
Douluo’s Immortal Swordsman

First of all, this novel isn't my, and if the original author want me to deleted it just email me. Also if you want you can go to the original link because the author already posed 556 Chapters. Just in case gays this novel are copy and paste, i didn't write or add any thinks on it. The Original author is: Congee II synopsis Su Qin accidentally crossed the Douluo Continent and wrote a legend that belongs to him… Tang San: “Brother, can you do anything besides Jian (sword)?” Su Qin: “I still have a good pot of fairy brew. Would you like to have a bite? It’s effective!” Tang San: “Brother, why don’t you draw your sword, do you look down on me?” Su Qin: “Bian (sword) has an air of 30,000 miles, and a cheap (sword) has nineteen continents! I am too powerful, I am afraid you can’t afford it!” This is the Link to the original Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-immortal-swordsman/ Finally, I don't do that for the money or anything's. it's just to let you read this interesting novel.

adel12 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 89: Hurry

Tang San quickly informed Flender that Su Qin would follow them to the Star Dou Great Forest, and Flender did not stop him, and agreed.

When Tang San came back, he saw the scene in front of him, making him a little stunned.

Su Qin and Dai Mubai were drinking wine and having barbecue happily at this time. It seemed that they were getting along very happily.

"Little San, what are you doing in a daze, come and eat together!" Oscar greeted Tang San quickly when he saw Tang San coming.

Ma Hongjun filled his mouth with food, whimpered at Tang San, and then continued to eat.

"Tang San, the barbecue your brother cooks is delicious." Ning Rongrong also greeted.

"Little San, come hurry up!" Xiao Wu shouted while eating the skewers in her hand.

When Su Qin saw Tang San coming, he also greeted, "I'll make it once, let's eat together."

Tang San smiled, and also leaned over, happily eating delicious food with everyone.

This pleasant banquet lasted until the evening before it ended amidst unfinished expectations. After getting along this time, the relationship between the few people has become closer to each other unintentionally.

The next morning, everyone simply cleaned up and gave a bow. After breakfast, they came to the playground. Zao Wou-ki was already there waiting for them.

When they saw Zao Wou-ki, everyone was a little surprised, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Zao Wou-ki did look a little embarrassed, at least three black spots on his face had not faded, especially the image of panda eyes on the left eye socket, which was really uncontrollable.

Su Qin looked at Zao Wou-ki at this time, and then at Tang San, who also understood the reason. But Tang San and the others were very puzzled about this, how did Zao Wou-ki become like this?

Su Qin just laughed at Zao Wou-ki from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't say anything. It's good to know some things by yourself, and the whole world knows it if you don't have to.

"What do you look at, you little rascals, are you itchy?" Zao Wou-ki said angrily.

These words seemed to touch a certain nerve of Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu suddenly became a little unhappy, and whispered: "Why don't you say that Xiao Xiong is blind?"

Zao Wou-ki twitched his eyes and said, "Xiao Wu, what are you talking about?"

Tang San took a step subconsciously, and while blocking her behind him, he waved his hand to Xiao Wu behind him, his love for care was beyond words.

Seeing this, Su Qin smiled and stopped in front of Tang San, saying: "Vice President Zhao, we should go on the road."

With that said, Su Qin glanced at Tang San intentionally or unintentionally, and what he was expressing was self-evident.

As Su Qin stood in the front, the few people behind could not see Su Qin's small movements, but it did not prevent Zao Wou-ki from understanding Su Qin's meaning.

Last night, Flanders had already explained Su Qin's origins to Zao Wou-ki, and Zao Wou-ki had no objection to this. At this time, he just looked at Su Qin more.

Immediately, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Zao Wou-ki's face, and he was not pursuing Xiao Wu's run. He snorted a little uncomfortably and said, "Okay, everyone on the road. Mubai, you lead the team."

Zao Wou-ki didn't know Su Qin's strength, but seeing that he was about the same age as Tang San, he was probably not too strong, so he handed over the task of team leader to Dai Mubai, who was most familiar.

Dai Mubai nodded, his expression immediately became serious, and said to others: "The Star Dou Great Forest is not a place for fun. There are many spirit beasts in it, and they are extremely aggressive, which is more for us humans. It's not a good impression. Everyone must be careful. Tang San, you are at the forefront, Oscar and Ning Rongrong, you two follow Tang San, Fatty, Xiao Wu, you two are on the left and right, Zhu Zhuqing and Su Qin and I At the end of the team, after entering the forest, it is even more important to maintain such a formation. Be vigilant at all times. If there is no problem, let's go."

For Dai Mubai's arrangement, Tang San secretly admired and recognized his arrangement. This lineup can not only protect the two auxiliary spirit masters in the middle very well, but also quickly respond to emergencies. Dai Mubai has even given the most dangerous place to him and the strongest of the few. Su Qin two people.

Although Dai Mubai's arrangement was very good, Su Qin had become accustomed to being alone and couldn't adapt to it for a while. However, after thinking about the next All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition, Su Qin forced himself to slowly begin to adapt to this type of formation. After all, when the time comes to play a team game, you have to adapt.

Zao Wou-ki was just sitting on the sidelines and didn't join their lineup. Several people walked out of the college together. There was no carriage here, so everyone who left the college began to run forward.

With the constant rush, even if they were stronger than Dai Mubai and Tang San, their physical strength was constantly being consumed. But with Oscar's sausage as a supply, the energy of the few people has been able to maintain ample energy, even Ning Rongrong can barely keep up with their pace.

However, there is one exception.

Not only did he not need Oscar's sausage as a supply, but he was also very relaxed along the way. It seemed that such a journey would not consume him the slightest amount.

Su Qin can't get used to what he's used to on the road, and he also figured out a footwork specifically for on the road, which is not only faster, but also more labor-saving. Su Qin's usual speed is about three times that of Dai Mubai's few people. At this time, he deliberately put down his speed to synchronize with them, which is naturally much easier.

Dai Mubai and others looked at Su Qin's eyes more and more weird, and they believed Su Qin's previous words even more.

When Zao Wuji, who had been following him, saw this scene, his jaw dropped to the ground in shock. If he hadn't stabilized his mind in time, he might have to fall back.

Su Qin looked at Ning Rongrong who was behind and sighed. Ning Rongrong felt pretty good for him, but his physical fitness was not good.

But Su Qin didn't help her either, just kept at a speed that was not slow or fast, and followed everyone by himself.

The Star Dou Forest is located to the southeast of the Barak Kingdom, a small part of it borders the Barak Kingdom, and Soto City itself is also in the southeast of the Barak Kingdom, not far from the Star Dou Forest, less than 500 kilometers.

This is naturally the best choice for Shrek Academy students to obtain spirit rings.

When night was approaching, everyone had already hurried out more than 400 kilometers, very close to the Star Dou Forest. Seeing that he could not reach the destination today, Zao Wou-ki gave the order to rest, because they happened to have arrived in a small town. Moving on, it's hard to say if there is any supply.

Entering the town, it is more lively than you think. The size of the town is about three times the size of the village where Shrek Academy is located, except that there is no city wall, it is no different from a small city. There are many shops on the street, and there are all kinds of shops, but their main business scope is related to soul masters.

Under the leadership of Zao Wou-ki, everyone entered a seemingly ordinary hotel, and he said to everyone: "Let's stay here. Rest for one night and leave tomorrow morning. You will pay for the accommodation and meals."

Shrek Academy is not rich in the first place, so such outing consumption will naturally not be reimbursed. However, Tang San and others had subsidies given by Wuhun Hall, and their daily expenses were still sufficient.

The hotel is a small two-story building, with a simple restaurant in the lobby on the first floor and accommodation on the second floor.

Zao Wou-ki opened a single room and went straight upstairs. Su Qin is also rich now, and he didn't treat himself badly, and opened a single room by himself. Ever since, Dai Mubai opened a quadruple room with four boys, and Xiao Wu opened a triple room with three girls.

"Eat first, then go up. After eating sausage for a day, I will have nausea!" Ma Hongjun complained.

Ma Hongjun's words uttered the voice of Dai Mubai and others, and even the three daughters of Zhu Zhuqing nodded in acquiescence. Seeing this, Su Qin chuckled twice, and did not leave alone. He hadn't eaten for a day. Instead of eating alone, he might as well be with them.

So the eight people found a table in the corner and sat down.

Tang San asked Dai Mubai, "Should I ask Teacher Zhao to eat together?"

Dai Mubai shook his head and said, "No. The teacher will not pay for us when going out with us, but he won't accept any benefit from us. This is the rule set by Dean Flanders."

The fat man smiled and said, "Isn't it nice? Everything is clear. What I like most is the unpretentious feeling of the college."

Dai Mubai said in an unpleasant manner: "Fatty man, stop talking nonsense! If you order, you will eat best."

Ma Hongjun was very cooperative and said: "Will you be a treat today? As long as you have the highest subsidy, you are a big money."

Dai Mubai smiled slightly, and said, "No problem, I'll invite you for this meal. It's also a fate for everyone to meet. I am the oldest, and today this meal is for Tang San and the others."

The fat man laughed, and the fat on the chubby round face trembled, and said happily: "Great! Don't worry! Boss Dai, I won't save you money!"

Soon, the fat man showed everyone Dai Mubai's evaluation of him'can eat'. Called the waiter, he quickly ordered more than a dozen dishes, and some of the dishes had names that everyone had never heard of, but the fat man looked happily.

Su Qin did not refuse Dai Mubai's invitation. Since he was able to vote in vain, he would naturally have to vote in vain. This is not poverty, it is just a joy to adjust life.

"Yes, not bad. Although it's not big here, it's quite comprehensive, I hope the taste can be a little bit better." After ordering the food, the fat man commented to everyone.

Dai Mubai said helplessly, "This fat man, his subsidy is not only spent on women, but he eats the rest of the land. I really suspect that if he is not a soul master, he will definitely be a top chef in the platoon."

Su Qin asked curiously, "Fatty, are you not sick?"

Ma Hongjun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then immediately recovered, and said angrily: "You are sick! I am so in good health, I will get sick? You are afraid that it is not a joke. I just went to massage."

At the end, the voice couldn't help but become quieter.

When Dai Mubai and others heard this, they all showed a contemptuous look. Su Qin only smiled at this, and did not continue to ask more.

Tang San looked at Su Qin at this time, and asked, "Brother, I think you didn't eat Oscar's sausage today, but you seemed to be able to do it when you were on the road. Are you really tired?"

Su Qin smiled and said, "I'm not tired. I've been on this way before, and I've long been used to it. When you are on the way, you can think about how to run more effortlessly. There are also skills in it."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and began to recall the state when they were on the road today, thinking about how to run with less effort. However, this is not something you can think of in a while.

Eight people are sitting at the same table, but the atmosphere is not harmonious. Zhu Zhuqing's face was cold, Ning Rongrong lowered his head and wondered what was on his mind. However, the atmosphere is not too cold because there are fat guys gagging here.

Tang San and Su Qin sat together. Tang San had been asking Su Qin about the question of how to hurry to save effort. Tang San had experience in cultivating ghosts and shadows, and Su Qin was on the side to answer this question. It's not slow.

In the restaurant on the first floor, there were already 60 to 70% of the guests.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly walked in outside. They are no more, no less, just eight people.

The head is a middle-aged man who looks more than 40 years old, looks handsome, and has very brightly combed hair. A moon-white soul master robe is even more elegant, with silver silk embroidered patterns on it, and the light flickers during the movement, which is endless.

Behind the middle-aged man, there are six men and one woman and seven young men. They all seemed to be around twenty years old, and they were wearing the same moon-white spirit master robe, but there was no silver embroidery. But whether it is a middle-aged person or the seven young people behind him, there is a cyan circle mark on the left shoulder and the two words'Canghui' of the same color are embroidered inside the circle.

This group of people knew it was a soul master at a glance, and they were very public. Compared with them, Su Qin and the others dress more casually, and they look like ordinary people.

As soon as the restaurant owner saw them coming in, he hurriedly greeted them, nodded and bowed, inexplicably flattering. Soul masters are all rich masters. Not only are they rich, but they are also very powerful, so the boss naturally dare not care.

"That chick looks pretty good! Boss Dai, these guys should be from Canghui Academy, right?"

Fatty stared at the only girl in the team, and swallowed his saliva. If it weren't for Su Qin and others here, it is estimated that the Harazi would have flowed out.

I have to say that the girl does have a bit of beauty, and her appearance is considered to be above average. Although the three daughters of Xiao Wu are pretty, they are still young after all, only 12 years old. Compared with the fully developed portrait of a young girl, she looks much immature.

For a teenager of Fatty's age, a more mature girl is obviously more attractive. Coupled with his evil fire, his eyes are naturally shining, and he stares fiercely at others.

Su Qin took a glance at the other side when hearing this. For the well-informed Su Qin, such a girl seemed too ordinary.

Dai Mubai curled his lips and said, "It's just a little Canghui Academy, just show off!"