
Douluo's dragon spear against the world

## What would happen if Angle God of soul land (Douluo) will start listening to the inner voice of a transmigrated boy. ### Is it start of a new legend

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103: Vast Sea Universe Cover

for a second, Qian Renxue's figure appeared in the mansion, and went straight to Jun Xuehan and sat down.

"Xuehan, the Vast Sea Universe Cover is already in hand, have you researched its magical effect?" Qian Renxue glanced at the Vast Sea Universe Cover placed on the stone table and asked softly.

"Well, according to my speculation, the Hanhai Universe Cover needs a drop of blood to recognize the master, but my blood is not enough, Sister Xue'er, you should try it." Jun Xuehan said calmly, and motioned Qian Renxue to give it a try. .

"Then let me try it." Qian Renxue nodded slightly and agreed directly.

Qian Renxue slashed her fingertips with her fingernails, and a drop of bright red blood flowed out, dripping onto the hood of the vast sea.

The blood dripped on the Vast Sea Universe Cover, and unexpectedly merged into it, and a faint bloodshot appeared inside the originally crystal clear triangle.

A somewhat illusory shadow silently floated out of the universe cover of the vast sea, turned his back to Jun Xuehan, and stared at Qian Renxue in front of him.

"Tsk tsk, with a very strong physique, there is no problem with enduring the power of the Vast Sea, but unfortunately, it is already a descendant of the God of Angels." The

old and regretful voice came out of the shadow's mouth and stared at Qian Ren. There was also a hint of regret in Xue's eyes.

This phantom was a ray of spiritual thought that Seagod left in the Universe Cover of the Vast Sea, in order to find a suitable successor for Seagod. I don't know how many years have passed, and it was difficult for him to meet a person who could withstand the power of the vast sea, but he was still the inheritor of the Angel God. This kind of ups and downs made him feel very sorry.

But Qian Renxue, who was looking at the Qiankun Cover of the Vast Sea, suddenly raised her head and glanced around.

Seeing this, the illusory figure instantly returned to the Vast Sea Universe Cover, as if it had never appeared before.

"Strange, why do I feel that someone was watching me just now?" Qian Renxue looked at the empty space with doubts in her voice.

Hearing this, Jun Xuehan also raised his head and glanced at the empty air with his eyes. Although he didn't speak, he could guess something.

[Is that the old man of Sea God? Looks like I guessed right. But since Sister Xue'er can perceive it, it means that it is not the body of the old man of the Sea God, perhaps something like the Spiritual Mind of the Sea God. ] Jun Xuehan secretly said in his heart, and continued to look at the Vast Sea Universe Cover in front of him.

It's not difficult to speculate about these things. After Qian Renxue shed blood and recognized the master, the Hanhai Universe Cover changed, and the gaze happened not long after, so it was self-evident who was watching.

If it was the Seagod's body, Qian Renxue would not have been able to detect it. After all, Qian Renxue was only a Soul King now, while Sea God was the second highest god in the God Realm. The difference in strength between the two was simply a world of difference.

Qian Renxue listened to the voice that sounded in her heart, her pale golden eyes blinked, and she put her gaze on the vast ocean hood, and said nothing.

Inside the Qiankun hood of the vast sea, the phantom of the sea god looked at Qian Renxue outside through the hood of the sea, and said with admiration, "This little girl's perception is so keen, and she can actually detect my existence, which is really interesting, but it's a pity that she is already an angel. She is the inheritor of the God of God, otherwise she really has hope of inheriting my position."

Said, Sea God Xuying looked at Jun Xuehan, looked up and down, and said, "I don't know how this little guy is doing. , let's try it, just be a blind cat killing a mouse, what if there is hope to become my inheritor?"

Seagod phantom looked at Jun Xuehan, and immediately controlled the vast sea universe cover and smashed it towards Jun Xuehan .

In the outside world, Jun Xuehan looked at the Vast Sea Universe Cover that suddenly hit, and before he had time to think, he stretched out his arm to block in front of him. At this moment, his body was dodging sideways to the side.

But all this happened too fast, Jun Xuehan did not completely escape, the Vast Sea Universe covered Jun Xuehan's arm, and a slender wound was drawn, and drops of blood melted into the Vast Sea Universe cover.

And Seagod Void also entered Jun Xuehan's Spiritual Sea when Jun Xuehan's blood was fused into the Vast Sea Universe Cover, and checked the situation of the Spiritual Sea.

Looking at the sea of ​​​​spirits like a starry sky, the sea god phantom couldn't help but be a little surprised, because Jun Xuehan's sea of ​​​​spirits was far more powerful than he imagined.

But when he saw Jun Xuehan's spirit, Seagod's phantom's gaze and the expression on his face completely solidified.

"Silver Dragon King, the remnant of the dragon clan!" Seagod Xuying looked at the Wuhun Silver Dragon King and the Silver Dragon Spear, his eyes dignified.

In the God Realm, the Silver Dragon King and the Golden Dragon King are absolute taboos. Because the original soul beast clan caused an extremely tragic price to the God Realm. Although the Dragon God has fallen, the Silver Dragon King and the Golden Dragon King still exist.

And none of the gods in the realm of the gods want the Dragon God's thing to happen again, or to repeat itself.

"No, this god must contact the main body as soon as possible. The Silver Dragon King has turned into a human. This matter must be uploaded to the God Realm Committee as soon as possible!" I was ready to contact my own body in the God Realm.

But at this moment, a faint silver halo appeared in the sea of ​​​​spirits, and radiated an extremely strong silver light, covering the entire sea of ​​​​spirits.

A kind of supreme and noble, solitary aura, emanated from the silver light, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

The Seagod Phantom, who was about to contact the main body, suddenly found that the connection between himself and the main body had been cut off, and the aura emanating from the silver light, UU read www. uukanshu.com must be above the supreme god.

Even in the heart of Sea God Void, there is an emotion called fear, which is gradually breeding.

"This... what is this thing? No, I have to leave quickly and upload the matter to the God Realm Committee." Seagod phantom looked at the silver light in front of him, trembling in his heart.

Seagod mobilized his divine power and wanted to leave Jun Xuehan's spiritual sea, but in the silver light, countless silver chains stretched out, locking Seagod's body and dragging it towards the silver halo.

"No, no, what exactly is this?" Seagod's phantom looked at his locked body, and involuntarily panic appeared in his eyes, but no matter how hard he struggled, even if he used his divine power, it would be of no avail.

The extended silver chain dragged the Seagod phantom into the silver halo. With the scream of the Seagod phantom, it resounded in the sea of ​​​​spirits. The silver light gradually disappeared, and the entire sea of ​​​​spirits returned to calm.