
Douluo’s Immortal Swordsman

First of all, this novel isn't my, and if the original author want me to deleted it just email me. Also if you want you can go to the original link because the author already posed 556 Chapters. Just in case gays this novel are copy and paste, i didn't write or add any thinks on it. The Original author is: Congee II synopsis Su Qin accidentally crossed the Douluo Continent and wrote a legend that belongs to him… Tang San: “Brother, can you do anything besides Jian (sword)?” Su Qin: “I still have a good pot of fairy brew. Would you like to have a bite? It’s effective!” Tang San: “Brother, why don’t you draw your sword, do you look down on me?” Su Qin: “Bian (sword) has an air of 30,000 miles, and a cheap (sword) has nineteen continents! I am too powerful, I am afraid you can’t afford it!” This is the Link to the original Novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-immortal-swordsman/ Finally, I don't do that for the money or anything's. it's just to let you read this interesting novel.

adel12 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 107: 50 consecutive victories

Time passed quickly, and one month passed quietly.

Su Qin only participated in 6 games and won 6 victories while maintaining his own safety.

As Su Qin's number of wins in the **** killing field increased, there were fewer people who dared to attack Su Qin, but at the same time, everyone who dared to attack Su Qin was a little stronger.

When Su Qin won the sixth victory, he learned another rule in the killing fields of hell. That is every **** killing field game, the number of winning games of ten contestants cannot differ by 5 games. Unless most people have fewer games than him and more than 5 games.

The days continued to go by slowly, and ten months later, Su Qin also ushered in his 50th game.

In the killing field of hell, a total of ten people walked slowly in from ten directions. Su Qin's direction was close to the exit, and the distance between each person was relatively far.

When these ten people entered the killing field of hell, the passage they walked through made a sound of chain turning. Accompanied by the sound of'bang' landing, the passage behind them was made of thick iron. Sealed.

In this game, because there were too few people who won high games, the difference between them was far more than 5 games.

Such things are not uncommon and are also within the scope of the rules.


As the host's voice fell, several people who were close to each other rushed together and decided to divide the winner first.

The people in the two positions beside Su Qin seemed to have reached a certain tacit understanding and rushed towards Su Qin together, and in the process released their spirits.

One is the weapon spirit giant axe, and the other is the lion spirit spirit. They have one thing in common, they all wear 6 spirit rings.

This was a siege from two spirit emperors, although neither was the best spirit ring matching, but it also demonstrated their power.

If they could use spirit abilities, these two people were enough to pose a great threat to Su Qin, who had only level 40 spirit power, but in this killing city where spirit power could not be used, it would be another matter.

High soul power is important, but without skill, there is no absolute advantage for people with high soul power.

Not only did Su Qin possess skills, he also had the artifact Kunwu Sword in his hand, coupled with his high-quality spirit power, there was no suspense in this battle.

Su Qin did not wait for the two to approach and then counterattack, but took the initiative to attack.

Su Qin was holding a sword in his right hand, and with force on his feet, he rushed towards the Lion Wuhun Soul Emperor on his right hand like a cannonball, much faster than the opponent.

Li Mang flashed in the eyes of the lion spirit soul emperor, his body bowed slightly, his right hand fisted at Su Qin's heart, and he blasted out. His left hand was wiped on his waist, and a poisoned dagger had appeared in his hand, and he was ready for the back hand after the failed punch.

Su Qin's face was very calm, and he didn't care about these actions of the other party. The sword in his hand simply pierced out of the opponent's fist.

The fist was covered with heavy spirit power, forming a shield. The man did not dodge, and continued forward with an unrelenting momentum. He attempted to explode Su Qin's martial arts with this punch, causing him to be seriously injured, and then a few simple punches Solve him.

But his ideas are too naive.

The long sword collided with the fist, and the scene he expected did not happen. After his spirit power shield was only slightly blocked, it was pierced by the long sword, and the long sword continued to advance, dividing his entire arm in half.


He let out a scream, and a bead of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and forbearing the pain, he brandished the dagger on his left hand and pierced Su Qin's chest.

Su Qin's long sword immediately swung up diagonally, from the person's shoulder, the person's attack was only halfway through, and he was beheaded by a sword. His body unconsciously continued two steps forward, and then fell to the ground.

Su Qin dodged the corpse, just in case, he supplemented him with two swords and divided it into four sections.

After solving one person easily, Su Qin did not relax, and immediately moved towards the Great Axe Soul Emperor whose face was full of hideous colors.

It was much simpler for Su Qin to deal with the weapon spirit master. First, he directly cut his martial soul into two pieces, letting him suffer from the damage of the martial soul, and then simply three swords, beheaded, cut in the waist, and laparotomy.

While Su Qin was solving these two people, fighting was also taking place in other places. Each of their attacks aimed to inflict heavy damage on the opponent and even kill them with one blow. Although they could kill the opponent, they would also have a lot of glory.

At this time, Su Qin began to happily pick up the leakage and harvest.

Not long after, this game came to an end, and Su Qin also won his 50th consecutive victory.

Su Qin looked at the blood splashing on his clothes and shook his head. His killing skills need to be improved.

In the beginning, Su Qin's skills were also influenced by modern martial arts, which was tangible but not fatal. After several injuries, Su Qin gradually understood something.

The sword is a killer, this is an indisputable fact.

In the past, although his sword moves seemed mighty, but the real deadly attacks were few. After several wanderings on the edge of death, Su Qin changed his mind, not about stubbornness and the skillfulness of sword strokes, but striving to be fast, accurate, and ruthless. Every sword will see blood and the sword will seal the throat.

In this way, after constant exploration and actual combat, Su Qin's current strength has made a qualitative leap.

Walking out of the killing fields of hell, Su Qin felt some peeping gazes. Su Qin glanced over, and those who peeped lowered their heads and dared not look at them.

"Mr. 8848, can I have a chat alone?"

A cold voice sounded from the side, and Su Qin turned to look. It was a woman with a black veil, even though she was wearing a mask, it was difficult to hide her beauty. She has a good figure and fair skin.

Su Qin stayed here for a long time. Although he hadn't seen her, he had heard some news about this woman. It was rumored that she was the most favored woman of the King of Slaughter.

Su Qin maintained an indifferent color on his face, and did not change because of the appearance of this woman, and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

The black gauze woman said: "I am coming to you on behalf of my king. There are many people here, so I can take a step to speak."

Su Qin was a little confused and didn't know what the King of Slaughter was looking for. Although he won 50 games, it is not worth the other party to send someone to look for him, right?

Su Qin remembers that it seems that he needs to win a hundred titles to get such treatment, right?

Although it is not clear why the other party is looking for him, but now in other people's turf, he can't refuse. Su Qin nodded without changing his face and said, "Okay, you can lead the way."