
doulou dalu:ten thousand worlds anime system

A young fan of novels and anime was reborn on the Doulo continent. Full of excitement for coming to his favorite novel, feng liang couldn't help but imagine his bright future, but reality gave him a bucket of cold water, drase realizes that not everything was so easy. Desperate as it was a year before the plot began, his long-awaited golden finger finally arrived and from that moment his life began to improve, coming to fulfill many of his dreams. [do not lick tang san, do not worship the teacher] Chapters will be uploaded every 4 or 3 days, in total 2 times per week. -----------IMPORTANT-------------------------------- This is my first novel, besides, English is not my native language. But I hope you like it and apologize beforehand if there are problems with the writing. In this story, I'm putting together several things that I would like, it won't be a perfect story.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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108 Chs

Xiao Wu vs Yin Lan

In this fight, I was very attentive in case a problem occurred, besides, I also wanted to see how this fight happened because they both have the same fighting style.

For example, they both use flexibility in their fighting style, only little Yin focuses more on precision and technique because of her Kung fu style, while Xiao Wu, focuses more on her fighting instinct, being a soul beast she has experienced many more things when it comes to battles.

The first to attack was Xiao Wu, her weak and thin right leg lightly stepped on the ground, her small body seemed to have a spring, and she ran straight towards little Yin, and in the blink of an eye, she had already arrived in front of Yin lan, although she was a little nervous at first, she quickly calmed down, as it was not the first time she fought with someone, besides, the girl still had a lower soul level than her, so she had a little confidence.

Little Yin decided to start with a defensive strategy, watching the young girl's movements and waiting for the right moment to counterattack.

Xiao Wu launched the first kick, to which little Yin simply defended herself, but what she did not expect was that, after the first kick, a second one came very quickly, which had more strength and speed than the first one, so she had to retreat a few steps.

Seeing that he could not be alone on the defensive, he decided to attack with his kung fu movement techniques, attacking the important points to leave her immobilized for a moment.

When both began to attack and dodge, we were all shocked, and it was not because of the great movements they made, but because of the ferocity of the attacks they made on each other. Every time they went on to punch each other's faces, they made things worse, we all couldn't help but gulp a little and think, "The girls are so scary."

While we were all watching the fight, in the small room 407, which belonged to Yu Xiaogang, there is Tang San talking to the master.

"Alright little San, there is no one here, so show me your martial spirits."

Seeing that they were alone, Tang san no longer hesitated, he raised his hands and showed his martial spirits.

"My first martial spirit is blue silver Grass and my second ring is a hammer, but my father told me not to use it or take it out unless in an emergency."

When Yu xiaogang saw his second martial spirit, he knew that this little guy's background would not be easy things, only Tang san didn't know about it. So he thought for a few moments and quickly replied.

"Your father is right, for the time being don't let anyone know what your second martial spirit is and just worry about your first martial spirit. Speaking of them, these days we will go hunting spirit beasts and I will help you obtain your first spirit ring."

When his master talked about his first soul ring, Tang san's face couldn't help but twitch a little, thinking that maybe his master knew about the topic on the subject decided to ask him:

"Master, is it normal for a spirit ring to change color from before you absorb it, to the moment after you have absorbed it?"

When the master heard Tang san's question, he frowned, as he had never heard of such a thing and also did not believe that it could happen, so he asked Tang san about it. Listening to his master's doubts, he began to tell him about what happened on the way to Notting City, about how his ring from turning from yellow to white and also about the changes the beast had after absorbing, finally embarrassed he told him about his first soul ability, which was the same as in his original novel, only it was much weaker and had a horrible smell.

After he finished listening to what student said, Yu xiaogang couldn't help but be stunned, because soul rings are a very important thing, since you can only have 9 skills in a lifetime at most. He couldn't calm down for a while, because he was a little regretful that he had chosen the person who had already had his first spirit ring ruined, but thinking that luckily little san had twin martial arts, it was not so much anymore, just a bad start and if it could be corrected from now on.

"Little san, I don't think things are as easy as they seem, there must be something wrong with your situation, but don't worry, despite having a bad start, remember that you still still have twin martial souls and are innately full of soul power.

Also, be careful of that fellow of yours Feng Liang because he's not as simple as he seems and being the first one who warned about the soul beast, I don't think he's unrelated to him."

When Tang san listened to his master's analysis, he felt that what he said, it didn't seem to be all wrong, it seems that the thing about his spirit ring should have something to do with Feng Liang, but the more important question is why would he do this.

"What motive would he have to do this to me? Since even though we are not friends, we didn't talk much before either, he shouldn't have any reason to do this."

Tang san said hesitantly.

"One never knows what a person's heart hides, it could be envy, jealousy or anything else, so stay away from him in the future or just be more careful when interacting with him."

After that they continued talking about other topics, before sending Tang san back to Qishe's living room with a quilt.

Meanwhile, back in Qishe's hall, the fight between little Yin and Xiao Wu was still going on, seeing them with injuries I knew it was time for them to end.

So I used shunpo and appeared between the two of them while they were fighting, I deflected little Yin's arm and grabbed her waist to prevent her from escaping and did the same with Xiao Wu, the two actions were done simultaneously.

When they both realized that I easily deflected their attacks at the same time and grabbed them by their waists, both of them were a little surprised and then blushed.

" you – you what are you trying to do," Xiao Wu said, she was very nervous because she had never had such close contact with a person of the opposite sex.

"Brother feng... "Little Yin was just as embarrassed as Xiao Wu, only instead of nervousness there was a hint of happiness in her eyes.

"You guys are going too far, I can't stand that you two cute girls keep hurting each other, much less if it's for such a minor reason as who will be Quise's boss, besides since you're both good at fighting, why not just be the big sisters of this house, I don't think anyone will dare say otherwise."

When I finished speaking, the two girls realized that they had gone too far in confronting each other, besides, they turned redder when I said that they were cute because it was the first time a boy had said it to them, not to mention that the idea of being Qishe's big sisters seemed to please them, since they kept looking at the others in the room.

Seeing this, Wang Sheng, the former head of Qishe spoke directly, "What brother Feng said is right, both of you are very strong people, so be the big sisters of our house, of the students who study and work."

Wang Sheng was no fool, seeing that I easily deflect the attacks of the two girls, he knew that I was much stronger, so he did not want to show a bad first impression.

"See, it's much easier to settle these things this way, instead of continuing to hurt each other "I said in a calm voice.

"I understand, but can you let us go?" said Xiao Wu.

After listening to her I realized that I still didn't let go of them, but in order not to look like a shameless person, I took out my Yggdrasil martial spirit and used it.

"First Soul Skill - Field of Life."

After speaking, everyone in the room, felt their physical state improve a little and all their wounds were healed, including the most difficult to heal. When I saw that the wounds of little Yin and Xiao Wu recovered I let go of them and slowly walked away, I must admit that having two pretty girls in each of my arms is amazing. (Bah shameless).

They both stared at me for a small moment, not knowing what was going on inside them.

Just as I walked away from the two little girls, I got a system message:

[2 missions are released:

Mission 1: Prevent Tang san from being the boss of Qise.

Condition: Defeat tang san by restricting your soul power to the same level as his.

Mission 2: Prevent Female Protagonist Xiao Wu from sharing a bed with Tang san.

The host is reminded that the missions are voluntary].

After receiving the voice from the system, there was a small smile on my mouth, as I could finally fight with Tang san.