
Douluo’s Immortal Swordsman

First of all, this novel isn't my, and if the original author want me to deleted it just email me. Also if you want you can go to the original link because the author already posed 556 Chapters. Just in case gays this novel are copy and paste, i didn't write or add any thinks on it. The Original author is: Congee II synopsis Su Qin accidentally crossed the Douluo Continent and wrote a legend that belongs to him… Tang San: “Brother, can you do anything besides Jian (sword)?” Su Qin: “I still have a good pot of fairy brew. Would you like to have a bite? It’s effective!” Tang San: “Brother, why don’t you draw your sword, do you look down on me?” Su Qin: “Bian (sword) has an air of 30,000 miles, and a cheap (sword) has nineteen continents! I am too powerful, I am afraid you can’t afford it!” This is the Link to the original Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-immortal-swordsman/ Finally, I don't do that for the money or anything's. it's just to let you read this interesting novel.

adel12 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 96: Snake Po Chaotianxiang

After the death of the wind-tailed cockscomb snake, a pale pink light emerged from its corpse, and soon it condensed into a purple spirit ring on its corpse.

Seeing this spirit ring, Oscar's expression of excitement was beyond words, he immediately sat down cross-legged, raised his hand to summon his big sausage, ready to absorb the spirit ring.

But at this moment, Oscar's movements were interrupted by a hoarse call.


Two human figures sprang out from the direction where the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb flew before and appeared in front of everyone.

The two men are women, one old and one young.

The old woman looks like 60 or 70 years old, her white hair is very neatly combed. Although she is not young, she is extremely energetic. Although there are many wrinkles on her face, her complexion is ruddy like a baby. . A pair of eyes were full of vomiting. He held a three-meter-long snake-head crutch in his right hand, and his six spirit rings moved up and down.

The body did not change, but the spirit ring showed that she had used her own martial spirit. Needless to say, the crutch in her hand should be her martial soul.

Following the old woman was a beautiful girl. He has short hair with ears, looks like a sixteen or seven-year-old, a neat and strong outfit, tightly covering his already well-developed figure. A pair of big dark brown eyes looked unwillingly at the purple spirit ring on the corpse of the wind-tailed cockscomb snake.

She also held a snake-head crutch in her hand, but it was shorter, only two meters long, and the spirit ring on her body was only two hundred-year-old spirit rings.

The appearance of the old woman and the little girl surprised everyone at the same time, but when they saw that there were only six spirit rings on the old woman, they were all relieved.

After all, the seven spirit rings on Zao Wou-ki were not vegetarian, especially those deep black ten thousand-year spirit rings, nakedly displaying their powerful strength.

Su Qin looked at the two people who appeared, and there was no change in his face, but he was reviewing it. In a dangerous place like the Soul Beast Forest, even if the mission goal was completed, he could not relax his guard at will.

Su Qin's attention just now focused on Oscar who was about to absorb the spirit ring, only then did he not notice the two people who were approaching quickly.

The old woman looked at the spirit ring of the wind-tailed cockscomb, her face turned ugly.

The old woman had seen a few people who were about to do it from a distance before, and then she stopped loudly, but she was still a step late. Seeing Zao Wou-ki with seven spirit rings on the side, her face became even more ugly.

Soul Sage, this is the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest, why did a Soul Sage appear?

The old woman's heart sank suddenly, knowing that she might not be pleased today. However, she couldn't just run in vain.

"is there anything?"

Zao Wou-ki glanced at the old woman, his eyes fell on the snake-head crutches in her hand, and he couldn't help thinking of a person in his heart, and his voice was much softer.

Dai Mubai looked at Zao Wou-ki in such a state, feeling a little surprised.

You know, Zao Wou-ki never winks to people who are not as strong as him, especially at this time.

The old woman coughed, making her facial expression look softer, and said: "Hello, respect to the soul sage. We hunted this snake first, and we have already severely wounded it. Logically speaking, You need to give us some compensation."

Zao Wou-ki made a look at Oscar, signaled him to wait first, turned to the old woman and said, "Why?"

Oscar couldn't help asking: "How do you prove that you hunted it first? When we found it, we didn't see you."

The old woman smiled slightly and said, "Young man, don't worry. Look at this wind-tailed cockscomb snake's abdomen. There are two scars. It was struck by my crutch, and there are also under its wings. Just nothing. Be careful, just let this slippery little guy run out."

The old woman doesn't really want Zao Wou-ki and others to compensate her. Although she is only a soul emperor, her husband is a soul contro. They do not lack that compensation. However, if they can make It's not bad that a soul sage owes a small favor.

This thing of human favor is much more valuable than a thousand-year-old wind-tailed cockscomb snake.

Zao Wou-ki grabbed the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake and looked at its abdomen. As the old woman said, there was indeed such a scar, but there was only one in the upper half.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai on the side immediately ran to the lower half of the corpse of the wind-tailed cockscomb snake to check it out, and there was also a scar on it.

However, the wings of the wind-tailed cockscomb snake were cut off by Su Qin Qigen, and the scar in this place was invisible.

But these wounds can already prove what the old woman said before.

But if it's just like this, it's like asking Zao Wou-ki to compensate, it's unlikely.

But the main reason is not this, but even though he is a soul saint, he is poor!

Zao Wou-ki sneered and asked, "This senior, haven't you consulted your name?"

The old woman smiled and said: "Don't dare. My body is full of fragrance. My friends in the soul master world can appreciate it and gave him the title of snake woman. My husband is Meng Shu, who is known as Duke Long. This time I came to Star Dou Forest, It is to find a suitable third spirit ring for our granddaughter who has just reached level 30."

Chaotianxiang completely gave up on this snake's spirit ring, because it had been killed by other people, and it was useless to ask for it. It's better to sell the other party and earn a favor.

That's how people accumulate little by little.

Zao Wou-ki was startled, and said in a deep voice, "Are you the senior snake woman among the dragons and snakes?"

Chaotianxiang smiled indifferently, and said: "Senior dare not be. But the old woman is a snake woman. Haven't consulted the soul sage?"

The expression on Zao Wou-ki's face changed slightly, he had already heard of the name of the dragon and snake.

The couple debuted very early and their strength is extraordinary. Especially Long Gong Meng Shu. When Zao Wou-ki heard about him, that Duke Long was already at the level of Soul Master Saint. Even if he had already reached the Contra, Zao Wou-ki would never be surprised.

Duke Long's martial arts cane is a dragon-head crutch, which complements Snake Po's snake-head crutch. The husband and wife have an extremely domineering martial arts fusion skill. Unless they have the power of Title Douluo, it is difficult to resist.

Zao Wou-ki is just a soul saint. Although the snake woman in front of her looked weaker than him, as long as Duke Long appeared. Duke Long alone is not something he can deal with.

The relationship between the husband and wife of Geshilongshe is very good, and the husband and wife never separate. Snake Po is here, presumably Duke Long is not far away.

It's not that Zao Wou-ki never thought of killing the grandparents and grandchildren in front of him. After all, this is also a normal thing in the spirit master world.

But it's easy to kill that little one, and it's not easy to kill the snake woman. If the snake woman is allowed to escape, then what is waiting for him will be the endless pursuit and killing of the dragon and snake, and even Dai Mubai and others as well as Flanders and others will not escape from his clutches.

Moreover, the other party didn't insist that they not absorb the spirit ring, but just asked for some compensation, which was quite reasonable.

"Now Zao Wou-ki."

At the moment, the look on Zao Wou-ki's face softened a bit, and he announced his name.

Chaotianxiang's expression also moved slightly, and said, "No wonder. I said how could I meet such a young soul saint casually. It turned out to be the Fudo Ming King in the world of soul masters."

Zao Wou-ki smiled awkwardly, and secretly said in his heart that he was notorious for being a famous soul master.

Zao Wou-ki smiled and said: "Don't dare to be it. I was notorious back then. After these years of retired life, there is nothing valuable on my body, I am afraid I can't compensate you. But if you want this snake If you're dead, you can take it."

Chao Tianxiang glanced at the mutilated wind-tailed cockscomb snake. Such a broken corpse was not worth a few dollars. What's more, she is not bad for this little money.

Chao Tianxiang shook his head and smiled: "There is no need for the corpse. Otherwise, if my granddaughter asks you in the future, you can just give some help, how about?"

Zao Wou-ki looked at Chao Tianxiang and knew what she was thinking about, but since the other party took a step back, he had to take a step back.

He sighed in his heart, his favor was sold so worthlessly, and he was a bit at a loss.

However, this is just talking about it, after all, the other party may not have anything to ask him.

Zao Wou-ki smiled and said, "Okay, I agree to the terms of the snake woman."

Seeing this, Chao Tianxiang nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's so good."

After saying this, Chaotianxiang stayed soon, taking the granddaughter on the side and rose up, disappearing in the depths of the woods.

Seeing Chaotianxiang ancestors and grandsons leaving, Zao Wou-ki was also relieved. He hadn't fought just now, otherwise it would be hard to say what would happen.

Zao Wou-ki looked at Oscar who was still standing there, and said angrily: "Smelly boy, don't you hurry up to absorb the spirit ring? Don't want it?"

"Thank you, Teacher Zhao!"

Oscar happily thanked him, and immediately sat down next to the snake corpse, raised his hand to exchange for his big sausage, and under the pale pink light, dragged the wind-tailed cockscomb spirit ring into the body and started Absorb the third spirit ring in his life.

Seeing that Oscar had begun to absorb the spirit ring, Zao Wou-ki ordered everyone to be on guard to prevent others from suddenly coming over and disturbing Oscar who was absorbing the spirit ring.

Su Qin and the others immediately took their orders, except for Ning Rongrong who was still staying beside Zao Wou-ki, the others had left about ten meters away from Zao Wou-ki's side, guarding their surroundings.

Su Qin saw that everyone was not interested in the corpse of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake, so he greeted everyone, and put the valuable things such as snake gall into his pocket. Although these things are not expensive, they can't just be wasted.

At this time the sky gradually darkened, the air in the Star Dou Great Forest was moist, and the rich fragrance of plants made the whole body refreshing. If it weren't for the ubiquitous soul beasts, perhaps this place was enough to become a paradise on earth.

About half an hour passed, and Oscar, who had absorbed the spirit ring, woke up.