
Douluo’s Immortal Swordsman

First of all, this novel isn't my, and if the original author want me to deleted it just email me. Also if you want you can go to the original link because the author already posed 556 Chapters. Just in case gays this novel are copy and paste, i didn't write or add any thinks on it. The Original author is: Congee II synopsis Su Qin accidentally crossed the Douluo Continent and wrote a legend that belongs to him… Tang San: “Brother, can you do anything besides Jian (sword)?” Su Qin: “I still have a good pot of fairy brew. Would you like to have a bite? It’s effective!” Tang San: “Brother, why don’t you draw your sword, do you look down on me?” Su Qin: “Bian (sword) has an air of 30,000 miles, and a cheap (sword) has nineteen continents! I am too powerful, I am afraid you can’t afford it!” This is the Link to the original Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-immortal-swordsman/ Finally, I don't do that for the money or anything's. it's just to let you read this interesting novel.

adel12 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 82: Make a good bond (two in one

Ye Lingling stopped one meter beside the two of them, pointed to the house here, and said, "I live here. However, Teacher Qin and Student Su came together. Is there anything looking for me?"

"That's not true. I wanted to find a quieter place for Su Qin to live, but I didn't expect Lingling to live here. In that case, I will take Su Qin to find other places." Qin Ming looked at Ye Lingling a little embarrassed. The way.

If it weren't for Ye Lingling's words, he didn't know that Ye Lingling actually lived in this house. In this way, the crabapple flowers in the yard should have been planted by Ye Lingling.

Su Qin's thoughts flowed, and he secretly said that this might be an opportunity.

"Sister Ye, I really like this place. I see that there are many empty houses here. I wonder if I can live here?" Su Qin asked with a smile.

Qin Ming was stunned. He didn't expect Su to say something like this. He quickly said, "Su Qin, there are a lot of empty houses in the academy, why don't I take you to other places?"

Ye Lingling looked at Su Qin carefully, and said, "You can live if you want."

Su Qin smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Ye."

Qin Ming also wanted to persuade Su Qin to change a place. At this time, listening to the answers of the two, he was stunned. He did not expect that Ye Lingling, who had always been withdrawn, would actually agree to Su Qin's somewhat impolite request.

However, since the two of them had a good talk, Qin Ming didn't plan to say anything more.

"All right. Since Lingling you agree, then I'll leave first. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, remember to come to class 3 in classroom."

As Qin Ming said, seeing the two nodded, they stayed soon and turned and left.

When Qin Ming left, Ye Lingling said to Su Qin, "There are many empty rooms here. You can find a room for yourself."

After speaking, without waiting for Su Qin's reply, Ye Lingling turned and walked towards the second-story building.

Ye Lingling's whole body exudes a kind of aura that no stranger should come near, giving people a deep sense of loneliness, as if there is nothing in this world that makes her care.

Seeing this, Su Qin hurried forward in two steps, stopped in front of Ye Lingling, shook the wine gourd in his hand, and smiled: "It's rare to see it once, and have a drink together."

Ye Lingling stopped, glanced at the wine gourd in Su Qin's hand, and said coldly: "Drink it yourself."

With that, Ye Lingling bypassed Su Qin and continued towards the second-story building not far in front.

Su Qin looked at Ye Lingling who was leaving, and was slightly stunned, and did not continue to catch up, but suddenly asked: "Do you want to break through the Tiandou hundred levels?"

Ye Lingling seemed to have not heard what Su Qin said, and continued to move forward.

"Do you want to become an auxiliary spirit master with a fighting power no weaker than the same level of combat spirit master?" Su Qin continued to ask.

Ye Lingling still walked forward on her own, ignoring Su Qin who seemed crazy behind her.

Su Qin paused, then smiled and said, "I can help you with these."

Ye Lingling finally stopped when she heard the words, but she didn't turn her head back, and said coldly: "You are only a 36th-level Soul Venerable. Why do you tell me this?"

Su Qin did not answer this question directly, just like before, smiled and shook the gourd in his hand, and said: "Come with me for a drink, and I will tell you."

Ye Lingling was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then turned around and looked at Su Qin carefully.

Su Qin, who is only 12 years old, is not tall, only about 1.65 meters, a little shorter than her. The face looked a little immature, and it was not fully opened, but it can still be seen that it is a face that countless boys and girls admire. Paired with the clothes he was wearing at this time, he was simply a beautiful young man in the wind.

At this moment, his eyebrows are full of confidence.

Ye Lingling nodded slightly, and said, "Okay."

A smile on Su Qin's face led Ye Lingling to sit on the stone table in the middle of the courtyard.

I just wanted to take out a new set of cups from the heart of the ocean, but after a while, there was an embarrassment on his face, and he asked a little embarrassed: "Do you have a cup? I have always been drinking alone. So, there are no extra cups. Of course, if you don't mind, you can drink it directly with this wine gourd."

Ye Lingling looked at Su Qin and knew from Su Qin's face that he was not lying. She took out a teacup from her soul guide and said, "No, I have it myself."

A look of disappointment flashed in Su Qin's heart, but instead of showing it on his face, he smiled and said, "Okay."

Su Qin stretched out his left hand and grabbed it out of thin air. A kind of wine exuding a faint fragrance appeared in his hand. Following Su Qin's finger, they happily fell into Ye Lingling's teacup.

Su Qin made a gesture of please and smiled: "Please drink."

Ye Lingling looked at the faintly fragrant wine in the teacup, and then looked at Su Qin. Just now, she had clearly felt the fluctuation of soul power from Su Qin's hand, but she did not ask much.

Ye Lingling held up the tea cup in front of her with her right hand, covered her face with her left hand, raised her head slightly, and drank all the wine in the cup.

Putting down the wine glass, she looked at Su Qin in front of her and asked, "Can I talk now?"

Su Qin took out a book without a name from the heart of the ocean. The book was not thick, only more than 30 pages, and placed it on the stone table in front of the two of them.

Su Qin pointed to the book and said with a smile: "This is the method."

Ye Lingling glanced at the untitled book on the table, did not touch it with her hands, but asked faintly, "What do I need to pay?"

Su Qin waved his hand and said, "No hurry, you can take a look first."

Ye Lingling did not move. Instead, she repeated what she had said before and asked, "What do I need to pay?"

Su Qin stared at Ye Lingling's eyes. After a while, Su Qin suddenly smiled and asked, "What can you give?"

Ye Lingling was stunned when she heard the words, looked at Su Qin, and thought deeply about what Su Qin said is worth her contribution.

After a while, Ye Lingling slowly closed her eyes, sighed, and said, "I don't know."

Su Qin was stunned, but he didn't expect that Ye Lingling's answer to him was actually this. He originally thought that since Ye Lingling asked that way, she must have already thought it over.

However, Su Qin thought for a while, and it was also clear.

After all, it is almost impossible to realize whether it is the one-hundred-level Heaven Dou, or the ability of an auxiliary soul master to have a fighting power not weaker than that of the same level.

Of course, if it can be realized, the value of it is immeasurable.

Su Qin smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's talk about it when you think it over."

Ye Lingling stretched out her hand to the untitled book on the table, but stopped before she was about to touch the untitled book, put her hand back, looked at Su Qin, and asked in a deep voice, "What is your purpose for doing this?"

Seeing that Ye Lingling was about to get the book, she suddenly took it back, which surprised Su Qin.

Su Qin raised her head to look at Ye Lingling, looking at the perplexity in her eyes. Su Qin hesitated for a while, then stood up suddenly, bent down slightly, and said seriously: "I want to invite Senior Sister Ye to join my power. I don't know Senior Sister Ye, would you like it? As I said before, it will be my payment to you. "

Ye Lingling looked at Su Qin's movements and asked in confusion, "Your power? What is its name? Who are they?"

Su Qin spared his head in embarrassment and said, "I just thought about it. I don't have a name yet. I am the only one at the moment. If you want to join, it will be the two of us."

Ye Lingling stood up and shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I still have to think about this. I appreciate your kindness."

With that, Ye Lingling turned and walked quickly towards the second-story house behind him.

Ye Lingling is the only direct descendant of one of the three undead sects of the earth. Although her sect power is not comparable to the three heavenly sects, it is also a very strong existence in the hidden world sect. Not many people know.

She represents not only her alone, but also the sect behind Nuo Da. She still can't make a conclusion.

Moreover, the forces Su Qin mentioned sounded too hasty.

Seeing Ye Lingling's departure, Su Qin picked up the untitled book on the table, shook his right hand, and shook it towards Ye Lingling, saying, "If you take things away first, it will be a meeting gift for you. When do you think about it? You are welcome to come to me."

The nameless book revolved around Ye Lingling, and finally stopped slowly in front of her, slowly falling.

Ye Lingling stretched out her hand to catch the fallen nameless book, her eyes were surprised, and Su Qin's hand was completely amazed by her.

Although Ye Lingling wanted to accept this untitled book that seemed to make her stronger, she suppressed the thoughts in her heart.

Ye Lingling turned to look at Su Qin, and said, "I can't take this thing."

Su Qin waved his hand indifferently: "You accept it, that thing is of no use to me, and it can be regarded as a good relationship with you."

While talking, Su Qin drank the wine in the gourd, not caring about the nameless book in Ye Lingling's hand.

What is recorded in this untitled book are all basic things, such as how to use soul power to speed up cultivation, horse-stretching, basic swordsmanship, etc.

Su Qin handed it over to Ye Lingling, thinking of it suddenly, and there was a bit of his evil taste in it.

When a person vowed to attack Ye Lingling, the auxiliary spirit master, thinking that he had the chance to win, she took out a sword, and in turn pressed the person to fight, thinking about the surprise that the person showed at the time. I saw a ghost. The expression makes people happy.

Ye Lingling looked at Su Qin's appearance, hesitated for a long time, and finally accepted it.

However, Ye Lingling did not accept the book in vain. Instead, she also took out an untitled book from her storage soul guide, but this book was obviously much thicker than Su Qin's.

Ye Lingling did not have Su Qin's method, she could accurately throw the book to Su Qin, she walked a few steps quickly, came to Su Qin's side, handed the book to Su Qin, and said, "This is some information about ancient ruins in my hand. , I will use it in exchange with you. And within my power, I can satisfy your request."

Su Qin's eyes lit up. He had only heard about ancient ruins in Yu Xiaogang's mouth. The twenty-four bridge Mingyue Ye in Tang San's hands was obtained from an ancient ruin. Very interested, but he did not hear about the ancient ruins.

As for the request Ye Lingling said, he didn't care much.

Su Qin smiled and took the information handed by Ye Lingling, and said, "Okay, I am very satisfied with it."

Ye Lingling showed an imperceptible smile on her extremely rare face, nodded, and said softly, "If this is the case, I will go back first."

With that, Ye Lingling turned and headed towards the room where she lived.

This time, Su Qin was not blocking Ye Lingling, but watched Ye Lingling enter the second-story building.

Immediately, Su Qin set his sights on the information about ancient ruins in his hands.

These ancient relics are all the relics that have been developed. Even if it is such ancient relics, it is still very helpful to Su Qin. Not only can it satisfy Su Qin's curiosity about ancient ruins, but it also allows Su Qin to have a certain understanding of ancient ruins. It is not that Su Qin accidentally encountered the ancient ruins and did not know how to develop it.

After reading these materials briefly, Su Qin looked up at the sky, and the moon was already high in the sky without knowing it.

Su Qin put the information book in his hands into the heart of the ocean, and just wanted to take out the wooden sword from it, but suddenly remembered that the wooden sword had been damaged in today's battle, and he was not prepared to have a spare practice wood. sword.

Su Qin was silent for a while, looked around, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he came to a place with a small piece of bamboo near the gate. He picked a good piece of bamboo and cut off the branches with Kunwu sword. It was truncated to a length of three feet and six inches, and I tried it in my hand, and it felt pretty good.

This bamboo is about the thickness of Suqin's thumb, and the front end is sharpened by Su Qin for practice, but it is barely enough. In order to prevent accidents, Su Qin made another bamboo sword exactly the same, which could barely be regarded as a bamboo sword.

At this time, I can only do it once, and I will make a wooden sword again tomorrow when I have time.

Of course, these wooden swords are only used in some fighting spirits, and Su Qin will still take out the Kunwu sword if it really involves life and death.

Su Qin took the bamboo sword and came to the open space in the courtyard. He raised his head slightly, glanced at a room on the second floor, with a smile on his face, waving the bamboo sword and began daily sword practice.

The sword styles of chopping, chopping, stabbing, picking, and chopping emerged from Su Qin's hands. Although Su Qin was only doing daily sword training, each move was extremely beautiful. The beauty in it was no less than the moving dance of a beautiful dancer, which was extremely pleasing to the eye.

Although Su Qin didn't use his spirit power, the wind driven by Su Qin's sword dance still blew the surrounding crabapple trees, but under Su Qin's intentional control, it did not cause substantial damage to it.

Ye Lingling on the second floor listened to the movement from downstairs, came to the window, gently opened the window and looked down, and suddenly saw Su Qin who was practicing swords downstairs.

For a while, she was surprised by the posture of Su Qin Wujian, and she was deeply attracted by it.

Time just passed by. When Su Qin finished today's practice, he raised his head slightly and just saw Ye Lingling who was watching him by the window. Su Qin smiled and invited, "Sister Ye want to be together?"

Ye Lingling came back to her senses, looked at Su Qin downstairs, shook her head, and refused: "No need."

Immediately, she closed the window, looked at the unnamed book on the desk, with a glow of excitement in her eyes, went to the desk and looked through it carefully.

Su Qin downstairs just smiled at this and continued to start other exercises today.