
Douluo’s Immortal Swordsman

First of all, this novel isn't my, and if the original author want me to deleted it just email me. Also if you want you can go to the original link because the author already posed 556 Chapters. Just in case gays this novel are copy and paste, i didn't write or add any thinks on it. The Original author is: Congee II synopsis Su Qin accidentally crossed the Douluo Continent and wrote a legend that belongs to him… Tang San: “Brother, can you do anything besides Jian (sword)?” Su Qin: “I still have a good pot of fairy brew. Would you like to have a bite? It’s effective!” Tang San: “Brother, why don’t you draw your sword, do you look down on me?” Su Qin: “Bian (sword) has an air of 30,000 miles, and a cheap (sword) has nineteen continents! I am too powerful, I am afraid you can’t afford it!” This is the Link to the original Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-immortal-swordsman/ Finally, I don't do that for the money or anything's. it's just to let you read this interesting novel.

adel12 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 94: Millennium Cocktail Snake

At the same time, Oscar chanted a spell quickly, and after a while, he had a lot of sausages and sausages in his hands.

Oscar handed everyone a sausage and a sausage, and said: "My sausage can maintain the vitality of twelve hours in the air. In other words, as long as it is eaten within these twelve hours, it will have an effect. Sausage recovery treatment is accompanied by hunger relief, and the main function of sausage is to detoxify."

Everyone took them one after another and carefully put them on their bodies. They understood that Oscar was afraid that in the face of danger, he would not have time to give them sausages, so he would give them some first.

Although Su Qin's heart of the ocean contained a large amount of food, Su Qin did not refuse this. These things are not only Oscar's goodwill, but also can prevent emergencies. It is always right to be cautious.

The continuous release of soul power made Oscar's face a little pale, but fortunately, it was not obvious if he was covered by a beard.

Oscar's sausage works well for others, but for himself, it only has a one-third effect, and it can only maintain the basic balance of soul power consumption. Therefore, his soul power consumption can only be recovered through meditation, of course, the effect of the sausages is still useful.

In comparison, the effect of Su Qin's Second Wuhun Wine was much stronger, just like a bug.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Zao Wuji waved his hand and said, "Go!"

This time, Zao Wou-ki let Su Qin, Dai Mubai, and Tang San walk in front together, and after he personally broke it, he took the first step into the Star Dou Great Forest.

After seeing Su Qin's strength last night, he also had a simple understanding of Su Qin's strength, and he was relatively at ease with Su Qin.

After entering the Star Dou Forest, Xiao Wu was the most excited.

She didn't seem to think this was a dangerous place at all, she was jumping around and she was indescribably happy.

This made Zao Wuji frown, but fortunately, Xiao Wu did not exceed his limit, so he didn't say much.

The terrain in the Star Dou Great Forest is very complicated, and there is no way in the forest. The work of opening the way naturally fell on Dai Mubai and Su Qin.

Su Qin did not use martial arts, but took out an ordinary long sword made of fine gold from the heart of the ocean to open the way. Although it was just an ordinary adamantine long sword, it was more than enough to cut off ordinary thorns on the way.

Contrary to Su Qin, Dai Mubai displayed his martial spirit possession, the sharp claws on the white tiger's palms bounced away, and the thorns in front were split between the palms, which had a sense of opening and closing.

With the opening of the two, it did not affect everyone's speed at all.

If it was Su Qin himself, he would not walk on the ground full of thorns, but would use the branches of the tall trees in the forest to move forward quickly, but unfortunately, there were other people in the team, and he could not do this.

Tang San followed closely behind the two, raising his eyesight and hearing to the strongest state, carefully observing the surroundings.

Both Tang San and Su Qin were disciples of the master, and the master once told them about wild soul beasts. Therefore, both Tang San and Su Qin were very careful after entering the Star Dou Forest.

Because, once there is an error at this time, it is likely to bring disaster.

Not long after, they met the spirit beasts, and they were still a group of spirit beasts.

In Zao Wou-ki's deliberately lowered voice, everyone stopped moving forward.

This is a group of rodent beasts, this kind of soul beast is not big, and its attack power is not very strong, but their teeth are very powerful and can bite through gold and iron. In addition, this group of twenty or thirty rodent beasts are just ten-year-level spirit beasts.

The rodent's sense of smell is very sensitive, and Su Qin and others have obviously been spotted at this distance, but Shi did not show any signs of it, and obviously had no interest in them.

Su Qin stopped the movement of his hand long ago when he spotted these rodents, but stood aside and looked at Tang San, obviously there was a test in it.

Su Qin would not kill these spirit beasts at will unless necessary, such as obtaining the spirit ring to advance, because it was completely unnecessary.

Tang San was not stupid, and quickly understood Su Qin's meaning, because Su Qin did not test him less before.

Tang San held Dai Mubai with one hand, and shook the crowd with the other hand behind his back, indicating that there was no danger. Tang San pointed to the side, Dai Mubai immediately understood, and continued to cut the thorns to the side to help everyone move forward.

Tang San looked at Su Qin smiling at him and nodded, very happy. In Tang San's opinion, being able to receive the compliment from the senior man was something to be happy about.

As he walked forward, Dai Mubai asked Tang San in a low voice, "Why are we walking around? The rodents just now weren't strong, just kill them."

Tang San explained with a smile: "They are not a threat to us, so why bother to kill. If all spirit masters are like this, can there be spirit beasts in this forest many years later? What's more, even if you encounter a low-level spirit beast, Nor can we take it lightly. Because once we fight with them, the sound and **** smell they produce is likely to attract more powerful soul beasts, so we should be careful."

Dai Mubai said convincingly, "Your teacher must be a powerful elder. This is all precious experience."

Tang San heard the words and thought of the master, with a helpless smile on his face.

At this time, Su Qin suddenly spoke and said something inexplicable, "It is precisely that there are many soul masters who wantonly kill soul beasts, which has caused some high-level soul beasts to hate humans."

Oscar joked, "Do they still dare to enter the city? Are they hiding in the depths of the soul beast forest?"

Su Qin did not reply, just shook his head, and did not argue with him. Su Qin just thought of something and made a grumble.

Tang San heard the words and looked at Su Qin's eyes with doubts, but seeing that Su Qin didn't mean to say more, he didn't ask much. But Xiao Wu, who was jumping around, heard this, but the look in Su Qin's eyes changed, and she muttered from the bottom of her heart, 'This guy is not that bad. '

Dai Mubai's eyes turned sharper when he looked at Su Qin, but seeing that Su Qin was not talking about him, his eyes changed back to what they were.

The Star Dou Forest is too dense. It is not an exaggeration to describe it by covering the sky and the sun. It is not easy to see a little sunlight in the forest.

Everyone moved forward for about an hour.

At this time, it was noon. Since this hour, they have also encountered many spirit beasts, but most of them are ten or a hundred years old. With Tang San's explanation before, when they encountered spirit beasts that didn't take the initiative to attack them, most of them avoided them and did not conflict with them.

Of course, some violent spirit beasts who were not afraid of death rushed up, and they were all resolved by Dai Mubai's slap. Of course, Dai Mubai also obeyed Tang San's opinion, and didn't kill these spirit beasts, just chased them away or injured them.

"Okay, let's rest for a while."

Zao Wuji's voice relaxed the Shrek Seven Devils, who had been tense.

But Su Qin didn't just relax his vigilance. In the dangerous spirit beast forest, he was always vigilant and was responsible for his life.

It wasn't that Su Qin didn't rest, but even though Su Qin was resting, he still maintained the posture that he could fight the spirit beast that suddenly rushed out at any time.

Dai Mubai and Su Qin quickly swept the surrounding thorns and created an open area close to one hundred square meters. Everyone sat down around the trees and took a rest temporarily.

At this time, Oscar naturally contributed his sausage again, and everyone was not in the mood to feel what was delicious or not.

Eating Oscar's sausages and drinking the drinking water that he brought with him, temporarily trimming.

What Zao Wou-ki gave was an order to fix an hour.

This place still belongs to the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest, and advanced spirit beasts are rare and relatively safe.

Their goal here is to help Oscar hunt down a suitable thousand-year soul beast. For this, they still need to go deeper.

Of course, the deeper the Star Dou Forest, the more dangerous it is. The time to rest will also become less. Therefore, it is very necessary to adjust the best condition in a relatively safe place.

Su Qin leaned against the edge of the tree, glanced at Xiao Wu who seemed to be stunned, then glanced at the state of other people, and finally stopped for a while on Zhu Zhuqing, who had the biggest heart, and then narrowed his eyes and rested.

Just when everyone rested for about half an hour. Tang San and Zao Wou-ki suddenly cast their gazes in the same direction at the same time.

Zao Wou-ki immediately shouted: "Everyone gets up, something is approaching at high speed."

As Tang San and Zao Wuji cast their gazes, Su Qin moved, touching the ground with his toes, and quickly climbing through the trees on the side, while casting his gaze on the place where the movement occurred.

Tang San and Dai Mubai were the first to stand in front of Oscar and Ning Rongrong in a tacit understanding, while Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Fatty were guarding them. Including Zao Wou-ki, several people released their martial souls for the first time.

Sha Sha's voice went from small to large, even Oscar and Ning Rongrong, who were auxiliary spirit masters, could clearly feel how fast the unknown creature approached.

"Zhu Zhuqing, see what it is." Zao Wou-ki ordered in a deep voice.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't say a word, and stood up quietly, with sharp claws sticking out his hands, and quickly climbed up a big tree like a flat ground, while looking in the direction of the sound.

But almost at the same time that Zao Wou-ki's voice fell, Su Qin's voice came from the crowd.

"This is a 1,500-year-old Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake. It is quickly coming towards us at a height of three meters above the ground, and it will reach us in about two minutes. It is very suitable as an Oscar. The third spirit ring."

The people below, including Zao Wou-ki, once again showed a look of surprise. As soon as they gave orders, the answer has already come, and it is this kind of accurate news. How to make them not surprised.

You know, the place where the sound comes from is at least two to three kilometers away from here! How did Su Qin see so clearly? How do you judge the opponent's strength?

Although the encounter with Su Qin only lasted three or four days, Su Qin had already surprised them a lot.

Zhu Zhuqing, who had just started to climb two steps on the side, stopped his hand movements and looked at Su Qin who was standing at the fork of the thick branches, with surprise and other inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

However, she did not stay where she was, but continued to climb up while looking in the direction of the sound. Indeed, as Su Qin said, she saw a flying snake coming quickly towards them, but she couldn't tell the type and age of the other party.

Zao Wou-ki's eyes lit up and he nodded and said, "Yes, this thousand-year-old chicken comb is really suitable for Oscar. Oscar, you are blessed."

Tang San raised his head and looked at Su Qin with an expression of admiration in his eyes, thinking in his heart, 'Compared with brother, I am really a lot worse. '

At the same time, Tang San introduced the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb to the crowd, saying: "The Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake itself is non-venomous, and it is a rare and powerful non-venomous snake. It uses its body to entangle the enemy and suffocate it as an attack method. The speed is surprisingly fast, and various nutrients are stored in its comb, which can give it the effect of instantly increasing speed in times of crisis.

If Oscar obtained this spirit ring, then his next spirit ability should be related to speed. It is a good choice whether it is to assist in increasing the speed or to add speed to himself. Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake is not very strong in its own attack power, and relatively single, so it is rare for more than a thousand years.

Our luck this time is very good. "

Oscar's peach blossom eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly: "Little San, your brothers are the encyclopedias of the spirit world! Amazing, really amazing! You know so much!"

Not only Oscar, except Xiao Wu, including Zao Wou-ki, everyone's gazes towards Tang San and Su Qin also changed.

This is the two brothers who are really strong!

You know, soul beasts are just like martial souls, and it is difficult to judge the type and age of soul beasts. But Tang San only heard a name, and he accurately stated the strength of the spirit beast they were about to face, as well as the specific situation of the spirit beast. And his senior brother Su Qin is even more powerful, just a few glances can accurately distinguish the type and age of the soul beast.

It can be seen from this that how much their brothers know about Wuhun, this is something that Zao Wou-ki couldn't do.

Tang San smiled shyly and said, "This is all the credit of the teacher and the brother. Compared with the brother, I am still far behind."

Oscar's evaluation is not so much that the Tang San brothers are encyclopedias, it is better to say that the master is more reasonable.

The master has already reached the extreme in all aspects of Wuhundi. As his disciples, brothers Su Qin and Tang San, in addition to their own strength, their theoretical knowledge is enough to become a teacher in any college.

Zao Wou-ki couldn't help asking, "Little San, since you know this kind of soul beast, how can this kind of soul beast be best captured?"

Tang San replied without hesitation: "Any snake is afraid of aggressive birds, especially cranes with long beaks. Although there is no crane spirit among us, Fatty's Phoenix is ​​also considered the king of birds. The martial spirit on his body should be able to suppress this kind of wind-tailed cockscomb to a certain extent. Phoenix-tailed cockscomb is not very aggressive. We need to be careful not to let it escape."
