
Douluo's dragon spear against the world

## What would happen if Angle God of soul land (Douluo) will start listening to the inner voice of a transmigrated boy. ### Is it start of a new legend

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141 Chs

1. life and death on line

Douluo Continent, Tian Dou Empire, outside Tian Dou City, in a forest, a five or six-year-old child squatted beside a crystal clear river, held up the clear river water with his hands, and sent it into his own. in the mouth.

  Suddenly, the child's movement of drinking water stopped, and his keen intuition made him feel a sense of danger, and this danger came from the rear. He turned around suddenly, his silver eyes swept away, and he found that in the bushes not far from the river bank, a black animal lurking somewhere was staring at him, drooling while watching.

  Well-proportioned body, slender limbs, pointed head and palate, long face, high nose, pointed ears, and the cold, hungry eyes from the green eyes all told him that this was a wolf, and that it was still a wolf. A hungry wolf.

  The child looked at Hungry Wolf with panic in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down, took out the dagger from his body, and became highly concentrated. The panic in his eyes also turned into deep vigilance. Consider the pros and cons at hand.

  Can't run, absolutely can't run, in the open woods, people can't outrun wolves no matter what.

  He is thin and the wolf is huge. Whether it is strength or speed, it is not comparable to the current self. From the physical condition, the wolf wins.

  The wolf has sharp teeth and claws, and he has a sharp dagger in his hand. Equipped, the two sides are half a catty to eight taels.

  The wolf has rich hunting experience. Although he has learned some self-defense things in his previous life, he is incomparable with the wolf after all. In terms of experience, the wolf is undoubtedly victorious.

  Comprehensive analysis, the child feels that he and the wolf have a 28/20 win rate, human wisdom accounts for 10%, the dagger in his hand accounts for 10%, and in other respects, it is basically a complete defeat.

  People are thinking, and wolves are thinking too. The wolf's tactic is to follow the prey closely, slowly oppress, chase, let the prey lose the last trace of strength in the process of fleeing in fear, and then use the sharp teeth to make up the final fatality to the prey. a blow.

  "If you can't run, you can only fight. The terrain of battle is also very important. The water in this small river is not deep, and there is silt at the bottom. It is difficult for people to move in it, let alone a wolf." The boy looked at the hungry wolf in front of him. , the enemy does not move, I do not move!

  One man and one wolf, confronted by the river!

  Time gradually passed, and there was a cold glow in Hungry Wolf's eyes, his eyes fixed on the boy, and he pounced directly.

  At the same time as the hungry wolf pounced, the boy's body took a big step back and retreated into the river. Pulling away the distance, reducing the strength of the wolf's pounce, he raised the dagger in his hand, and when the hungry wolf fell in front of him, the dagger in his hand stabbed out without any hesitation.

The evil wind came, and the sharp wolf fangs bit the boy's left arm directly through the clothes, and the bright red flowed out from the left arm, dyed red and white clothes, dripping in the river, and the dagger in the boy's hand also pierced the wolf directly the abdomen.

  The body of the man and the wolf stayed in the muddy water at the same time, and the soft silt restricted the boy's movements and also hindered the ability of the hungry wolf to move. The boy's left arm was bitten by the hungry wolf, causing severe pain to the bones. Similarly, the wolf's abdomen was also pierced by a dagger, and the river water was dyed red with human blood and wolf blood.

  Both the man and the wolf were tumbling in the turbid river water. It was difficult for the boy with the injured left arm to lift up. The dagger in his right hand could not be loosened no matter what, that was now the wolf's only weakness.

  The wolf gradually loosened the sharp teeth that were biting the boy's left arm, preparing to attack the more deadly key point. The boy stared at the wolf's neck, the left arm blocked the wolf's sharp teeth, and the dagger in his right hand turned sharply, opening his mouth at the same time, facing the wolf. The wolf bites off the neck.


  Feeling the pain in the abdomen and neck, the wolf let out a roar, opened its mouth and bit the boy, and its sharp claws greeted him. The boy was biting the wolf's neck firmly, and the dagger in his hand kept stabbing into the wolf's abdomen and waist.

  One man and one wolf rolled in the muddy water, blood flowing out continuously, and it was impossible to tell which was human and which was beast.

  I don't know how long it took, and the man and the wolf in the river stopped rolling. The boy let go of his mouth, pulled out his dagger, and stumbled towards the front, but before he walked out of the river, he lost a lot of blood, causing a burst of dizziness in his brain. Then he lost consciousness and fainted in the river.

  Not far away, a carriage stopped at an unknown time, the curtains on the carriage were lifted, Qian Renxue looked through the window of the carriage, looking at the situation by the river, with a faint contemplation in her eyes.

  Outside the carriage, a somewhat amazed voice sounded: "It's unbelievable, he is only about five or six years old, and he can kill a hungry wolf. And the shot is ruthless, but there is no pattern in the shot, obviously there is no any combat experience."

  Hearing this, Qian Renxue nodded lightly and said, "UU Reading www.uukanshu.com She Long, go and see how his injuries are and save him, he seems to be a natural genius."

  In Qian Renxue's eyes, there was a flash of light. An ordinary child's first reaction to encountering a hungry wolf should be to run, or to be too scared to walk. And this one not only has the courage to fight against the hungry wolf, but also has a calm mind, and can judge the most favorable terrain around him in the shortest time.

  Therefore, from the performance just now, Qian Renxue can be sure that this child is not ordinary. In addition to his simple clothes, he is obviously not a son of a noble family, and his combat skills and experience are even more superficial, and he can never be a sect or a family son.

Because whether it is an aristocrat from an aristocratic family, or a child of a sect and a family, their fighting skills and experience are all cultivated since childhood. Therefore, Qian Renxue could infer that this child was a commoner.

  At the age of five or six, among the commoners, it seems that they are still at the age of carefree play, and it is impossible to have the courage to fight against the hungry wolf, as well as the calm disposition, to quickly judge the favorable terrain.

  "Yes, young master!"

  Outside the carriage, She Long agreed, and after a few flashes, she appeared by the small river, checking the child's injuries.

  The bones of the left arm were broken, the body was broken in many places, and there were countless wounds on the body that were scratched by sharp claws. The muddy water is blackened.

  She Long stretched out his hand and put his hand on the child's neck. He could clearly feel the faint breathing, but it was really very weak, as if it would disappear in the next moment.

  A ray of soul power penetrated into the child's body, protecting the child's heart, and then She Long stretched out his arms to pick up the child, and returned to the carriage after a few flashes.