
17)Arceus:First Spirit Ring

(This chapter will be long)

After a few minutes of appreciation, Erym looked at the beasts that had given their spirit ring.

"Do you know where the place that gathers huge amounts of fire and ice elements is?" Erym knew that spiritual beasts are more sensitive to elements, energies and environmental changes, although some ignored these things.

But before him, he had three spiritual beasts with intelligence comparable to one of a hundred thousand years and had more potent senses, especially Wūgūi.

The spiritual beasts looked at each other, then thought for a few seconds and then denied.

"We usually don't go too deep, deeper the 10,000-year-old spiritual beasts become numerous, and in the center of the forest, there are several beasts with more than 70,000 years of power," Shényù spoke calmly as he approached Wūgūi and touched his shell with his claws, showing a face of surprise for a second.

Erym thought for a few seconds, used his meta-knowledge and the one granted by his senses to try to locate the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

With the superior senses granted by Arceus in Semi-possession, he could slightly feel the presence of the 2 Dragon Kings.

That's right, he could feel the remains of the Dragon Kings instead of the immortal herbs.

Being in semi-possession, he could also feel that he could start forming Arceus's spiritual ring, but he wanted to wait until he reached the Yin Yang Well since he sensed that his advancement would make some noise.

Deep in the forest, Erym could feel two slight pulsations, as if something was announcing its presence; he knew these were the Dragon Kings, who, although dead, still had remains.

This was normal, the Dragon Kings are entities superior or equal to a first-level God, although these dragons have been dead for tens of thousands of years, that is still not enough to turn their remains to dust.

Erym turned to look at Dugu Bo and family, "now that I'm at the limit of advancement, I can feel much better the fortune that awaits us. Grandpa Bo, can you take us all?" Dugu Bo looked at him and nodded slightly.

With his power as a Titled Douluo, he could carry 6 or 7 people with him, besides that Shényù would carry Húangdì Chóng with him and only needed to carry 2 adults, a turtle, and a child.

"Good, we will delve deeper, with the presence of a Titled Douluo we can easily reach our destination," after 10 minutes of setting the path well and assuring Yin Xia 100% that I am fine, we all delved into the forest.

Dugu Bo led the way carrying Erym, Dugu Xin, Yin Xia, and Wūgūi Jíxìang, Shényù carried Húandì Chóng with him and tried to keep up with Dugu Bo.

After an hour of travel, everyone arrived in front of a mountain, there were several poisonous plants that formed a poisonous fog, this could kill any beast below 30,000 years and any spiritual master below level 50.

Erym noticed this and thought calmly in his mind 'this natural barrier must have been modified by Dugu Bo to be able to kill everyone below level 70' after thinking for a few seconds he felt the presence of the Yin Yang Well in the center of the mountain.

"Let's go up, there must be an entrance from above," Erym looked at Dugu Bo and explained calmly, Dugu Bo was surprised that something like this existed in the forest, he had been exploring this forest for several decades, although he does not ensure to explore it all, the Dugu family had a map of 80% of the forest in great detail.

Dugu Bo nodded slightly to Erym and formed a barrier with his mental power to push away the poisonous fog, in a few minutes he took everyone up and saw that the mountain had a hole at the top.

Inside the hole, one could see a fascinating garden full of herbs, which except for Erym, no one knew.

"How beautiful," Yin Xia was fascinated by the view, the rich spiritual energy around formed a faint mist that combined with the fragrant smells of the place.

"Something like this has been hidden in this place, I'm surprised that no one has found it," Dugu Xin looked all over the place and just by breathing he could feel how the poison in his organs calmed down slightly.

Dugu Bo was also surprised by the beauty and mysticism of this place, although with his abilities as a Titled Douluo he could see and understand more than the others.

He could feel the powerful extreme elemental energy of the lake in the center of the valley, that lake that was divided into red and blue, the powerful energy and essence contained in many Herbs throughout the valley.

He could also feel the natural barrier that formed the valley preventing its energy, smells, and presence from being sensed by others, this surprised him even more about Erym's senses, since he only felt this place when they arrived here above.

Erym saw the whole valley and the information about these came to his mind, this information was included in the one given to him a while ago.

There were a total of 1573 types of herbs, among these 500 were more than a thousand years old and 70 were fairy herbs of 10,000 years, there were even 3 that were in the 70,000 years, the aura of the Dragon Kings and the extreme elements prevented the spirituality of these plants from being born, but when they reach 100,000 years it will no longer be able to prevent it.

In each type of herb, there were between 2 to 200 of the same type scattered throughout the valley, this place was always little explained in Douluo, but it was well known that just the presence of 2 fallen gods was enough to create a sacred land.

'I could even form a clan here, I would extend the poison barrier a few kilometers from the mountain and strengthen it to prevent even the Titled Douluo from entering,' Erym looked all over the place and with all the knowledge in his mind there were no problems with staying to live in the mountain, after careful arrangement it would be totally habitable.

"This place is extraordinary, I feel that if I stay here for about ten thousand years I would have no problem crossing the 100,000-year barrier," Shényù observed everything while relaxing his body and enjoying the pleasant environment.

Chóng was quick to want to throw himself into the valley, if it weren't because Wūgūi stepped on him with his paw pinning him to the ground, he would already be running to eat some herb below.

"Silly ant, many of these plants have poison, besides that, the capabilities of these plants could kill us even if they are not poisonous," as an Auspicious Beast he is more sensitive to the energies and quality of the herbs in the valley.

"Ha, silly ant, did you want to go eat the herbs below? That belongs to His Holiness," Shéyù also approached and patted Chóng's head with his wing.

As for the poor ant, he could not speak but his movements showed dissatisfaction and lack of air.

"Okay, stop playing, I wanted to come here first because I needed a more hidden place to form my Spiritual Ring. Grandpa Bo, can you open a cave on one of the sides of the valley? I need to seclude myself for a few hours to start the ascension process." Erym gently patted Wūgūi's shell so that he would let Chóng breathe and then looked at Dugu Bo.

Although his base was firm and without disturbances, he needed to fully assimilate his power increase and relax his body from the repeated pains of today.

"I can, but what will you do with this valley?" Dugu Bo looked at the valley and recognized a couple of Plants only that currently were a little immature from the ones he knew.

"This... we will wait until after my advancement, Arceus gave me knowledge about all these plants, among these there are many that can help Uncle Xin and Aunt Xia, as well as you," Erym explained calmly as he came to his side and looked at him smiling.

Certainly, here's the continuation of the translation:

Erym's words surprised everyone, the beasts were less surprised since they could more clearly feel the power of these plants and knew that several plants here could easily help them reach 100,000.

"We will settle at the edge of the valley, no one should approach the plants or the lake in the center, when I form my spiritual ring we can treat this place as our home and our private garden," Erym spoke again while giving a look to everyone, likewise, everyone saw these actions and nodded in understanding.

Erym was now the leader of this small group, not only did the spiritual beasts follow his orders, but the young couple wanted to trust him more.

As for Dugu Bo, he had already accepted the idea that Erym would lead the ship, it wouldn't be long before he reached his same level of power and even surpassed it.

After adapting to the environment for a few minutes, Dugu Bo took them down and the spiritual beasts began to make temporary caves in the wall.

Dugu Bo went further to Erym and with a few blows opened a cave 10 meters deep and 3 meters wide.

"Alright, I'll be close, if you need me just shout," Dugu Bo looked at Erym and spoke calmly while gently patting his shoulder.

Erym nodded and entered the cave with calm and unhurried steps.

After obtaining his spiritual ring, his strength would take a great leap, with that new strength he could do many things from the knowledge that Arceus gave him.

As a being who observed thousands of universes and worlds in search of a chosen one, he had accumulated immeasurable knowledge, in the last 6 years he compiled all the information and adjusted it to the laws of the world and Douluo universe so that it could be used by me.

There were many techniques of cultivation, alchemy, matrices, runes, blacksmithing, medicine, and much more in the information he gave me.

To not burn my brain, the information is delivered slowly according to my current situation, the basic knowledge didn't matter much since it appeared and was archived again for when necessary.

But advanced and superior knowledge requires a firmer and more cultivated mind to withstand it, some things mortals could die just by knowing them, that's how dangerous all the knowledge that Arceus granted me is.

I needed to increase my power, not just for the sake of having power and living peacefully, every second I spent with the Dugu family I could feel the dependence and how they wanted to close the distance in our relationships.

The spiritual beasts practically consider me their reborn god, I also know that the balance of this world is totally tilted towards humans, if it weren't for the circumstances, events, and people in the future, the spiritual beasts would have completely disappeared from the world.

Being united with Arceus, I felt a strong attachment to the spiritual beasts and had that small desire to protect them and save them from their tragic fate.

I knew that the more I raised my possession by activating Arceus, the stronger that feeling would be, I knew that sooner or later it would be a war of me against humans, or rather, against the gods.

When I reached the bottom of the cave, I sat a meter from the wall with my legs crossed and let my hands rest on my knees, I closed my eyes slowly and when I opened them again I was in my mental space.

There, in the infinite white-golden space, the enormous figure of Arceus rested quietly while 3 tablets, and 3 spiritual rings that accompanied him, floated above him.

"It's time, let's form our first ring."

After finishing his words, Arceus opened his eyes and looked at Erym with total calm and affection, as he stood up the whole space lit up even more.

Outside, in the real world, Erym's body entered semi-possession and the 3 tablets with their respective rings floated above him forming a triangle.

Suddenly Erym's body released a soft and divine aura, the three tablets began to shine and each released a thread of energy to meet in the center of the triangle.

When the threads of energy joined they began to form an energy sphere, from Erym came a white-golden thread of energy that also joined the energy sphere.

Seconds after it happened, the energy sphere began to reform while growing very slowly, after hours that energy sphere grew to 1 meter, at that moment the sphere had green, blue, silver, white, and golden colors.

After 3 hours the sphere stopped twisting and solidified, when this happened Erym's soft and divine aura began to increase, not only in range but in potency.

The aura became such that even the Dugu family and the spiritual beasts began to feel it clearly.

After minutes the sphere took on a black color and slowly began to take the shape of a spiritual ring.

Arceus's possession began to deepen further, Erym's height grew 10 cm, his skin from the shoulders up turned white, it was not pale, but a pure, clean, and firm white.

A similar form would be the skin of the hollows in Bleach, although apart from the white and that his skin is like armor, they did not share another similarity.

After half an hour the sphere completely turned into a black spiritual ring, when that happened the ring released 3 rays of energy towards the tablets and their respective spiritual rings began to change, their colors became deeper and the Steel Tablet reached 10,000 years, while the Sky Tablet reached 7,000 years, the Insect Tablet reached 15,000 years and its black with purple touches became a clear black.

After that, the black spiritual ring descended to Erym's body, when it fully integrated Arceus's divine aura was reduced only around Erym.

The formation of the spiritual ring was completed perfectly and Erym reached level 20 directly.