
Doulou Dalu:The Forgotten Legend

The disappearance of the Divine Kingdom of the Doulo Continent affected the course of the history of their world, which headed into an unknown direction. Shenglin, a boy who should never have appeared in this world, imperceptibly influenced him. But as it turned out, his connection to the world is much stronger and deeper than that of others. Will he be able to ascend to the top of the world, becoming a god and write his name into history, becoming a legend. We will find out in this story.

Rasul_Baratov · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Interlude (Teacher)

I've been through a lot, but I've never experienced this before. I liked the feeling of the student demonstrating the results of our training and his growth.

I've been watching him since he was a kid, I've never had children. But if I had a child, I would like it to be like him.

"I renounce you as my disciple. There's nothing connecting us anymore.- when I said that, I felt like I was almost sick, I don't even know how to describe what I felt. Only one word comes to my mind and that's sadness.

- Karmic Clipping.

And then I watch my disciple suffer, he trembled, his cultivation disappeared, even the people dear to him forgot about him. And only three people remembered him. It's me and his biological parents.

I personally stripped him of the power I gave him. A whirlwind of two colors swirled in my hand, but I could feel how he wanted to return to Shenglin. I couldn't even look him in the eye.

What a coward I am... if he hates me, then so be it, I will accept his anger.

But at that moment, I heard something I didn't expect.

- Teacher ... I am grateful with all my heart that I am your student, even if you disowned me, I will consider your teacher for the rest of my life ... I do not blame you ... although I did not fully understand what happened, but it was all my fault... - he smiled a beautiful childish smile.

- Thanks for everything ... - after these words, he collapsed to the floor.

Before my eyes, the thread of karma that bound us disappeared.

A storm of emotions raged in me, I don't want to let him go, I want to see him rise to the top of the world. I want to teach him, I want him to learn from me. Unconsciously, tears started running down my cheeks. It was the third time I cried in my life.

A helpless smile appeared on my face. It's all because of me. I hope you'll be happy. I wanted to say those words, but I couldn't.

Before I leave, I have to give you one last gift. A book appeared in my hands, which shrank to the size of a bead, after which I covered it with my spiritual consciousness.

I felt the clone of Creation weaken, unnoticed by him, I moved the bead into the body of my disciple. It contains all my knowledge, the story of my life, as well as the power that will raise the Technique of Overcoming the Law of Heaven to level 4. Although this book will not last long in this world, but I hope it will help you. The rest is in your hands.

I'll be watching you.

It's the only thing I can do.

- Goodbye.- after these words, I left the World of Doulo.