
Douluo’s Immortal Swordsman

First of all, this novel isn't my, and if the original author want me to deleted it just email me. Also if you want you can go to the original link because the author already posed 556 Chapters. Just in case gays this novel are copy and paste, i didn't write or add any thinks on it. The Original author is: Congee II synopsis Su Qin accidentally crossed the Douluo Continent and wrote a legend that belongs to him… Tang San: “Brother, can you do anything besides Jian (sword)?” Su Qin: “I still have a good pot of fairy brew. Would you like to have a bite? It’s effective!” Tang San: “Brother, why don’t you draw your sword, do you look down on me?” Su Qin: “Bian (sword) has an air of 30,000 miles, and a cheap (sword) has nineteen continents! I am too powerful, I am afraid you can’t afford it!” This is the Link to the original Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-immortal-swordsman/ Finally, I don't do that for the money or anything's. it's just to let you read this interesting novel.

adel12 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 8: Invitation from Wuhun Hall

"Since your parents are gone, then this matter is the same as your uncle said. Would you like to join the Wuhun Hall?" Su Yuntao looked at the two seriously.

Shi San was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Deacon Su Yuntao would invite them to join the Hall of Spirits in person when he left them. This made him a little flattered. If Su Qin was his nephew, then he would definitely not say anything, immediately. Have to promise to fight down.

But Su Qin has no blood relationship with him at all. They are nothing more than an employer-employee relationship, and although Su Qin is young, after several years of getting along, he also knows that this child is a bit precocious, even though he looks young. But doing things already looks like a little adult.

It is better for him to make decisions on his own, and he can only make suggestions. The final decision is in Su Qin's own hands. No matter what decision Su Qin makes, he will support Su Qin.

Su Qin secretly said in his heart. Su Qin had anticipated this scene when he detected that he was innately full of soul power. Although joining the Martial Soul Palace is undoubtedly the best result for his unsophisticated civilian children, once so , He has many plans that cannot be implemented.

Therefore, Su Qin directly denied this matter in his heart, but he couldn't say it so bluntly. After all, this is still another person's chassis, and he is still too weak. If the opponent uses a strong one, he will not have the slightest resistance.

Su Qin pretended to be very tangled, hesitated for a long time, raised his head, looked at Su Yuntao and said, "Deacon Su Yuntao, can you let me consider this matter again?"

Su Yuntao did not expect that there would be people who would refuse to join the Martial Spirit Hall for such a good thing. He was very surprised, even if the other party was a genius, he asked doubtfully: "What is there to hesitate? For ordinary people like us? In other words, joining the Hall of Souls is undoubtedly the fastest way to change your destiny, especially for a genius like you. As long as you join the Hall of Souls, I guess it is very likely that you will go to the Palace of the Pope to practice. You know there are legends there. Title Douluo in China is in charge!"

Shi San was rarely shocked when he listened to him, but he remained silent at this time, but the eyes that looked at Su Qin also hoped that he would join the Wuhun Hall.

Su Qin knows what the current Pope Bibi Dong is making. How could he get into the mouth of the tiger and send it to the door himself?

"Deacon Su Yuntao, you still give me some time to think about it!" Su Qin said firmly.

Seeing the duck that was about to get it, how could Su Yuntao let it go? He once again persuaded him several times, but Su Qin's attitude was very clear. It would take some time to consider. He looked at Shi San and wanted Seeking his help, the child doesn't know if he still doesn't know the strength of Wuhun Palace? But the answer is still consideration.

Seeing that Su Yuntao was helpless, he had a strong confidence in the Wuhun Temple, but he couldn't force him if the other party didn't agree to him. After all, he still couldn't offend such a genius, even if he was only a child now. It's better not to spoil your image in front of him.

Su Yuntao sighed and said, "Okay, if that's the case, you should go back and consider it again! I believe you will make the right choice in the end."

A smile appeared on Su Qin's face and thanked him, "Thank you, Deacon Su Yuntao, for your understanding."

Su Yuntao smiled bitterly, and handed the proof of Wuhun Hall to Su Qin, and said, "If this is the case, then I won't keep you here. Go back and think about it yourself."

After receiving the certificate issued by Su Yuntao, Su Qin thanked him and left the Wuhun Hall with Shi San.

Seeing Su and Qin leaving, Su Yuntao reluctantly drank a cup of tea. This genius was really difficult to deal with! After thinking about it, he did not continue to stay in his office, but went to find the Master Matthew Nuo who had a good relationship with him.

After leaving the Spirit Hall, Shi San looked at Su Qin beside him, and asked with some doubts: "Xiao Su, you are so talented, why not join the Hall of Spirits? There should be a good fit for you, right?"

Although Shi San respected Su Qin's choice, he still had some doubts about his decision, so he put forward his own ideas.

"Sanshu, I always feel that Wuhun Temple is not suitable for me." Su Qin shook his head. Naturally, Su Qin would not tell the truth, nor would Shi San believe it.

Shi San looked at Su Qin like this, and sighed: "Well, you decide this by yourself." After a pause, Shi San smiled honestly: "In order to celebrate that you not only have soul power, you can also immediately To become a soul master, I decided to treat you tonight and take you out for a big meal."

Su Qin smiled and shook his head and said, "Uncle San, let me invite everyone out for a meal."

Shi San suddenly scowled and said, "How much money do you have? I am happy today, listen to me, please!"

Seeing Shi San's appearance, Su Qin knew that he couldn't hold him back, so he nodded helplessly: "Okay."

After a pause, Su Qin asked, "Uncle San, do you know where the Noordin Junior Soul Master Academy is?"

Shi San frowned and said, "Why are you asking this? There should be four months before new students are recruited? It's useless for you to go now."

Four months?

Su Qin murmured in his heart and raised his head. Su Qin smiled and said, "Uncle San, I'm a genius. Maybe someone is willing to break the rules? Take me there!"

Shi Sanyi thought, Su Qin was right. Su Qin's martial arts soul is a sword and is innately full of soul power. The talent is very high. It basically belongs to the kind that can graduate after entering the academy, and the future is unlimited. Surely the teachers, deans and others of those colleges would be willing to break the rules for him once?

Thinking of this, Shi San nodded and said, "OK."

Therefore, Shi San led Su Qin towards the Noordin Junior Soul Master Academy.

Notting Junior Soul Master Academy is another iconic location in Notting City besides Wuhun Hall. Basically all the residents of Notting City know where it is, so it didn't take long. Shi San brought Su Qin to it. Arrived in front of the gate of Noordin Junior Soul Master Academy.

It was Su Qin who had seen many exquisite and luxurious university campuses. At this time, when he saw the gate of Notting College, he was a little shocked. This is only a junior college, which is several times more luxurious than many modern university buildings. , But the gate can tell how high the status of the soul master in this world is.

When Shi San took Su Qin to the gate, he was stopped by the young guard, "What are you doing here? Ordinary people are not welcome here!"

In Notting City, there are often ordinary people wandering here, and he is accustomed to this. Looking at Shi San and two people's costumes, it can be seen that they are just ordinary people, and he is not polite, and directly rushes people routinely.