talk to Erym.

As he was about to speak, another glorious, holy and divine aura covered everyone, golden light covered the sky and the sick condition of some slightly improved.

Dugubo thought that there was another Titled Douluo since this aura was not as oppressive as Erym, but using his spiritual sense he saw that this aura was coming from a far away direction, by his knowledge it was coming from the Hall of Spirits.

Erym raised his gaze and his golden eyes shone and then calmly said "Angel" Dugubo listened to him and then realized that this aura was very similar to the Qian Xunji, only it had more majesty and sanctity.


The history of the world is slightly changed, I wanted to say it's for the sake of the plot, but after thinking about some future situations of the story I decided to leave it as changed and that's it.