
doulou dalu:ten thousand worlds anime system

A young fan of novels and anime was reborn on the Doulo continent. Full of excitement for coming to his favorite novel, feng liang couldn't help but imagine his bright future, but reality gave him a bucket of cold water, drase realizes that not everything was so easy. Desperate as it was a year before the plot began, his long-awaited golden finger finally arrived and from that moment his life began to improve, coming to fulfill many of his dreams. [do not lick tang san, do not worship the teacher] Chapters will be uploaded every 4 or 3 days, in total 2 times per week. -----------IMPORTANT-------------------------------- This is my first novel, besides, English is not my native language. But I hope you like it and apologize beforehand if there are problems with the writing. In this story, I'm putting together several things that I would like, it won't be a perfect story.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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108 Chs

coming to shicun

Seeing that they were at a disadvantage, I decided to help the hunters. The reason was very simple: Shicun village was the only one that could be hunting a cow with giant bull horns in such an arid place.

So, without thinking twice, I quickly headed towards the beast and gave it a strong blow to the head. One should not underestimate me just because I look like a child, since every seed of the divine elephant that I awaken grants me a strength of 100,000 kg per blow, and I already have three awakened seeds. When the beast received my blow, it died instantly, and its head was crushed on the ground. All the hunters were surprised to see that the animal that had been so difficult for them to kill was easily defeated by a child.

The group leader quickly approached me and spoke to me with a grateful tone: "Hello boy, my name is Shi Linhu, I wanted to thank you for helping us with this animal."

Knowing that his last name was "Shi," I knew I had guessed correctly, so I responded politely, as I needed to stay in their village for a while: "Don't worry, I just did what needed to be done. Besides, I came to help you for selfish reasons, it turns out I got lost and don't know where I can find a place to stay."

Upon hearing my problem, Shi Linhu responded to me as I expected: "If you have nowhere to go, you can come to our village and stay for a few days. Moreover, you are our savior, so we can happily receive you."

Although I was about to accept, I didn't want to be too obvious. Therefore, I waited for a while to make a decision and finally accepted.

On the way to Shicun, Shi Linhu and I were talking about various topics. Knowing that they hadn't had much luck on that outing, I decided to help them. I asked Xu Jiang for help in giving me some directions to places where there were beasts that they could hunt.

I decided that I needed to do something more to gain the trust of these people, not only out of goodwill, but because I knew it could be of great importance if I returned to this world in the future.

Although we deviated from the path to Shicun, it was worth it, as we had hunted too many beasts that would help them have meat for a good while. All the people who came with us were in very good spirits and we were talking and laughing out loud. After three days, we finally arrived in Shicun.

When we were about to arrive, I could see a large group of women with children in their arms, as well as young people waiting at the entrance of the village. The moment they saw the large amount of food we had brought, everyone was surprised and each of the hunters began to boast about who had killed the biggest beast.

The moment everyone found out about my presence, they stared at me with wide eyes, as it was very hard to believe that a seven-year-old could have so much strength. Only the clan leader was a little calmer and spoke to me:

"Little Feng, are you from a great family?"

"Mr. Shi, I can't speak much about my clan as we have a rule that prohibits mentioning the origin of a young person when they go out to practice. We are not allowed to rely on the prestige of our family to overcome our problems," I said cautiously as I looked at Shi Yunfeng.

Upon hearing my response, Shi Yunfeng seemed more confident that I came from a great family. He thought that a young man as mature and strong as myself couldn't come from a small place.

"I understand. Shi Linhu has already told me about your situation. You can stay in this village for as long as you want. It's the least we can do to thank you for the great help you've given us," Shi Yunfeng said.

As I looked at him, this elder reminded me of Grandpa Jack, both are very kind and always extend a helping hand to those in trouble.

"Thank you very much," I said. "During the time I'm here, you can ask me anything about cultivation. Additionally, anyone who has a wound or illness can come to me, perhaps I can help them heal."

Upon hearing that I could help them recover from wounds or illnesses, they looked at me with surprise and skepticism.

The village chief was the first to ask me about the veracity of the matter: "Do you really have any way to cure wounds or illnesses?" he asked curiously.

I decided not to answer him directly. Instead, I approached him and whispered: "Field of Life."

In the next moment, everything around me started to bloom in an area of 10 meters. Even the wounds of the clan chief were healing rapidly.

"My leg wound is healing!" shouted a young man who was holding onto a cane.

"My arm no longer hurts!" said another person.

"All my old wounds have healed! I feel much younger than before!" exclaimed the clan chief as he laughed with joy.

At that moment, everyone believed me and was very happy to have someone who could help them heal their wounds. Many started calling more people from the clan to receive help. However, I quickly interrupted:

"There's no rush. I recommend that we first take care of the animals we brought, otherwise, they will go to waste."

Everyone realized that they were forgetting a very important matter, so they felt a little embarrassed and started working. Many women took knives from their houses to start working, while the village chief extracted the essence of the animal's blood to make a medicinal bath for the children of the clan.

After they had finished dealing with the animals, I went to see the people. I went back and forth throughout the village, healing wounds and ailments with my "Life Field" technique. I could see the happiness on the faces of the people as I helped them recover, while I was also very happy inside since my plan was working wonders. Moreover, this work really wasn't too difficult, so in less than two hours, I had finished treating everyone.

After we finished dismembering the animals and removing all the meat, we proceeded to burn the remains and leave some untouched as an offering to the village's guardian spirit. I was surprised to see that the willow tree was the guardian spirit, as it looked like an old burnt trunk, which made me feel a little disappointed. However, I immediately dismissed that thought and realized how superficial I was being.

It was at that moment when I started to think about how to approach Liu Sheng, and if possible, recruit her into my sect and bring her to my world. But I knew that doing this wouldn't be easy since I still didn't know if she was awake or still sleeping. Even if she was awake, how could I approach her without seeming like a stranger? Additionally, I didn't want to have a bad first impression with my future wife.

The ceremony went smoothly and lasted for about an hour. After that, each person went home to ration the meat that had been given to them. In my case, I followed the village chief to one of the leftover houses in the village since there were none available. The house was a bit away from the others and had a modest and simple structure that blended in with the natural environment surrounding it. The aged wood and cracks on its façade seemed to show the ravages of time and the countless storms it had endured over the years.