
Douluo's dragon spear against the world

## What would happen if Angle God of soul land (Douluo) will start listening to the inner voice of a transmigrated boy. ### Is it start of a new legend

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58: Ziji VS Tang Hao

Tang Hao shook his head gently and said, "Although I don't know where your confidence comes from, I want to teach you a truth. In this world, the weak eat the strong, and the strong make the rules, and the weak can only abide by the rules set by the strong. "

"In the face of absolute strength, anything is futile."

"You severely injured my son during the day, and I will severely hurt you now. Your injuries will basically be the same. If they are different, your injuries will be heavier." Tang Hao said slowly , and walked in the direction of Jun Xuehan step by step.

"I and they are considered a competition of the same generation, and it is a competition initiated by them. Although I agree, the two of them seem to have not followed the rules of the soul master world. "Jun Xuehan's eyes became slightly cold, and he looked directly at Tang Hao.

"The big bully the small, if you think so, then it's not wrong." Tang Hao's voice was very calm, without any waves.

Jun Xuehan just sneered, wanting to bully the small, Tang Hao might be able to do it in other places, but now this place is the Great Star Dou Forest.

Although Tang Hao wasn't an ordinary 95th-level Titled Douluo, he was comparable to a 96th Super Douluo when he used a blasting ring, but in front of the true king of the Star Dou Great Forest, it was simply not enough to see. Not to mention that he is a Tang Hao, even a Limit Douluo, in front of the true king of the Star Dou Great Forest, can't make any waves.

"Bullying the small with the big? I don't think you can do it!" A faint female voice sounded in the air.

The whole body is covered with purple-black scales, with a slender body, long black and purple hair scattered behind him, a pair of straight and slender thighs, and above the chest, revealing the snow-white skin of the shoulders, and the beautiful face of Ziji appeared in front of Jun Xuehan.

A pair of black and purple eyes quietly looked at Tang Hao in front of him.

When Jun Xuehan entered the Star Dou Great Forest, he was already aware of it at the bottom of the Lake of Life, and Jun Xuehan returned not long after leaving, so something must have happened.

Therefore, Gu Yuena asked Ditian to check the situation, but when Ditian had something to do, he asked Ziji to rush over first. And what Jun Xuehan did just now was to delay time, so he had no fear, and was not afraid of Tang Hao at all.

Tang Hao looked at Zi Ji who appeared, and a dignified flash flashed in his eyes. The person who appeared in front of him was only above himself, not below him.

"One is fighting, and the two are the same. There is not much difference." Tang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a little attention on his sallow complexion, but he had no plans to stop, but to prepare Go all out.

"The real body of the spirit!" The seventh spirit ring under Tang Hao's feet suddenly lit up. The Clear Sky Hammer swelled into a small mountain in an instant, smashing towards Zi Ji.

Zi Ji looked at the smashed Clear Sky Hammer, and without any hesitation, went straight to meet it.

Ziji is one of the two dragon kings in the Star Dou Great Forest. Although her cultivation is far from Ditian, her bloodline and physical potential are not much inferior to Ditian. They are inherited from the dragon clan. There are few pure blood dragons.

"Death and withering!" Purple-black light was rapidly condensing in Zi Ji's hand, and it swung towards the smashing Clear Sky Hammer.

"Bang." The rays of light collided with the Clear Sky Hammer, and there was a thunderous sound. The bursts of energy, like ripples, continued to spread around, destroying the surrounding trees.

Jun Xuehan watched the energy fluctuations that erupted from them, and immediately retreated to a safe distance. The arrival of Ziji surprised him. He originally thought that the person who came would be Ditian.

If it was Ditian, he would basically be able to keep Tang Hao in the Xingdou Forest forever, but if Ziji could beat Tang Hao, it would still be difficult to keep Tang Hao in the Xingdou Forest.

Zi Ji's arms turned into dragon claws, and they fought head-to-head with Tang Hao. The dragon claws and the Clear Sky Hammer kept colliding, and ripples of energy spread around.

Zi Ji is a ninety-seventh-level Super Douluo, and Tang Hao's spirit power is ninety-five without using the ring, and Tang Hao is still injured, so as the battle continues, even if It was Tang Hao, who used his spirit avatar, and gradually fell into the downwind and was suppressed by Zi Ji.

You must know that after the spirit power reaches the ninety-fifth level, each level of the spirit power is doubled. If before the ninety-fifth level, with the configuration of the spirit ring and the spirit bone, you can still perform a leapfrog battle, then at the ninety-fifth level. After the level, it is basically impossible to have a leapfrog battle.

With a bang, Tang Hao was slapped on the ground by Zi Ji, forming a big pit on the ground.


Tang Hao came out of the big pit, exhaled lightly, felt the injury, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and the two yellow spirit rings in the first and second positions suddenly exploded, turning into a stream of energy and pouring into Hao In the hammer.

With a majestic and domineering aura on the Clear Sky Hammer, smashed towards Zi Ji's body.

Zi Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the smashed Clear Sky Hammer, a black-purple light appeared on the dragon's claws, and the light was equally dazzling even in the dark night.

"The devil is reversed!"

The dragon claw faced the Clear Sky Hammer, the two collided, a strong wind appeared at the collision, and the energy ripples spread out in circles, causing Jun Xuehan, who was originally in a safe position, to retreat a distance.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Zi Ji and Tang Hao's bodies couldn't help but go backwards. The difference is that Zi Ji only retreated about half a meter, while Tang Hao retreated more than a few meters.

Tang Hao's eyes were extremely solemn. Ring blasting was already a secret technique of the Clear Sky Sect. As a result, in the case of ring blasting, he couldn't get the upper hand, and he was even at a disadvantage.

In Jun Xuehan's eyes, there was a flash of light. Tang Hao had a panoramic view of the process of using the blasting ring just now. As long as he figured out the trajectory of the soul power and the skills he used, he might be able to. Get a frying ring.

The trajectory of the soul power's movement, but to measure it slowly, the skills used, as long as you follow Tang Hao's actions just now, maybe you can find some way.

Tang Hao glanced at Jun Xuehan, the purple spirit ring in the fourth position exploded violently, and a burst of purple energy was injected into the Clear Sky Hammer.

The Clear Sky Hammer slammed down, but it was not Zi Ji, but Jun Xuehan.

Seeing this, Zi Ji's pupils shrank, and she appeared directly in front of Jun Xuehan. A purple light appeared in her hand to block Tang Hao's blow.

Jun Xuehan looked at the swinging Clear Sky Hammer and was a little stunned, but he quickly reacted. Soul power was injected into the reverse scale dragon ring, his arms and palms were quickly covered with tiny dragon scales, and the reverse scale divine spear appeared in it. hands.