
Douluo 2: Capturing Goddess

In the illustrious era of the Peerless Tang Sect on the Douluo Continent, Qian Ran embarks on a transformative journey. Unearthing the ancient legacy of the Martial Soul Palace, he forges an alliance with the former angelic deity, Qian Renxue. Bestowed with the formidable powers of the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm and the undead force of Electrolux, Qian Ran emerges onto the path of invincibility. Despite the Martial Soul Palace's defeat millennia ago, Qian Ran is destined to make it unparalleled in this lifetime. At Shrek Academy, he attains the title of the youngest Douluo in history. Simultaneously, within the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, he attains the fearsome status of a tenth-level soul engineer. In the Star Forest, Qian Ran forms a profound alliance with Gu Yuena, becoming the soul beasts' trusted companion. Together, they reshape the divine personality of Qian Renxue. Ascending to the God Realm, Qian Ran stands unassailable as the strongest God King. Guided by Qian Ran, the Angel Family experiences a resurgence, and the Martial Soul Hall becomes an unstoppable force. With hands casually in pockets, Qianran faces opponents without knowing the meaning of defeat. To obliterate figures like Tang San and Huo Yuhao is but a casual stride on his remarkable journey. Qianran declares, "I'm invincible—do as you please!" ••••• It is a translation from a fanfic novel written by Qimu So if anyone doing this novel translation please let me know because I didn't find when I searched. Guys don't read if you don't like mc snatching other person wife or lover. Or some girl falling for mc very easily. ............... Release Schedule -: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.

Yui_20 · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Qian Renxue

Qian Ran reflected on his precious artifact, the Angel Holy Sword, recalling its status as a potent relic akin to the Poseidon Trident. The system hinted at hidden benefits within the sword. Retrieving it from the system space, he infused it with spirit power, unleashing a golden sword energy that effortlessly cleaved through large trees.

Assured of the sword's potential, Qian Ran mused, "This artifact's true might will manifest once I attain the status of an Angel God. Only divine power can unlock the Angel Holy Sword's fullest potential."

Contemplating the challenge ahead, he wondered, "But where can I find the inheritance of the Angel God? The former Angel God, Qian Renxue, had her divine personality shattered, raising doubts about the continuity of the inheritance."

In the midst of Qian Ran's grumbling, a radiant figure materialized from the Angel Holy Sword.

"She's still as regal as ever," he marveled.

The woman, appearing in her early twenties, possessed flawless, snow-white skin, an elegant nose, slightly slanted eyes, and a face radiating regal beauty. A small seraph mark adorned her forehead.

Her calm, golden eyes surveyed the scene. Clad in a simple yet elegant golden palace dress woven with threads of gold, she exuded majesty. Cascading golden hair framed her casually. As the blonde beauty observed Qian Ran with surprise, he, too, was taken aback.

"Qian Renxue?" he exclaimed in shock.

Cursing inwardly, he thought, "Is this what the system calls a hidden benefit? Truly, the system knows me too well."

Qian Ran, who had once admired Tang Ya's beauty, now found himself captivated by the unparalleled charm of Qian Renxue. In his eyes, she stood as the most beautiful woman in the world, surpassing even Tang Ya. Beyond her physical allure, Qian Renxue, now a god, exuded a sacred and inviolable quality that left a lasting impression.

For someone as daring as Qian Ran, a bold idea sparked in his mind.

"The system has been kind, involving Qian Renxue herself. If I take matters into my own hands, could I possibly win Qian Renxue over?"

Curious about the passage of time, Qian Renxue, sensing the seraph spirit within Qian Ran, expressed surprise. She had been in slumber for years, and it was Qian Ran who had awakened her.

"How much time has elapsed?" Qian Renxue inquired.

"Ten thousand years have unfolded since the War of Gods, and the Martial Spirit Hall vanished from the mainland during that time. Shrek Academy now stands as the revered sanctuary for spirit masters, shaping formidable talents across the mainland.

The once-unified Heaven Dou Empire has split into the Heavenly Dou Empire and the Dou Ling Empire. Meanwhile, the Star Luo Empire remains unchanged. Additionally, a new power has emerged—the Sun and Moon Empire," Qian Ran conveyed, sharing all the knowledge he had gathered about the Peerless Tang Sect's evolution.

As the revelations sank in, Qian Renxue felt a profound sorrow. The Martial Spirit Empire had fallen, and the Martial Spirit Hall was no more. A wave of devastation washed over her at the realization that ten thousand years had brought about such profound changes.

"I never imagined a Dark Spirit master could establish such a prominent sect on the mainland. It's truly absurd," Qian Renxue sighed wistfully. In the era of the Martial Spirit Hall, Dark Spirit masters were scarce, given the dominance of the Angel family's potent Seraph Martial Spirit—the ultimate bane for dark practitioners. The Martial Spirit Hall's control over spirit master information ensured the swift eradication of any emerging Dark Spirit threats.

"Senior Qian Renxue, weren't you supposed to have perished?" Qian Ran questioned, his surprise evident. Qian Renxue's continued existence brought a mix of emotions for him. Her survival meant valuable assistance against Tang San, given her familiarity with him. With a former Angel God by his side, he not only gained an ally but also someone to share insights into the godly realm. Though hesitant to directly refer to her as his wife, fearing her wrath, Qian Ran couldn't help but entertain playful thoughts involving Qian Renxue's notorious black stockings.

"When my godhood shattered, I exerted my last strength to infuse the remaining divine power into the Holy Angel Sword. Sacrificing my body, I transformed into the sword spirit of the Holy Angel Sword. As long as the Angel Sword endures, my soul remains preserved," Qian Renxue explained, her existence now closely intertwined with the weapon.

Qian Ran comprehended the situation. Given Tang San's resilience, it made sense for the angel god Qian Renxue to have contingency plans.

"I can aid in enhancing your strength, but there's a condition," Qian Renxue declared, her intense gaze fixed on Qian Ran. Seeking a successor to help her vanquish a particular adversary, she saw potential in Qian Ran, a descendant of the angelic lineage.

"What conditions?" Qian Ran asked, his anticipation mingled with a hint of apprehension.

"First, aid me in resurrecting the Spirit Hall. Second, assist me in eradicating Tang San." As Qian Renxue uttered Tang San's name, her once-beautiful face turned cold, eyes ablaze with murderous intent.

In the past, she had spared Tang San repeatedly, extending mercy. However, he proved unrelenting, seizing every opportunity to evade her. His cruelty stung deeply.

Tang San underestimated her potential, assuming she'd forever be confined to the limitations of an eighty-ninth level Contra. A bitter laugh escaped her, having long seen through Tang San's facade.

Aware of the consequences, Tang San condemned her to a fate of stagnation after losing her cultivation. Captivity and exploitation awaited. Yet, he proceeded without remorse.

"Grandpa, Mother, Golden Crocodile Enshrinement..." Qian Renxue's voice trailed off, haunted by memories.

Regret weighed heavily on her, not just for those she cared about but also for the millions who placed faith in the Martial Spirit Hall, along with the soldiers who fought under its banner.

A seething hatred, nurtured over ten thousand years, fueled Qian Renxue's desire to see Tang San suffer. Her compassion as a woman prevented her from rewriting history on the mainland much earlier.

Confined within the Angel Holy Sword, her conscience grappled with guilt and resentment. Qian Renxue endured, holding onto life solely to seize an opportunity to end Tang San's existence. This time, there would be no room for mistakes.

"I promise," Qian Ran vowed, witnessing the transformation of the once beautiful and noble Qian Renxue. His initial impure thoughts faded, leaving only genuine love and concern for her. The allure of his perverted musings vanished, replaced by a profound empathy for Qian Renxue's plight.

A dedicated fan of Doulou Dalu, Qian Ran had replayed Tang San's saga countless times in his mind. The tragic demise of the Martial Spirit Hall lingered as a somber conclusion to a once-dominant force.

Reflecting on Qian Renxue's fate, he recognized the bitter reality. The breach of the Martial Spirit Hall left Qian Renxue, as a saint, with the only honorable path—suicide. Without this choice, the prospect of being treated as a trophy awaited, a fate worse than death. Hu Liena, lacking the fortune Qian Renxue had with the Angel Holy Sword, faced a more ominous destiny.

The recollections of Martial Spirit Hall's reign and Qian Renxue's vivid descriptions weighed heavily on Qian Ran's heart, evoking a profound sadness. He empathized deeply with Qian Renxue, who had spared Tang San multiple times, even opting for a fair confrontation after being wounded in the Star Dou Forest.

"'Fair'? How could there be any fairness in this?" Qian Ran mused, questioning the notion of fairness in the face of such a tumultuous history.

Upon Tang San's demise, the gods of the God Realm orchestrated his resurrection. Witnessing this plot, Qian Ran couldn't restrain his frustration. Why did the God Realm extend such favor to Tang San while neglecting Qian Renxue and others? It felt like an unjust favoritism, an animalistic behavior. Despite overcoming numerous challenges, Tang San remained unbeatable. Eventually, God Shura and other divine beings intervened to assist.

In this peculiar scenario, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong found themselves in a strange position of being able to confront each other.

Despite the supposed agreement not to interfere in the lower realm, the God Realm repeatedly revived Tang San, aiding in his continual empowerment. Qian Ran couldn't help but scoff at the absurdity of the God Realm's actions. The blatant bias raised doubts— even if Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong succeeded in defeating Tang San during the God War, the God Realm's inclination suggested Tang San would simply rise again.