
Douluo's dragon spear against the world

## What would happen if Angle God of soul land (Douluo) will start listening to the inner voice of a transmigrated boy. ### Is it start of a new legend

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141 Chs

60: Haotian Falls

The 100,000-year spirit ring on the Clear Sky Hammer suddenly exploded, turning into an incomparably powerful energy, which merged into the Clear Sky Hammer, and the Clear Sky Hammer was condensed with formidable power, smashing down towards the Emperor.

Black energy appeared in Di Tian's hands, and the black energy shone brightly, making the already dark Star Dou Great Forest even darker.

At the moment of contact with the Clear Sky Hammer, an incomparably huge energy was generated from the place where the two collided, and then spread around.

Di Tian's body took a step back, swayed slightly, and then stabilized his body, while Tang Hao's body was hit by the black light and exploded in an instant, turning into blood mist and internal organs scattered on the ground, and Several soul bones fell to the ground.

"Exploding the ring is really interesting, but that's all, the soul bones may be useful to the young master." Di Tian glanced at the place where Tang Hao fell, stretched out his hand, and he took a few soul bones in his place. hands.


Jun Xuehan was lying beside the Lake of Life, looking up at the starry sky in the Star Dou Great Forest at night. In his silver eyes, there was peace.

The breeze blew through the treetops, making a rushing sound. On the surface of the Lake of Life, waves rippled in circles, and Jun Xuehan's long silver hair was also blown by the breeze.

The scenery of the Lake of Life is undoubtedly very beautiful. Staying here, I can't help but feel a sense of tranquility in my heart, and because of the strong vitality of life, it is also very helpful for cultivation.

Reaching out to touch his stomach, Jun Xuehan sat up from the ground and was about to say something when he saw a golden light appear in front of him.

It has golden hair all over its body, and its whole body is like a semi-transparent crystal, full of strange texture.

The overall shape is very similar to that of a lion, but its four claws are like dragons. Under each dragon claw is a golden flame. Its mouth is longer than that of a lion-type soul master. It seems that there are golden scales under its hair.

He has two golden eyes and a strange red vertical pupil.

Looking at each other, Jun Xuehan's eyes blinked, and he recognized it immediately. This is the emperor's auspicious beast, the three-eyed golden scorpion!

The emperor auspicious beast, the three-eyed golden scorpion is where the luck of the Star Dou Great Forest is located. As long as it is where it is, the cultivation speed of all spirit beasts is doubled. times.

Therefore, it is respected by all the soul beasts as the emperor auspicious beast.

And the three-eyed Jin Ling also looked at Jun Xuehan in front of him with curious eyes.

The blood of the three-eyed golden scorpion has the blood of the golden dragon. The golden dragon is the second-generation blood of the golden dragon king. Although he does not want to be able to control all the elements like the silver dragon king, it has a strange power that is indestructible, so it is also called the ancestor of power.

One person and one beast were looking at each other, Zi Ji came back with a hundred-year-old soul beast, and said, "Young Master. You should be hungry, too. I caught a hundred-year-old soul beast in the Star Dou Great Forest and came to give it to you. Young Master, fill your stomach."

Listening to Zi Ji's words, Jun Xuehan took his eyes away from the three-eyed Jin Ling, looked at Zi Ji, and said softly, "Thank you."

The soul beast that Ziji caught was the mandala snake. Although the mandala snake itself was highly poisonous, as long as it was handled properly, the mandala snake meat was not only non-toxic, but also not very delicious.

This mandala snake is about three meters long and has a life span of about three hundred years. Jun Xuehan took out a pot from the soul tool, made a fire very skillfully, and took out some seasoning from the soul tool. Taste.

After the mandala snake is processed, the meat of the snake is put into the pot and stewed.

Jun Xuehan has always prepared very well for what to eat. In his words, it is to plan ahead, prepare a little for everything, and maybe it will be available at some time.

Soon, a strong fragrance emanated from the pot. Jun Xuehan opened the pot and tasted it. The taste was not bad, at least there was no problem in filling his stomach.

Zi Ji just glanced at Jun Xuehan who was eating, and then took back her gaze. Although the food Jun Xuehan made was very fragrant, she did not have much interest.

Three-eyed Jin Ling moved his nose and slowly approached Jun Xuehan's direction, but his eyes were on the pot in front of Jun Xuehan.

Jun Xuehan noticed the movement of the three-eyed Jin Ling, took out a piece of meat from the pot, and asked softly, "Do you want to eat it? Wang Qiu'er."

"By the way, you don't seem to have this name yet." Jun Xuehan smiled indifferently, and put the meat in front of the three-eyed Jin Ling.

The three-eyed Jin Ling looked at Jun Xuehan in front of him, and there was a light of wisdom in his eyes. Although it has only about 5,000 years of cultivation, as an emperor auspicious beast, its IQ is very high, so what Jun Xuehan said Yes, she can totally understand.

But the three-eyed Jin Ye didn't pay attention to Jun Xuehan's words, but looked at the meat in front of him, swallowed it in one bite, and his eyes lit up in an instant.

A pair of eyes staring at the pot in front of Jun Xuehan, the meaning is obvious.

"I can't give you all of this, otherwise I'll starve, and at most I'll give you half of it." After speaking, Jun Xuehan took out half, and put the remaining half in the pot. In front of Jin Ling.

Three-eyed Jin Ye let out a low growl, and then lowered his head to eat.

"Anyway, you don't have a name now. I'll call you Wang Qiu'er in the future. If you want to agree, just nod your head. If you don't agree, you don't have to." Jun Xuehan ate the rice in his bowl and asked indifferently. road.

Three-eyed Jin Ling raised his head, blinked his eyes, nodded lightly, and then continued to bow his head to eat.

Jun Xuehan just smiled when he saw what Wang Qiuer nodded.

Di Tian returned to the lake of life, reached out and touched Wang Qiu'er's head, took out a few soul bones, placed them in front of Jun Xuehan, and said slowly, "Young Master, this is the soul bone of that human being. , you take it, maybe it will be of any help to you, Young Master."

Hearing this, Jun Xuehan picked up the spirit bones and looked at them. There were six spirit bones in total, and each spirit bone was of high quality and longevity.

"Is Tang Hao dead?" Jun Xuehan put the soul bone into his soul tool and asked softly.

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Jun Xuehan said it in a declarative tone. Because the six spirit bones are all here, it already means that Clear Sky Douluo has fallen.

"The human who attacked you has already perished. As for whether it is the Tang Hao you mentioned, I don't know." Di Tian said indifferently, and tapped his hand on Wang Qiu'er's head. Shaking his head, he looked at Di Tian with dissatisfied eyes.

Wang Qiuer, as an emperor auspicious beast, even the silver dragon king Gu Yuena would choose to take care of it and not let it suffer any damage, so it is not afraid of Ditian at all, and even in the entire Star Dou Forest, it is like a little overlord. .