
Douluo 2: Capturing Goddess

In the illustrious era of the Peerless Tang Sect on the Douluo Continent, Qian Ran embarks on a transformative journey. Unearthing the ancient legacy of the Martial Soul Palace, he forges an alliance with the former angelic deity, Qian Renxue. Bestowed with the formidable powers of the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm and the undead force of Electrolux, Qian Ran emerges onto the path of invincibility. Despite the Martial Soul Palace's defeat millennia ago, Qian Ran is destined to make it unparalleled in this lifetime. At Shrek Academy, he attains the title of the youngest Douluo in history. Simultaneously, within the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, he attains the fearsome status of a tenth-level soul engineer. In the Star Forest, Qian Ran forms a profound alliance with Gu Yuena, becoming the soul beasts' trusted companion. Together, they reshape the divine personality of Qian Renxue. Ascending to the God Realm, Qian Ran stands unassailable as the strongest God King. Guided by Qian Ran, the Angel Family experiences a resurgence, and the Martial Soul Hall becomes an unstoppable force. With hands casually in pockets, Qianran faces opponents without knowing the meaning of defeat. To obliterate figures like Tang San and Huo Yuhao is but a casual stride on his remarkable journey. Qianran declares, "I'm invincible—do as you please!" ••••• It is a translation from a fanfic novel written by Qimu So if anyone doing this novel translation please let me know because I didn't find when I searched. Guys don't read if you don't like mc snatching other person wife or lover. Or some girl falling for mc very easily. ............... Release Schedule -: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.

Yui_20 · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Wu Feng Hate

"Pervert, stop staring. They're all gone now."

Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao pinched Qian Ran's waist angrily from both sides.

Zhu Lu had the most stunning figure among the freshmen. Even though Zhu Zhuqing from Doulou 1 was a 36D, she would later become a super pervert like Big G after evolving. But Zhu Lu was already well-developed for her age.

They were all freshmen, after all. Wang Donger and Xiao Xiao's growth was above average for their peers.

Zhu Lu's figure was also enviable among the senior students. It was easy to imagine that with some more care, she would break through 36D in no time.

Wu Feng, Ning Tian, and the others also coveted Zhu Lu's figure.

"Let's go. Let's head to the classroom first." Qian Ran waved his hand.

Before the freshman assessment, there were only two beauties, Xiao Xiao and Wang Donger, in their class.

But after being assigned to different classes, there were suddenly many more pretty girls in their class.

Besides Xiao Xiao, Wang Donger, Ning Tian, Zhu Lu, and Wu Feng, the other girls were also of good quality.

Qian Ran still sat in the middle, with Wang Donger and Xiao Xiao on either side of him. Ning Tian and Wu Feng sat behind Qian Ran. Zhu Lu and Dai Huabin sat in the front. Zhu Lu was an agility and attack type soul master who should have been in a different class, but because her martial soul fusion skill with Dai Huabin was incompatible with separation, they were also put in the same class.

"Hey, you better stay away from Ning Tian." Wu Feng took the chance when Ning Tian went to the bathroom and whispered to Qian Ran.


Qian Ran turned his head and looked at Wu Feng. Wu Feng had short red hair like fire, and her eyes were also a rare red. They looked a bit scary at first glance, but if you looked closely, you would see that her features were very delicate, and her skin was as white as jade. However, the way she looked at Qian Ran was cold.

Wu Feng was a Yuri and had a hidden agenda for Ning Tian.

Qian Ran didn't know if Wu Feng was the attacker or the receiver.

In the original work, Ning Tian became a male in the later stages, and then lived happily with Wu Feng. If you looked at it that way, Wu Feng didn't have to be a lily, she just had a preference for Ning Tian.

Tsk...Had Wu Feng fallen for Ning Tian already?No wonder...

Unlike the other girls who were attentive to Qian Ran, Wu Feng had always been hostile to him.

"Ning Tian is not right for you." Wu Feng said in a low voice.

She hoped that Qian Ran would reject Ning Tian harshly, so that Ning Tian would give up. If Ning Tian gave up, then she...

"You're not me, how do you know Ning Tian is not right for me? I think Ning Tian is very suitable for me." Qian Ran smiled. Ning Tian's cultivation level was very high. He was already a thirty-level soul master. He was the top among the entire freshman class.

With the characteristics of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, if the freshman assessment hadn't been a five-person group, maybe Ning Tian would have been the one in the finals.

To be honest, Qian Ran didn't understand the various combat powers in Peerless Tang Sect at all. Geniuses like Ning Tian and Dai Huabin who broke through to Soul Master at such a young age were really low in cultivation in the later stages. When they participated in the continent-wide soul master competition, the cultivation of soul kings was not realistic at all.

"I was wrong. You're not right for Ning Tian." Wu Feng snorted. If she was completely sure that her strength was not Qian Ran's match, she would have challenged him to a duel.


Wu Feng clenched her teeth. "I'm telling you the truth. I came to Shrek Academy to protect Ning Tian. She's a core disciple of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. She deserves better than a playboy like you."

She had done her homework on Qian Ran. He had several beautiful girls around him, including two famous seniors from the outer courtyard. If Ning Tian got involved with him, he would surely break her heart.

She was here to protect Ning Tian, not just from physical danger, but from emotional pain. She couldn't bear to see her get hurt by Qian Ran's deception.

"So? What does that have to do with me?" Qian Ran shrugged. He didn't care about her status or background. He only cared about her beauty and charm. He wanted to conquer her and make her his.

He had a beauty knocking on his door. Why would he turn her away? Give her up? No way.

He didn't care about the original plot. Even if he didn't end up with Ning Tian, Wu Feng had little chance. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect needed heirs. How could two girls produce them? Ning Tian hadn't turned into a man yet because of Wang Donger's betrayal. If he rejected her, he wouldn't lose anything.

He shuddered at the thought of his beloved being taken by another man. He shuddered again.

He had no regrets about his past life. He could only marry one person then, so he had no choice.

But in this world, he could marry a hundred and no one would bat an eye. He wouldn't let go of any of them. How could he?

"You! It matters a lot. Ning Tian likes you. If you don't stay away from her, she'll..." Wu Feng was fuming. She was powerless against Qian Ran. Ning Tian was so smitten with him that if she found out she was trying to sabotage their relationship, she might hate her.

"That doesn't benefit me at all. Ning Tian is so beautiful, I have nothing to lose if she becomes my girlfriend. On the contrary, such a beauty is never enough for a man."

"Of course, if you offer me something, I might reconsider."

Qian Ran's eyes roamed over Wu Feng. She was very pretty, and her short, fiery red hair gave her a lively look. As for her figure, it was hard to tell under the school uniform. But he guessed it was below C, maybe B.

He remembered that none of the soul masters from Long Wuhun were flat-chested.

"What are you trying to do?" Wu Feng felt a chill when Qian Ran looked at her. Her face turned pale.

"You asked me to give up Ning Tian, and that's a loss for me. So you have to compensate me." Qian Ran smiled wickedly. He wouldn't make a bad deal. He wasn't stupid enough to let Ning Tian go because of Wu Feng's words.

Besides, Ning Tian liked him without him having to pursue her. That meant he had the upper hand in their future relationship. It was like an idol falling for a fan. He could make her do anything he wanted. How could he pass up such an opportunity?

'And If I get Ning Tian, there is a high chance Wu feng will also come.'
